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Hosea 6:1--11:11

<03212> (8798)_,
and let us return
<07725> (8799)
unto the LORD
for he hath torn
<02963> (8804)_,
and he will heal
<07495> (8799)
us; he hath smitten
<05221> (8686)_,
and he will bind us up
<02280> (8799)_.
After two days
will he revive
<02421> (8762)
us: in the third
he will raise us up
<06965> (8686)_,
and we shall live
<02421> (8799)
in his sight
Then shall we know
<03045> (8799)_,
[if] we follow
<07291> (8799)
on to know
<03045> (8800)
the LORD
his going forth
is prepared
<03559> (8737)
as the morning
and he shall come
<0935> (8799)
unto us as the rain
as the latter
[and] former rain
<03384> (8802)
unto the earth
O Ephraim
what shall I do
<06213> (8799)
unto thee? O Judah
what shall I do
<06213> (8799)
unto thee? for your goodness
[is] as a morning
and as the early
<07925> (8688)
it goeth away
<01980> (8802)_.
{goodness: or, mercy, or, kindness}
Therefore have I hewed
<02672> (8804)
[them] by the prophets
I have slain
<02026> (8804)
them by the words
of my mouth
and thy judgments
[are as] the light
[that] goeth forth
<03318> (8799)_.
{and...: or, that thy judgments might be, etc}
For I desired
<02654> (8804)
and not sacrifice
and the knowledge
of God
more than burnt offerings
But they like men
have transgressed
<05674> (8804)
the covenant
there have they dealt treacherously
<0898> (8804)
against me. {men: or, Adam}
[is] a city
of them that work
<06466> (8802)
[and is] polluted
with blood
{polluted: or, cunning for}
And as troops
of robbers wait
<02442> (8763)
for a man
[so] the company
of priests
<07523> (8762)
in the way
by consent
<07926> (8677) <07927>_:
for they commit
<06213> (8804)
{by...: Heb. with one shoulder, or, to Shechem} {lewdness: or, enormity}
I have seen
<07200> (8804)
an horrible thing
in the house
of Israel
there [is] the whoredom
of Ephraim
is defiled
<02930> (8738)_.
Also, O Judah
he hath set
<07896> (8804)
an harvest
for thee, when I returned
<07725> (8800)
the captivity
of my people
When I would have healed
<07495> (8800)
then the iniquity
of Ephraim
was discovered
<01540> (8738)_,
and the wickedness
of Samaria
for they commit
<06466> (8804)
and the thief
cometh in
<0935> (8799)_,
[and] the troop
of robbers spoileth
<06584> (8804)
{wickedness: Heb. evils} {spoileth: Heb. strippeth}
And they consider
<0559> (8799)
not in their hearts
[that] I remember
<02142> (8804)
all their wickedness
now their own doings
have beset them about
<05437> (8804)_;
they are before my face
{consider...: Heb. say not to}
They make the king
<08055> (8762)
with their wickedness
and the princes
with their lies
They [are] all adulterers
<05003> (8764)_,
as an oven
<01197> (8802)
by the baker
<0644> (8802)_,
[who] ceaseth
<07673> (8799)
from raising
<05782> (8800)
after he hath kneaded
<03888> (8800)
the dough
until it be leavened
<02556> (8800)_.
{who...: or, the raiser will cease} {raising: or, waking}
In the day
of our king
the princes
have made [him] sick
<02470> (8689)
with bottles
of wine
he stretched out
<04900> (8804)
his hand
with scorners
<03945> (8802)_.
{bottles...: or, heat through wine}
For they have made ready
<07126> (8765)
their heart
like an oven
whiles they lie in wait
<0693> (8800)_:
their baker
<0644> (8802)
all the night
in the morning
it burneth
<01197> (8802)
as a flaming
{made...: or, applied}
They are all hot
<02552> (8735)
as an oven
and have devoured
<0398> (8804)
their judges
<08199> (8802)_;
all their kings
are fallen
<05307> (8804)_:
[there is] none among them that calleth
<07121> (8802)
unto me.
he hath mixed
<01101> (8704)
himself among the people
is a cake
not turned
<02015> (8803)_.
