Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Numbers 31:18-54 (NET)

31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.
Purification After Battle
31:19 “Any of you who has killed anyone or touched any of the dead , remain outside the camp for seven days ; purify yourselves and your captives on the third day , and on the seventh day . 31:20 You must purify each garment and everything that is made of skin , everything made of goat’s hair, and everything made of wood .” 31:21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone into the battle , “This is the ordinance of the law that the Lord commanded Moses : 31:22 ‘Only the gold , the silver , the bronze , the iron , the tin , and the lead , 31:23 everything that may stand the fire , you are to pass through the fire , and it will be ceremonially clean , but it must still be purified with the water of purification . Anything that cannot withstand the fire you must pass through the water . 31:24 You must wash your clothes on the seventh day , and you will be ceremonially clean , and afterward you may enter the camp .’”
The Distribution of Spoils
31:25 Then the Lord spoke to Moses : 31:26 “You and Eleazar the priest , and all the family leaders of the community , take the sum of the plunder that was captured , both people and animals . 31:27 Divide the plunder into two parts , one for those who took part in the war – who went out to battle – and the other for all the community . 31:28 “You must exact a tribute for the Lord from the fighting men who went out to battle : one life out of five hundred , from the people , the cattle , and from the donkeys and the sheep . 31:29 You are to take it from their half-share and give it to Eleazar the priest for a raised offering to the Lord . 31:30 From the Israelites ’ half-share you are to take one portion out of fifty of the people , the cattle , the donkeys , and the sheep – from every kind of animal – and you are to give them to the Levites , who are responsible for the care of the Lord’s tabernacle .” 31:31 So Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord commanded Moses . 31:32 The spoil that remained of the plunder which the fighting men had gathered was 675,000 sheep , 31:33 72,000 cattle , 31:34 61,000 donkeys , 31:35 and 32,000 young women who had never had sexual intercourse with a man . 31:36 The half-portion of those who went to war numbered 337,500 sheep ; 31:37 the Lord’s tribute from the sheep was 675 . 31:38 The cattle numbered 36,000 ; the Lord’s tribute was 72 . 31:39 The donkeys were 30,500 , of which the Lord’s tribute was 61 . 31:40 The people were 16,000 , of which the Lord’s tribute was 32 people . 31:41 So Moses gave the tribute , which was the Lord’s raised offering , to Eleazar the priest , as the Lord commanded Moses . 31:42 From the Israelites ’ half-share that Moses had separated from the fighting men , 31:43 there were 337,500 sheep from the portion belonging to the community , 31:44 36,000 cattle , 31:45 30,500 donkeys , 31:46 and 16,000 people . 31:47 From the Israelites ’ share Moses took one of every fifty people and animals and gave them to the Levites who were responsible for the care of the Lord’s tabernacle , just as the Lord commanded Moses . 31:48 Then the officers who were over the thousands of the army , the commanders over thousands and the commanders over hundreds , approached Moses 31:49 and said to him , “Your servants have taken a count of the men who were in the battle , who were under our authority , and not one is missing . 31:50 So we have brought as an offering for the Lord what each man found : gold ornaments , armlets , bracelets , signet rings , earrings , and necklaces , to make atonement for ourselves before the Lord .” 31:51 Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from them, all of it in the form of ornaments . 31:52 All the gold of the offering they offered up to the Lord from the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds weighed 16,750 shekels . 31:53 Each soldier had taken plunder for himself. 31:54 So Moses and Eleazar the priest received the gold from the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds and brought it into the tent of meeting as a memorial for the Israelites before the Lord .



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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • To formulate a statement that summarizes the teaching of this book it will be helpful to identify some of the major revelations in Numbers. These constitute the unique values of the book.The first major value of Numbers is th...
  • I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-101. The first census and the organization of the people chs. 1-42. Commands and rituals t...
  • "Chapters 23 and 24 are two of the brightest chapters in the book of Numbers. Scores of wonderful things are said about Israel, mainly prophetical. The dark sins of the past were forgotten; only happy deliverance from Egypt w...
  • The writer now recorded the fulfillment of God's instructions to Moses that Israel should destroy the Midianites (25:16-18). In this account, the aftermath of the battle receives more attention than the battle itself. Evident...
  • 5:13-15 "Despite Joshua's long military experience he had never led an attack on a fortified city that was prepared for a long siege. In fact, of all the walled cities in Palestine, Jericho was probably the most invincible. T...
  • The main part of the second half of the Book of Joshua dealing with the division of the land ends with the appointment of the Levitical cities (chs. 13-21). The rest of the book deals with settlement in the land (chs. 22-24)....
  • The rest of the chapter describes the distribution of plunder from this battle. The amount of space the writer devoted to this revelation shows that he intended to stress it.David returned to his 200 exhausted followers at th...
  • 6:1 Why did Isaiah date this passage since he did not date most of his others?70Probably he did so because King Uzziah had been the best king of Judah since Solomon. Nevertheless during the last part of his reign he suffered ...
  • The writer now focused on the issue of sacrifice."The argument moves a stage further as the author turns specifically to what Christ has done. The sacrifices of the old covenant were ineffectual. But in strong contrast Christ...
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