Mark 2:2-28
<2112> [straightway.]
So ................ and he preached <2532 2980> [and he.]
bringing <5342> [bringing.]
they removed <648> [they uncovered.]
saw <1492> [saw.]
he said <3004> [he said.]
Son <5043> [Son.]
The Jews believed that not only death but all disease was the consequence of sin. "There is no death without sin, nor any chastisement without iniquity;" and that "no diseased person could be healed of his disease till his sins were blotted out." Our Lord, therefore, as usual, appeals to their received opinions, and asserts his high dignity, by first forgiving the sins, and then healing the body of the paralytic.
sins <266> [sins.]
turning <2532 1260> [and reasoning.]
does .... speak <2980> [speak.]
Why ........... Who <5101> [who.]
Jesus <2424> [when.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
<2076> [is it.]
sins <266> [Thy sins.]
<5620> [insomuch.]
glorified <1392> [glorified.]
We have never seen <1492 3763> [We never.]
by <3844> [by.]
The whole ...... and <2532 3956> [and all.]
he saw <1492> [he saw.]
Alphaeus <256> [Alphaeus.]
tax booth <5058> [receipt of custom. or, place where the custom was received.]
Follow me ........... followed <190 3427> [Follow me.]
<5101> [How.]
tax collectors ............ tax collectors <5057> [publicans.]
are healthy <2480> [They that are whole.]
come <2064> [I came.]
disciples ................. disciples ...... disciples ........ disciples <3101> [the disciples.]
<1302> [Why.]
cannot <1410> [Can.]
bridegroom <3566> [the bridegroom.]
will be taken <522> [be taken.]
and <2532> [and.]
sews <1976> [seweth.]
of unshrunk ............... new <46 2537> [new. or, raw, or, unwrought.]
wineskins ........ skins ........ skins ............ wineskins <779> [bottles.]
his <846> [that.]
to pick <5089> [to pluck.]
why <5101> [why.]
what is <3739> [that.]
never <3763> [Have.]
what <5101> [what.]
Abiathar <8> [Abiathar.]
It appears from the passage referred to here, that Ahimelech was then high priest at Nob; and from other passages, that Abiathar was his son. Various conjectures have been formed in order to solve this difficulty; and some, instead of untying, have cut the knot, by pronouncing it an interpolation. The most probable opinion seems to be, that both father and son had two names, the father being also called Abiathar; and this appears almost certain from 2 Sa 8:17; 1 Ch 18:16, where Ahimelech seems evidently termed Abiathar, while Abiathar is called Ahimelech or Abimelech. (Compare 1 Ki 2:26, 27.)
which is against the law <3739 1832 3756> [which is not lawful.]