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1 Kings 3:9-11


give ... servant <05414 05650> [Give therefore.]

discerning <08085> [understanding. Heb. hearing.]

make judicial decisions ................ make judicial decisions <08199> [to judge.]

distinguish <0995> [discern.]

able <03201> [who is able.]


pleased <03190> [pleased.]


asked ...... make wise judicial ..... for ....... vengeance <07592> [hast not.]

[long life. Heb. many days. discern. Heb. hear.]

9 *marg:

1 Kings 3:2


people <05971> [the people.]

It was not right to offer sacrifices in any place but where the tabernacle and ark were; and wherever they were, whether on a high place or a plain, sacrifices might be lawfully offered, previously to building of the temple. The tabernacle was now at Gibeon, (2 Ch 1:3,) which was therefore called the great high place; whither we find Solomon, without censure, repaired to sacrifice.

temple <01004> [was no.]

1 Kings 2:12


Solomon sat <08010 03427> [A.M. 2990. B.C. 1014. An. Ex. Is. 477. sat Solomon.]

<04438> [his kingdom.]

Daniel 12:3


wise <07919> [they that be.]

wise <07919> [wise. or, teachers.]

shine <02094> [shine.]

many <07227> [turn.]

Matthew 7:24


Everyone <3956> [whosoever.]

a wise <5429> [a wise.]

who ............... who <3748> [which.]

Matthew 24:45


<2076> [is.]

to give <1325> [to give.]

Matthew 24:2


will be left <863> [There.]

Josephus says that "C‘sar gave orders that they should now demolish the whole city and temple, except the three towers Phaselus, Hippicus, and Mariamne, and a part of the western wall; but all the rest was laid so completely even with the ground, by those who dug it up from the foundation, that there was nothing left to make those who came thither believe that it had ever been inhabited."

Matthew 2:15


until <2193> [until.]

In this way <2443> [that.]

out of <1537> [Out.]

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