Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 98:1-3
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Play Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
1. Pengikut Kristus, nyanyilah, berdendang dan menari,
terhibur oleh kurnia bersatu dalam kasih: Terang Ilahi
berseri, yang dari sorga diberi; harganya paling mahal.
2. Si jahat dan kuasa maut membuatku binasa. 'Ku lahir
dalam kemelut, tersiksa oleh dosa. Semakin aku terjerat:
celaka aku yang sesat, dirasuk kejahatan.
Mzm 51:6-7
2 Tim 2:26
3. Percuma perbuatanku, niatku sudah salah; durhaka keinginanku,
melawan hukum Allah. Berputus asa dan cemas di pintu maut
terhempas, 'ku harus ke neraka!
Rm 7:13-26
Gal 3:1-14
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
4. Allahku pun terharulah melihatku melarat; Ia mengingat rahmatNya
dan ingin 'ku selamat; berpaling Ia padaku dengan anugerah penuh,
berkurban yang termahal.
Mzm 98:3
2 Tim 1:9
Rm 8:32
1 Kor 6:20
5. SabdaNya pada putraNya: "T'lah tiba zaman rahmat; pergilah Kau
ke dunia, s'lamatkan yang melarat. Supaya dosa tak tetap, kuasa maut
pun lenyap, berilah hidup baru!"
Yes 60:1-2
Yoh 3:16
Gal 4:4-5
2 Tim 1:10
6. Sang Putra patuh segera dan datang kepadaku sebagai Anak Maria
menjadi sesamaku, mengambil rupa terendah dan oleh cara itulah
si Iblis Ia tangkap.
Mzm 40:8-9
Flp 2:5-8
Luk 10:18
Why 12:9
7. SabdaNya: "Dengan kasihKu hatimu kini tabah: diriKu ganti dirimu,
bagimu 'Ku berlaga; engkau dan Aku satulah di dunia dan selamanya;
tiada yang pisahkan."
1 Ptr 2:24
Rm 8:37-39
8. "Telah tercurah darahKu dan rela Aku mati demi keselamatanmu:
percaya dalam hati! Dengan perangai suciKu Kuhapus dosa-dosamu
dan kau beroleh rahmat."
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
9. "Kepada Bapa 'Ku pergi sesudah 'Ku berkurban dan kepadamu Kuberi
Roh Kudus penghiburan yang mengajarkan padamu segala makna sabdaKu
Di dalam kebenaran."
Yoh 14:28
Yoh 14:25-26
Yoh 16:13-14
10. "KaryaKu dan ajaranKu mestilah kauterapkan, sehingga dunia penuh
semarak Kerajaan; hartamu pertahankanlah terhadap dalih dunia.
Hayatilah sabdaKu."Kis 1:1
Mat 28:19-20
Why 3:11
Play Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
1. Tabuh gendang! Sambil menari nyanyikan lagu yang merdu!
Bunyikanlah gambus, kecapi: mari memuji Allahmu! Karya
Besar yang agung benar t'lah dilakukanNya terhadap umatNya!Kel 15:1-21
Mzm 66
Mzm 98
2. Israel pun atas berkatNya riang gembira bermazmur. Ikut serta
kita percaya dan kepadaNya bersyukur: "Tuhanlah baik, kasihNya
ajaib kekal selamanya; terpuji namaNya!"
Mzm 118:1-4, 29
Mzm 136
3. Dulu telah dari himpitan Ia bebaskan umatNya. Habis mendung
Ia berikan sinar mentari yang cerah! Puji terus yang Mahakudus:
Bebanmu yang berat digantiNya berkat!Mzm 77:17-21
Psalms 98:1-3
[Psa 98:1] Come, Let Us Sing Before The Lord
Come, let us sing before the Lord
New songs of praise with sweet accord,
For wonders great by Him are done,
His mighty arm has victory won.The great salvation of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the nations’ wondering sight
He has revealed His truth and right.He called to mind the truth and grace
Bestowed upon His chosen race,
And unto earth’s remotest bound
Glad tidings of salvation sound.All lands, to God lift up your voice,
Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;
With voice of joy and loud acclaim
Let all unite and praise His Name.Praise ye the Lord with harp and song,
With voice of psalms His praise prolong;
In swelling chorus gladly sing
And shout before the Lord, the King.Let earth be glad, let ocean roar,
And praises sound from shore to shore;
Let floods and hills with glad accord
Show forth their joy before the Lord.For, lo, He comes; at His command
All nations shall in judgment stand;
In justice robed, and throned in light,
The Lord shall judge, dispensing right.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 98:1] Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord
Come, let us sing unto the Lord,
New songs of praise with sweet accord;
For wonders great by Him are done;
His hand and arm have victory won,
His hand and arm have victory won.The great salvation of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the heathen’s wondering sight,
He hath revealed His truth and right,
He hath revealed His truth and right.He called to mind His truth and grace
In promise made to Israel’s race;
And unto earth’s remotest bound,
Glad tidings of salvation sound,
Glad tidings of salvation sound.All lands to God lift up your voice;
Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;
With voice of joy and loud acclaim,
Let all unite and praise His Name,
Let all unite and praise His Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 98:1] Sing A New Song To Jehovah
Sing a new song to Jehovah, for the wonders He has wrought,
His right hand and arm most holy triumph to His cause have brought.
In His love and tender mercy He has made salvation known,
In the sight of every nation He His righteousness has shown.Truth and mercy toward His people He has ever kept in mind,
And His full and free salvation He has shown to all mankind.
Sing, O earth, sing to Jehovah, praises to Jehovah sing;
With the swelling notes of music shout before the Lord, the King.Seas and all your fullness, thunder, all earth’s peoples, now rejoice,
Floods and hills, in praise uniting, to the Lord lift up your voice.
For, behold, Jehovah cometh, robed in justice and in might;
He alone will judge the nations, and His judgment shall be right.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 98:1] Songs Anew Of Honor Framing
Songs anew of honor framing,
Sing ye to the Lord alone;
All His wondrous works proclaiming,
Jesus wondrous works hath done!
Glorious victory, glorious victory,
His right hand and arm have won.Refrain
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, praise the Lord!Now He bids his great salvation
Through the heathen lands be told;
Tidings spread through every nation,
And His acts of grace unfold.
All the heathen, all the heathen
Shall His righteousness behold.Refrain
Shout aloud, and hail the Savior;
Jesus, Lord of all, proclaim!
As ye triumph in His favor,
All ye lands declare His fame.
Loud rejoicing, loud rejoicing,
Shout the honors of His Name!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 98:1] Unto God Our Savior
Unto God our Savior sing a joyful song;
Wondrous are His doings, for His arm is strong.
He was wrought salvation, He has made it known,
And before the nations is His justice known.Joyful, all ye people, sing before the Lord;
Shout and sing His praises now in glad accord;
With the harp and trumpet joyful praises bring;
Come, rejoice before Him, God, the Lord, your King.Waves of mighty ocean, earth with fullness stored,
Floods and fields and mountains, sing before the Lord;
For He comes with justice, evil to redress,
And to judge the nations in His righteousness.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 98:1] With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed
With glory clad, with strength arrayed,
The Lord, that o’er all nature reigns,
The world’s foundations strongly laid,
And the vast fabric still sustains.How surely stablished is Thy throne,
Which shall no change or period see!
For Thou, O Lord, and Thou alone,
Art God from all eternity.The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice,
And toss the troubled waves on high;
But God above can still their noise,
And make the angry sea comply.Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure,
And they that in Thy house would dwell,
That happy station to secure,
Must still in holiness excel.Play source: Cyberhymnal