NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Chronicles 15:14


consecrated <06942> [sanctified.]

Exodus 19:14-15


sanctified <06942> [and sanctified.]


Be ready <01961 03559> [Be ready.]

third <07969> [the third.]

near ... wives <05066 0802> [come not.]

Exodus 19:2


Rephidim <07508> [Rephidim.]

Desert ......... desert <04057> [the desert.]

Mount Sinai, called by the Arabs Jibbel Mousa, the Mountain of Moses, and sometimes by way of eminence, El Tor, the Mount, is a range of mountains in the peninsula formed by the gulfs of the Red Sea. It consists of several peaks, the principal of which are Horeb and Sinai; the former, still called Oreb, being on the west, and the latter, called Tur Sina, on the east, at the foot of which is the convent of St. Catherine. Dr. Shaw conceives that the wilderness of Sinai, properly so called, is that part which is to the eastward of this mount; so that the removal of the Israelites from Rephidim, which was on the West, to the desert of Sinai, was only removing from one part of the mountain to another.

camped ...... camped <02583> [camped.]

Exodus 5:11


<01697> [not ought.]

Exodus 29:4-5


entrance <06607> [unto the door.]

wash .... water <07364 04325> [wash them.]


garments <0899> [garments.]

waistband <02805> [curious.]

The word {cheshev,} translated curious girdle, simply signifies a kind of diaper or embroidered work, of the same texture as the ephod itself.

Exodus 30:15


rich <06223> [rich.]

increase <07235> [give more. Heb. multiply. give less than. Heb. diminish. an atonement.]

Exodus 35:6


blue <08504> [blue.]

goat's <05795> [goats' hair.]

Ezekiel 48:11


priests ..... apart <03548 06942> [It shall be for the priests that are sanctified. or, The sanctified portion shall be for the priests. the sons]

charge <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance.]

Levites <03881> [as the Levites.]

John 17:17


Set ... apart <37> [Sanctify.]

word <3056> [word.]

Romans 12:1-2


I exhort <3870> [beseech.]

by ... mercies <1223 3628> [by the.]

to present <3936> [that ye.]

alive <2198> [a living.]

pleasing <2101> [acceptable.]


Do not be conformed <4964 3361> [be not.]

be transformed <3339> [be ye.]

may test and approve <1381> [prove.]

good <18> [good.]

Revelation 5:9-10


They were singing <103> [sung.]

<1488> [Thou art.]

because <3754> [for.]

and .......... and ......... you have purchased .......... and <2532 59> [and hast.]

from <1537> [out.]


<935> [kings.]

they will reign <936> [we.]

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