2 Thessalonians 1:3
We ought <3784> [are.]
so <2531> [as is.]
you ......... your ............. of you <5216> [your.]
flourishes more and more <5232> [groweth.]
The word, [huperauxano <\\See definition 5232\\>,] from [huper <\\See definition 5228\\>,] intensive, and [auxano <\\See definition 837\\>,] to grow, increase, signifies, as Dr. Clarke remarks, to grow luxuriantly, as a good and healthy tree in a good soil; and, if a fruit tree, bearing an abundance of fruit to compensate the labour of the husbandman. Faith is one of the seeds of the kingdom: this the Apostle had sowed and watered, and God gave an abundant increase. Their faith was multiplied, and their love abounded: and this was not the case with some distinguished characters only; it was the case with every one of them. For this the apostle felt himself bound to give continual thanks to God on their behalf, as it was "meet" and right.
2 Thessalonians 1:10
to be glorified <1740> [to be glorified.]
admired <2296> [to be admired.]
our <2257> [our.]
among ...... on that ... among <1722 1565> [in that.]
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
no one ........... not <3361 5100> [no man.]
<3362> [except.]
one ................... man <5100 444> [man.]
son <5207> [the son.]
and exalts <2532 5229> [and exalteth.]
so-called <3004> [called.]
takes ... seat <2523> [sitteth.]
2 Thessalonians 2:13
we <2249> [we.]
loved <25> [beloved.]
from <575> [from.]
chose <138> [chosen.]
through <1722> [through.]
faith <4102> [belief.]
2 Thessalonians 3:6
in ... name <1722 3686> [in the.]
to keep away <4724> [that ye.]
lives <4043> [walketh.]
according to <2596> [after.]