Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Mark 10:13-16 (NET)

Jesus and Little Children
10:13 Now people were bringing little children to him for him to touch , but the disciples scolded those who brought them . 10:14 But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them , “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them , for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these . 10:15 I tell you the truth , whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it .” 10:16 After he took the children in his arms , he placed his hands on them and blessed them.



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Biar Kanak-kanak Datang kepadaKu [KJ.360]
  • Biarlah Semua Anak [KJ.154]
  • Pandang, ya Bapa dalam RahmatMu [KJ.304]
  • S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
  • Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
  • Tiap Hari Bergembira [KJ.150]
  • Yesus Sayang Padaku [KJ.184] ( Jesus Loves Me )
  • Yesus, Kawan Anak-anak [KJ.420]
  • [Mar 10:14] A Little Child The Savior Came
  • [Mar 10:14] If I Come To Jesus
  • [Mar 10:14] Little Children, Come Away
  • [Mar 10:14] O Lord, The Holy Innocents
  • [Mar 10:14] Our God Of Love, Who Reigns Above
  • [Mar 10:14] Waken! Christian Children
  • [Mar 10:14] We Come In Childhood’s Joyfulness
  • [Mar 10:14] Wise May Bring Their Learning, The
  • [Mar 10:16] Christ, Who Once Among Us
  • [Mar 10:16] Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
  • [Mar 10:16] See Israel’s Gentle Shepherd Stand
  • [Mar 10:16] There’s A Friend For Little Children


Sermon Illustrations

Jesus and Anger; General; 1 John 2:15; What if God Had an Answering Machine?


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Another incident occurred that provided another opportunity for Jesus to emphasize the importance of childlike characteristics in His disciples (cf. ch 18).19:13 It was customary for people to bring their children to rabbis f...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-13A. The title of the book 1:1B. Jesus' preparation for ministry 1:2-131. The ministry of John the Baptist 1:2-82. The baptism of Jesus 1:9-113. The temptation of Jesus 1:12-13II. The Servant's early Galil...
  • Mark omitted Jesus' year of early Judean ministry (John 1:15-4:42), as did the other Synoptic evangelists. He began his account of Jesus' ministry of service in Galilee, northern Israel (1:14-6:6a). Because of increasing oppo...
  • This pericope introduces Jesus' continuing ministry in Galilee following the religious leaders' decision to kill Him (cf. 1:14-15; 2:13). It provides much more detail than the parallel account in Matthew.3:7-8 The sea to whic...
  • Having comprehended Jesus' true identity the disciples next turned south with Jesus and headed from Caesarea Philippi toward Jerusalem. This section of the Gospel traces that journey and stresses Jesus' preparation of His dis...
  • The simple trust in Jesus that the children in this pericope demonstrated contrasts with the hostility of the Pharisees in the previous paragraph.10:13-14 Mark's account of this incident is very similar to Matthew's. However,...
  • A question from a man in the crowd initiated this subject. Then Jesus proceeded to instruct His disciples following up the incident. The position of this section in Mark's Gospel is significant. It occurs after Jesus' teachin...
  • Jesus used the incident just past to teach His disciples about riches. Matthew's account is the fullest.10:23 The case of this unbeliever had important significance for Jesus' believing disciples. Rather than being a preview ...
  • Mark probably included this incident in his Gospel because it illustrates how Jesus would open the spiritual eyes of His disciples that were still shut (cf. 8:22-26). This is the last healing miracle that Mark recorded."This ...
  • Several themes peak in this section. Here we have the clearest evidence that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God (cf. 1:1; 8:29). Here, too, Jesus' conflict with the religious leaders, His foes, came to a head (cf. 3:1, ...
  • 14:3 For thematic reasons Matthew and Mark both placed this event within the story of the hostility of Jesus' enemies. It is apparently out of chronological order (cf. John 12:1). This rearrangement of the material highlighte...
  • This section concludes Paul's entire teaching on marriage in this chapter. However it contains problems related to the meaning of "virgin"as is clear from the three different interpretations in the NASB, the NIV, and the NEB....

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Mark 10-16
  • And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them: and His disciples rebuked those that brought them. 14. But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come u...
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