Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 1 Peter 5:10-14 (NET)

5:10 And , after you have suffered for a little while , the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore , confirm, strengthen , and establish you. 5:11 To him belongs the power forever . Amen .
Final Greetings
5:12 Through Silvanus , whom I know to be a faithful brother , I have written to you briefly , in order to encourage you and testify that this is the true grace of God . Stand fast in it. 5:13 The church in Babylon , chosen together with you, greets you , and so does Mark , my son . 5:14 Greet one another with a loving kiss . Peace to all of you who are in Christ .



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
  • AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
  • Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
  • Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303a]
  • Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303b]
  • Serahkan pada Tuhan [KJ.417]
  • Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]


Sermon Illustrations

Does God Punish People Forever?; Eleven Benedictions in the Bible


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The writer did not identify himself as the writer anywhere in this Gospel. There are many statements of the early church fathers, however, that identify John Mark as the writer.The earliest reference of this type is in Eusebi...
  • Luke placed this event next probably because of its logical connection with Jesus' preceding comment about the disciples remaining faithful to Him during His past trials. That would not continue. However, he did not record Je...
  • "Peter's rescue from prison is an unusually vivid episode in Acts even when simply taken as a story about Peter. Because it is not connected with events in the chapters immediately before and after it, however, it may seem ra...
  • 15:22 The Jerusalem leaders chose two witnesses to return to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas to confirm verbally the decision of this council. Judas had a Jewish name so he may have been a Hebraic Jew whereas Silas had a Greek...
  • Paul wrote this first sentence to identify himself, his companions, and his addressees, and to convey a formal word of greeting.At the time he wrote this epistle Silas and Timothy were with Paul. "Silvanus"was the Roman form ...
  • This epistle claims that the Apostle Peter wrote it (1:1). Since there is only one Peter who was an apostle we may be confident of the identity of the writer. There is only one Peter that the entire New Testament mentioned. S...
  • One writer has identified five major motifs in 1 Peter. These are the believer's behavior, the believer's unfair circumstances, the believer's deference, the believer's motivation by Christ's example, and the believer's antic...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-2II. The identity of Christians 1:3-2:10A. Our great salvation 1:3-121. The hope of our salvation 1:3-52. The joy of our salvation 1:6-93. The witnesses of our salvation 1:10-12B. Our new way of life 1:13-...
  • Peter began this epistle in the manner that was customary in this day.9He introduced himself and his original readers, and he wished God's blessing on them to prepare them for what he had to say. He prepared them for dealing ...
  • 1:13 "Therefore"ties in with everything Peter had explained thus far (vv. 3-12). He said in effect, Now that you have focused your thinking positively you need to roll up your sleeves mentally and adopt some attitudes that wi...
  • To prepare his readers to meet the Lord soon Peter urged them to make the best use of their time now that they understood what he had written about suffering.4:7 Like the other apostles Peter believed the return of Jesus Chri...
  • 5:8 Trust in God is not all that we need, however. We also need to practice self-control and to keep alert (cf. 1:13; 4:7) because Satan is on the prowl (cf. Job 1:7; Matt. 26:41; 1 Cor. 16:13). Peter's readers were in danger...
  • Peter concluded this epistle with a final exhortation and greetings from those with him and himself to encourage his readers further.5:12 Silvanus is the Roman form of the Greek name Silas. This Silas may very well have been ...
  • Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publishing Co., 1999.Balch, D. L. Let Wives Be Submissive: The Domestic Code in I Peter. Chico: Calif.: Scholars Press, 1981._____. "Let Wi...
  • Peter wrote this epistle, as he did 1 Peter, to establish believers in their faith. He wrote both letters in obedience to Jesus' instructions to him to "strengthen your brothers"(Luke 22:32). Both epistles contain reminders o...
  • The writer identified himself as "the elder"(v. 1). The writings of the early church fathers attribute authorship of this epistle to the Apostle John. The early Christians commonly recognized him as "the elder"in view. We mig...
  • The fact that separate and succeeding angels make these announcements stresses their importance and their sequential relationship. A second angel followed the first with the message that Babylon had fallen. This is another pr...
  • Further revelation concerning the destruction of Babylon follows in chapters 17 and 18. Both chapters are parenthetic in that they do not advance the revelation chronologically. They give further supplementary information abo...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Christ hath suffered in the flesh.' That is the great fact which should shape the course of all His followers. But what does suffering in the flesh mean here? It does not refer only to the death of Jesus, but to His whole lif...
  • By Sylvanus, our faithful brother, as I account him, I have written unto you briefly.'--1 Peter 5:12 (R. V.).I ADOPT the Revised Version because, in one or two small points, it brings out more clearly the Apostle's meaning. T...
  • "I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand.'--1 Peter 5:12.I HAVE written briefly,' says Peter. But his letter, in comparison with the other epistles of the New Test...
  • The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you.'--1 Peter 5:13.WE have drawn lessons in previous addresses from the former parts of the closing salutations of this letter. And now I turn to this one to...
  • So doth Marcus, my son.'--1 Peter 5:13.THE outlines of Mark's life, so far as recorded in Scripture, are familiar. He was the son of Mary, a woman of some wealth and position, as is implied by the fact that her house was larg...
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