<02114> (8801)
have devoured
<0398> (8804)
his strength
and he knoweth
<03045> (8804)
[it] not: yea, gray hairs
are here and there
<02236> (8804)
upon him, yet he knoweth
<03045> (8804)
not. {here...: Heb. sprinkled}
And the pride
of Israel
<06030> (8804)
to his face
and they do not return
<07725> (8804)
to the LORD
their God
nor seek
<01245> (8765)
him for all this.
also is like a silly
<06601> (8802)
without heart
they call
<07121> (8804)
to Egypt
they go
<01980> (8804)
to Assyria
When they shall go
<03212> (8799)_,
I will spread
<06566> (8799)
my net
upon them; I will bring them down
<03381> (8686)
as the fowls
of the heaven
I will chastise
<03256> (8686)
them, as their congregation
hath heard
unto them! for they have fled
<05074> (8804)
from me: destruction
unto them! because they have transgressed
<06586> (8804)
against me: though I have redeemed
<06299> (8799)
them, yet they have spoken
<01696> (8765)
against me. {destruction: Heb. spoil}
And they have not cried
<02199> (8804)
unto me with their heart
when they howled
<03213> (8686)
upon their beds
they assemble
<01481> (8709)
themselves for corn
and wine
[and] they rebel
<05493> (8799)
against me.
Though I have bound
<03256> (8765)
[and] strengthened
<02388> (8765)
their arms
yet do they imagine
<02803> (8762)
against me. {have...: or, chastened}
They return
<07725> (8799)_,
[but] not to the most High
they are like a deceitful
their princes
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by the sword
for the rage
of their tongue
[shall be] their derision
in the land
of Egypt
[Set] the trumpet
to thy mouth
[He shall come] as an eagle
against the house
of the LORD
because they have transgressed
<05674> (8804)
my covenant
and trespassed
<06586> (8804)
against my law
{thy: Heb. the roof of thy}
shall cry
<02199> (8799)
unto me, My God
we know
<03045> (8804)
hath cast off
<02186> (8804)
[the thing that is] good
the enemy
<0341> (8802)
shall pursue
<07291> (8799)
They have set up kings
<04427> (8689)_,
but not by me: they have made princes
<07786> (8689)_,
and I knew
<03045> (8804)
[it] not: of their silver
and their gold
have they made
<06213> (8804)
them idols
that they may be cut off
<03772> (8735)_.
Thy calf
O Samaria
hath cast
<02186> (8804)
[thee] off; mine anger
is kindled
<02734> (8804)
against them: how long [will it be] ere
they attain
<03201> (8799)
to innocency
For from Israel
[was] it also: the workman
<06213> (8804)
it; therefore it [is] not God
but the calf
of Samaria
shall be broken in pieces
For they have sown
<02232> (8799)
the wind
and they shall reap
<07114> (8799)
the whirlwind
it hath no stalk
the bud
shall yield
<06213> (8799)
no meal
so be it yield
<06213> (8799)_,
the strangers
<02114> (8801)
shall swallow it up
<01104> (8799)_.
{stalk: or, standing corn}
is swallowed up
<01104> (8738)_:
now shall they be among the Gentiles
as a vessel
wherein [is] no pleasure
For they are gone up
<05927> (8804)
to Assyria
a wild ass
<0909> (8802)
by himself: Ephraim
hath hired
<08566> (8689)
{lovers: Heb. loves}
Yea, though they have hired
<08566> (8799)
among the nations
now will I gather
<06908> (8762)
them, and they shall sorrow
<02490> (8686)
a little
for the burden
of the king
of princes
{sorrow: or, begin} {a...: or, in a little while}
Because Ephraim
hath made many
<07235> (8689)
to sin
<02398> (8800)_,
shall be unto him to sin
<02398> (8800)_.
I have written
<03789> (8799)
to him the great things
<07230> (8675) <07239>
of my law
[but] they were counted
<02803> (8738)
as a strange thing
<02114> (8801)_.
They sacrifice
<02076> (8799)
[for] the sacrifices
of mine offerings
and eat
<0398> (8799)
[it; but] the LORD
<07521> (8804)
them not; now will he remember
<02142> (8799)
their iniquity
and visit
<06485> (8799)
their sins
they shall return
<07725> (8799)
to Egypt
{They sacrifice...: or, In the sacrifices of mine offerings they, etc}
For Israel
hath forgotten
<07911> (8799)
his Maker
<06213> (8802)_,
and buildeth
<01129> (8799)
and Judah
hath multiplied
<07235> (8689)
<01219> (8803)
but I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
upon his cities
and it shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
<08055> (8799)
not, O Israel
for joy
as [other] people
for thou hast gone a whoring
<02181> (8804)
from thy God
thou hast loved
<0157> (8804)
a reward
upon every cornfloor
<01637> <01715>_.
