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Deuteronomy 21:23


exposed ...... cursed ... God ............ God <07045 0430 08518> [he that is hanged is accursed of God. Heb. the curse of God.]

That is, it is the highest degree of reproach that can attach to a man, and proclaims him under the curse of God as much as any external punishment can. They that see him thus hanging between heaven and earth, will conclude him abandoned of both, and unworthy of either. Bp. Patrick observes, that this passage is applied to the death of Christ; not only because he bare our sins and was exposed to shame, as these malefactors were that were accursed of God, but because he was in the evening taken down from the cursed tree and buried, (and that by the particular care of the Jews, with an eye to this law, Joh 19:31,) in token, that now the guilt being removed, the law was satisfied, as it was when the malefactors had hanged till sun-set: it demanded no more. Then he, and those that are his, ceased to be a curse. And as the land of Israel was pure and clean when the body was buried, so the church is washed and cleansed by the complete satisfaction which Christ thus made.

land <0127> [thy land.]

Psalms 22:16


dogs <03611> [dogs.]

surround <05437> [compassed.]

gang <05712> [assembly.]

pin <03738> [they pierced.]

The textual reading is {ka„ri,} "as a lion my hands and feet;" but several MSS., read {kƒroo,} and others {karoo} in the margin, which affords the reading adopted by our translators. So the LXX. [oryxan cheiras mou kai podas,] so also the Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic; and as all the Evangelists so quote the passage, and apply it to the crucifixion of Christ, there seems scarcely the shadow of a doubt that this is the genuine reading; especially when it is considered, that the other contains no sense at all. The whole difference lies between [vƒv] {wav} and [y“wd,] {yood,} which might easily be mistaken for each other.

John 10:18


No one <3762> [man.]

but <235> [but.]

<5026> [This.]

John 12:28-32


Father <3962> [Father.]

Then <3767> [Then.]

glorify .......... I have glorified .... I will glorify <1392> [I have.]

glorify .......... I have glorified ... and I will glorify <2532 1392> [and will.]


it had <1096> [thundered.]

an angel <32> [An angel.]


but <235> [but.]


<2076> [is.]

Now ........ now <3568> [now.]


when <1437> [if.]

will draw <1670> [will.]

all people to <3956 4314> [all men.]

John 14:31


so that ... world .... that <2443 3754 2889> [that the.]

Get up <1453> [Arise.]

Galatians 3:13


redeemed <1805> [redeemed.]

by becoming <1096> [being.]

for <5228 1063> [for.]

Cursed <1944> [Cursed.]

Titus 2:14


He gave <1325> [gave.]

to <2443> [that.]

to purify <2511> [purify.]

himself ................ for himself <1438> [unto.]

truly <4041> [peculiar.]

eager <2207> [zealous.]

Hebrews 12:2


keeping ... eyes fixed <872> [Looking.]

pioneer <747> [the author. or, the beginner.]

perfecter <5051> [finisher.]

For <473> [for.]

he endured <5278> [endured.]

disregarding <2706> [despising.]

and ..................... has taken ... seat <2532 5037 2523> [and is.]

Hebrews 12:1


and <2532> [seeing.]

cloud <3509> [a cloud.]

of witnesses <3144> [witnesses.]

we ............. get rid .................... for us <659 2249 2254> [let us lay.]

and ... sin <2532 266> [and the sin.]

run <5143> [and let us.]

with endurance <1223 5281> [with patience.]

Hebrews 2:1


Therefore <1223> [Therefore.]

closer <4056> [the more.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [we should.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [let them slip. Gr. run out, as leaking vessels.]

Hebrews 3:18


to whom <5101> [to whom.]

<1508> [but.]

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