Acts 1:8
you will receive <2983 2071> [ye shall.]
power <1411> [power, etc. or, the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you.]
and ......... and ..... and ... and <2532 2071> [and ye.]
Samaria <4540> [in Samaria.]
Acts 3:20
Acts 4:24
heard ... they raised <191 142> [they.]
Master <1203> [Lord.]
Acts 9:31
church <1577> [the churches.]
was strengthened Living <3618> [were edified.]
and ..... and ............ and <2532 4198> [and walking.]
and ..... and ............ and .... encouragement <2532 3874> [and in.]
increased in numbers <4129> [were multiplied.]
Acts 13:1
[Cir. A.M. 4049. A.D. 45.]
prophets <4396> [prophets.]
Barnabas <921> [Barnabas.]
Lucius <3066> [Lucius.]
childhood <4939> [which, etc. or, Herod's foster brother. Herod.]
and ......................... and Saul <2532 5037 4569> [and Saul.]
Acts 13:11
hand ................................. people to lead ... by the hand <5495 5497> [hand.]
<2071> [thou.]
mistiness <887> [a mist.]
Acts 13:50
Jews <2453> [the Jews.]
God-fearing <4576> [devout.]
high social standing <2158> [honourable.]
and ........ stirred up ..... and ... and <2532 1892> [and raised.]
and ............. and ... and threw <2532 1544> [and expelled.]
Acts 13:52
were filled <4137> [were.]
Holy <40> [with the.]
Acts 18:16
Acts 19:41
After ... had said <2036> [when.]
he dismissed <630> [he dismissed.]
Acts 22:5
both ..... and .............. also <2532> [also.]
both ..... and ... whole ............ also <2532 3956> [and all.]
brothers <80> [the brethren.]
Acts 22:20
witness <3144> [martyr.]
Stephen <4736> [Stephen.]
approving <4909> [consenting.]
Acts 25:23
with .......... with <3326 4862> [with.]
and ....... and ............ and <2532> [at.]
Acts 26:29
whether <302> [I would.]
not <3756> [that not.]
except <3924> [except.]
Acts 28:12
Syracuse <4946> [Syracuse.]
Syracuse was the capital of Sicily, situated on the eastern side of the island, 72 miles S. by E. of Messina, and about 112 of Palermo. In its ancient state of splendour it was 22« in extent, according to Strabo; and such was its opulence, that when the Romans took it, they found more riches than they did at Carthage.
Acts 28:26
Go <4198> [Go.]
keep on hearing <189> [Hearing.]