{upon: or, in, etc}
The floor
and the winepress
shall not feed
<07462> (8799)
them, and the new wine
shall fail
<03584> (8762)
in her. {winepress: or, winefat}
They shall not dwell
<03427> (8799)
in the LORD'S
but Ephraim
shall return
<07725> (8804)
to Egypt
and they shall eat
<0398> (8799)
[things] in Assyria
They shall not offer
<05258> (8799)
[offerings] to the LORD
neither shall they be pleasing
<06149> (8799)
unto him: their sacrifices
[shall be] unto them as the bread
of mourners
all that eat
<0398> (8802)
thereof shall be polluted
<02930> (8691)_:
for their bread
for their soul
shall not come
<0935> (8799)
into the house
of the LORD
What will ye do
<06213> (8799)
in the solemn
and in the day
of the feast
of the LORD
For, lo, they are gone
<01980> (8804)
because of destruction
shall gather them up
<06908> (8762)_,
shall bury
<06912> (8762)
them: the pleasant
[places] for their silver
shall possess
<03423> (8799)
them: thorns
[shall be] in their tabernacles
{destruction: Heb. spoil} {the...: or, their silver shall be desired, the nettle, etc.: Heb. the desire}
The days
of visitation
are come
<0935> (8804)_,
the days
of recompence
are come
<0935> (8804)_;
shall know
<03045> (8799)
[it]: the prophet
[is] a fool
the spiritual
[is] mad
<07696> (8794)_,
for the multitude
of thine iniquity
and the great
{spiritual...: Heb. man of the spirit}
The watchman
<06822> (8802)
of Ephraim
[was] with my God
[but] the prophet
[is] a snare
of a fowler
in all his ways
[and] hatred
in the house
of his God
{in the: or, against the}
They have deeply
<06009> (8689)
<07843> (8765)
[themselves], as in the days
of Gibeah
[therefore] he will remember
<02142> (8799)
their iniquity
he will visit
<06485> (8799)
their sins
I found
<04672> (8804)
like grapes
in the wilderness
I saw
<07200> (8804)
your fathers
as the firstripe
in the fig tree
at her first time
[but] they went
<0935> (8804)
to Baalpeor
and separated
<05144> (8735)
themselves unto [that] shame
and [their] abominations
were according as they loved
<0157> (8800)_.
[As for] Ephraim
their glory
shall fly away
<05774> (8709)
like a bird
from the birth
<03205> (8800)_,
and from the womb
and from the conception
Though they bring up
<01431> (8762)
their children
yet will I bereave
<07921> (8765)
them, [that there shall] not [be] a man
[left]: yea, woe
also to them when I depart
<05493> (8800)
from them!
as I saw
<07200> (8804)
[is] planted
<08362> (8803)
in a pleasant place
but Ephraim
shall bring forth
<03318> (8687)
his children
to the murderer
<02026> (8802)_.
<05414> (8798)
them, O LORD
what wilt thou give
<05414> (8799)_?
<05414> (8798)
them a miscarrying
<07921> (8688)
and dry
<06784> (8802)
{miscarrying: Heb. that casteth the fruit}
All their wickedness
[is] in Gilgal
for there I hated
<08130> (8804)
them: for the wickedness
of their doings
I will drive them out
<01644> (8762)
of mine house
I will love
them no more
<03254> (8686)_:
all their princes
[are] revolters
<05637> (8802)_.
is smitten
<05221> (8717)_,
their root
is dried up
<03001> (8804)_,
they shall bear
<06213> (8799)
no fruit
yea, though they bring forth
<03205> (8799)_,
yet will I slay
<04191> (8689)
[even] the beloved
[fruit] of their womb
{the...: Heb. the desires}
My God
will cast them away
<03988> (8799)_,
because they did not hearken
<08085> (8804)
unto him: and they shall be wanderers
<05074> (8802)
among the nations
[is] an empty
<01238> (8802)
he bringeth forth
<07737> (8762)
unto himself: according to the multitude
of his fruit
he hath increased
<07235> (8689)
the altars
according to the goodness
of his land
they have made goodly
<02895> (8689)
{an...: or, a vine emptying the fruit which it giveth} {images: Heb. statues, or, standing images}
Their heart
is divided
<02505> (8804)_;
now shall they be found faulty
<0816> (8799)_:
he shall break down
<06202> (8799)
their altars
he shall spoil
<07703> (8779)
their images
{Their heart...: or, He hath divided their heart} {break...: Heb. behead} {images: Heb. statues, or, standing images}
For now they shall say
<0559> (8799)_,
We have no king
because we feared
<03372> (8804)
not the LORD
what then should a king
<06213> (8799)
to us?
