Ezekiel 36:15-38
I ..... subject <08085> [men.]
bear <05375> [thou bear.]
defiled <02930> [they defiled.]
uncleanness <02932> [as the.]
poured ........... shed <08210> [I poured.]
blood <01818> [for the.]
scattered <06327> [I scattered.]
behavior <01870> [according to their way.]
profaned <02490> [they profaned.]
The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of Jehovah wherever they went; but they were looked upon as a viler and more worthless race than any of the idolaters among whom they were driven. Many would ascribe their wickedness to the tendency of their religion, which they abhorred, and not to their having acted inconsistently with it; and regard their miseries, not as the punishment of their sins, but as proofs of God's inability to protect them. This profanation of his holy name, Jehovah was determined to wipe away, by shewing mercy unto them.
people <05971> [These.]
magnify ................................. magnify <06942> [sanctify.]
nations ......... nations <01471> [and the heathen.]
magnify ................................. magnify <06942> [when I shall.]
sight <05869> [their. or, your.]
sprinkle .......... clean ........ purify <02236 02891> [will I.]
impurities <02932> [filthiness.]
idols <01544> [from all your idols.]
new heart ....... new ......... heart ........... heart <03820 02319> [new heart.]
stone <068> [the stony.]
put <05414> [I will.]
initiative .......... observe <06213> [cause.]
live <03427> [dwell.]
[be people.]
save <03467> [save.]
call <07121> [call.]
disgrace <02781> [reproach.]
remember <02142> [shall ye.]
loathe <06962> [shall lothe.]
act ............ behavior <06213 01870> [for your.]
ashamed <0954> [be ashamed.]
populate <03427> [cause.]
ruins <02723> [wastes.]
say <0559> [they shall.]
garden <01588> [like the.]
know <03045> [know.]
Lord ............. Lord ... spoken <03068 01696> [I the Lord have.]
ask <01875> [I will yet.]
multiply <07235> [I will increase.]
sheep ... offerings .... sheep ................ flocks <06629 06944> [holy flock. Heb. flock of holy things. as the flock.]
ruined <02720> [the waste.]