Ezra 6:21-22
separating <0914> [all such.]
ate <0398> [did eat.]
Feast <02282> [the feast.]
changed <05437> [turned.]
king <04428> [the king.]
Darius, as reigning over the country of Assyria, is here called "the king of Assyria."
Ezra 10:10-11
taking <03427> [taken. Heb. caused to dwell. or, brought back. to increase.]
give praise <08426 05414> [make confession.]
do ... will <06213 07522> [do his.]
Separate <0914> [separate.]
foreign <05237> [and from the.]
Exodus 33:16
<03212> [in that.]
distinguished <06395> [separated.]
Numbers 23:9
nation <05971> [the people.]
They shall ever be a distinct nation. This prophecy has been literally fulfilled, through a period of 3,300 years, to the present day.
alone <0910 07931> [dwell alone.]
be reckoned <02803> [shall not.]
Nehemiah 9:2
descent <02233> [the seed.]
foreigners <01121> [strangers. Heb. strange children.]
confessing <03034> [confessed.]
Nehemiah 13:3
heard <08085> [when they.]
removed from <0914> [that they.]
mixed ancestry <06154> [the mixed.]
Isaiah 52:11
Leave Leave ... out ......... out <05493 03318> [depart ye.]
touch <05060> [touch.]
pure <01305> [be.]
Isaiah 52:2
Shake <05287> [Shake.]
Get <06965> [arise.]
The common mode of sitting in the East is upon the floor, with the legs crossed; and when sitting is spoken of as a posture of more than ordinary state, it means sitting on high, on a chair of state, or throne.
iron <06605> [loose.]
Colossians 1:14-18
whom <3739> [whom.]
forgiveness <859> [the.]
image <1504> [the image.]
invisible <517> [the invisible.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
all <3956> [of every.]
in ...... were created by him .................. were created through him .... him <1722 846 2936 1223> [by him were.]
in heaven ....... by <3772 1722> [in heaven.]
thrones <2362> [thrones.]
in ........ by ..................... through <1722 1223> [by.]
himself ............. him <846> [he.]
He ....... and ....... in <2532 1722> [and by.]
beginning <746> [the beginning.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
in all things <1722 3956> [in all. or, among all.]