They have spoken
<01696> (8765)
<0422> (8800)
in making
<03772> (8800)
a covenant
thus judgment
springeth up
<06524> (8804)
as hemlock
in the furrows
of the field
The inhabitants
of Samaria
shall fear
<01481> (8799)
because of the calves
of Bethaven
for the people
thereof shall mourn
<056> (8804)
over it, and the priests
thereof [that] rejoiced
<01523> (8799)
on it, for the glory
thereof, because it is departed
<01540> (8804)
from it. {the priests...: or, Chemarim}
It shall be also carried
<02986> (8714)
unto Assyria
[for] a present
to king
shall receive
<03947> (8799)
and Israel
shall be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
of his own counsel
[As for] Samaria
her king
is cut off
<01820> (8738)
as the foam
the water
{the water: Heb. the face of the water}
The high places
also of Aven
the sin
of Israel
shall be destroyed
<08045> (8738)_:
the thorn
and the thistle
shall come up
<05927> (8799)
on their altars
and they shall say
<0559> (8804)
to the mountains
<03680> (8761)
us; and to the hills
<05307> (8798)
on us.
O Israel
thou hast sinned
<02398> (8804)
from the days
of Gibeah
there they stood
<05975> (8804)_:
the battle
in Gibeah
against the children
of iniquity
did not overtake
<05381> (8686)
[It is] in my desire
that I should chastise
<03256> (8799)
them; and the people
shall be gathered
<0622> (8795)
against them, when they shall bind
<0631> (8800)
themselves in their two
{when...: or, when I shall bind them for their two transgressions, or, in their two habitations}
And Ephraim
[is as] an heifer
[that is] taught
<03925> (8794)_,
[and] loveth
<0157> (8802)
to tread out
<01758> (8800)
[the corn]; but I passed over
<05674> (8804)
upon her fair
I will make Ephraim
to ride
<07392> (8686)_;
shall plow
<02790> (8799)_,
[and] Jacob
shall break his clods
<07702> (8762)_.
{her...: Heb. the beauty of her neck}
<02232> (8798)
to yourselves in righteousness
<07114> (8798)
break up
<05214> (8798)
your fallow ground
for [it is] time
to seek
<01875> (8800)
the LORD
till he come
<0935> (8799)
and rain
<03384> (8686)
upon you.
Ye have plowed
<02790> (8804)
ye have reaped
<07114> (8804)
ye have eaten
<0398> (8804)
the fruit
of lies
because thou didst trust
<0982> (8804)
in thy way
in the multitude
of thy mighty men
Therefore shall a tumult
<06965> (8804)
among thy people
and all thy fortresses
shall be spoiled
<07703> (8714)_,
as Shalman
in the day
of battle
the mother
was dashed in pieces
<07376> (8795)
upon [her] children
shall Bethel
<06213> (8804)
unto you because
of your great
in a morning
shall the king
of Israel
<01820> (8736)
be cut off
<01820> (8738)_.
{your...: Heb. the evil of your evil}
When Israel
[was] a child
then I loved
<0157> (8799)
him, and called
<07121> (8804)
my son
out of Egypt
[As] they called
<07121> (8804)
them, so they went
<01980> (8804)
from them
they sacrificed
<02076> (8762)
unto Baalim
and burned incense
<06999> (8762)
to graven images
I taught
<08637> (0)
also to go
<08637> (8809)_,
<03947> (8800)
them by their arms
but they knew
<03045> (8804)
not that I healed
<07495> (8804)
I drew
<04900> (8799)
them with cords
of a man
with bands
of love
and I was to them as they that take off
<07311> (8688)
the yoke
on their jaws
and I laid
<05186> (8686)
<0398> (8686)
unto them. {take off: Heb. lift up}
He shall not return
<07725> (8799)
into the land
of Egypt
but the Assyrian
shall be his king
because they refused
<03985> (8765)
to return
<07725> (8800)_.
And the sword
shall abide
<02342> (8804)
on his cities
and shall consume
<03615> (8765)
his branches
and devour
<0398> (8804)
[them], because of their own counsels
And my people
are bent
<08511> (8803)
to backsliding
from me: though they called
<07121> (8799)
them to the most High
none at all
would exalt
<07311> (8787)
[him]. {none...: Heb. together they exalted not}
How shall I give thee up
<05414> (8799)_,
[how] shall I deliver
<04042> (8762)
thee, Israel
how shall I make
<05414> (8799)
thee as Admah
[how] shall I set
<07760> (8799)
thee as Zeboim
mine heart
is turned
<02015> (8738)
within me, my repentings
are kindled
<03648> (8738)
I will not execute
<06213> (8799)
the fierceness
of mine anger
I will not return
<07725> (8799)
to destroy
<07843> (8763)
for I [am] God
and not man
the Holy One
in the midst
of thee: and I will not enter
<0935> (8799)
into the city
They shall walk
<03212> (8799)
the LORD
he shall roar
<07580> (8799)
like a lion
when he shall roar
<07580> (8799)_,
then the children
shall tremble
<02729> (8799)
from the west
They shall tremble
<02729> (8799)
as a bird
out of Egypt
and as a dove
out of the land
of Assyria
and I will place
<03427> (8689)
them in their houses
<05002> (8803)
the LORD

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