NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Romans 15:23


But ............. and <1161> [and.]

Romans 15:32


may come <2064> [I may.]

by ... will <1223 2307> [by the.]

<2532> [and many.]

Genesis 31:30


gods <0430> [my gods.]

Genesis 31:2


face <06440> [countenance.]

attitude <08543> [it was.]

[as before. Heb. as yesterday and the day before.]

Genesis 13:1


Negev <05045> [A.M. 2086. B.C. 1918. the south.]

The south of Canaan; as in leaving Egypt, it is said he "came from the south," (ver. 3,) and the southern part of the promised land lay north-east of Egypt.

Genesis 23:15


400 <0702> [is worth.]

Though the words "is worth" are not in the Text, yet they are clearly implied, to adapt the Hebrew to the English idiom. A shekel, according to the general opinion, was equal in value to about 2s. 6d. of our money, but according to Dr. Prideaux, 3s. English. In those early times, money was given in weight; for it is said (ver. 16.) that "Abraham weighed," {wayishkal,} the silver; and hence, we find that it was a certain weight which afterwards passed as a current coin; for the word shekel is not only used to denote a piece of sliver, but also to weigh.

pieces <08255> [shekels.]

Genesis 23:2


Kiriath Arba <07153> [Kirjath-arba.]

went <0935> [came.]

For the convenience of feeding his numerous flocks, Abraham had several places of temporary residence; and it is likely, that while he sojourned at Beer-sheba, as we find he did from ver. 19 of the preceding chapter, Sarah died at Hebron, which was 24 miles distant.

mourn <05594> [mourn.]

Colossians 1:14


whom <3739> [whom.]

forgiveness <859> [the.]

Philippians 1:8


God <2316> [God.]

<5613> [how.]

with <1722> [in.]

Philippians 2:26


greatly missed <2258 1971> [he longed.]

was distressed <85> [full.]

you heard <191> [ye had.]

Philippians 4:1


So then <5620> [Therefore.]

and <2532> [and.]

my ............. joy ........... my <3450 5479> [my joy.]

in this way <3779> [so.]

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