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Jeremiah 27:7


nations ................. nation <01471> [all.]

time <06256> [until.]

many <07227> [many.]

Jeremiah 50:9


rouse <05782> [I will raise.]

host <06951> [an assembly.]

The army of Cyrus was composed of Medes, Persians, Armenians, Caducians, Sac‘, etc.; all of which, arranged under the Medes, came from the north.

lines <06186> [they shall.]

who <07919> [expert man. or, destroyer. none.]

Jeremiah 50:41


Jeremiah 51:6


Get out <05127> [Flee.]

killed <01826> [be not.]

time <06256> [for this.]

pay ... back <07999> [he will render.]

Jeremiah 51:27-28


Raise up <05375> [ye up.]

Prepare <06942> [prepare.]

Ararat <0780> [Ararat.]

Bochart reasonably concludes Ararat and Minni to be the greater and lesser Armenia; and Ashchenaz he thinks formed part of Phrygia near the Hellespont, part of that country being called Ascania by Homer. Cyrus had conquered Armenia, defeated Croesus king of Lydia, (B.C. 548,) and subdued several nations from the Egean sea to the Euphrates, before he marched against Babylon; and Xenophon also informs us that there were not only Armenians, but both Phrygians and Cappadocians in the army of Cyrus.

Ashkenaz <0813> [Ashchenaz.]


horses <05483> [cause.]

After Cyrus had been the instrument in the hands of God of taking Babylon, he marched against Tomyris, queen of the Massaget‘, a Scythian nation, and was totally defeated, (B.C. 530.) The victorious queen, who had lost her son in a previous battle, was so incensed against Cyrus, that she cut off his head, and threw it into a vessel filled with human blood, exclaiming, "Sattia te sanguine, quem sitisti."


kings <04428> [the kings.]


Isaiah 14:2


family <01004> [and the house.]

they settle .......... captors .... rule ....... them <07617 07287> [and they.]

they settle .......... captors .... rule ....... them <07617 07287> [whose captives they were. Heb. that had taken them captives. they shall rule over.]

Isaiah 45:1-3


chosen one <04899> [to his.]

right hand <03225> [whose.]

hold <02388> [holden. or, strengthened.]

subdue <07286> [to subdue.]

open <06605> [to open.]

All the streets of Babylon, leading on each side to the river, were secured by two leaved brazen gates, and these were providentially left open when Cyrus's forces entered the city in the night, through the channel of the river, in the general disorder occasioned by the great feast which was then celebrated; otherwise, says Herodotus, the Persians would have been shut up in the bed of the river, as in a net, and all destroyed. The gates of the palace were also imprudently opened to ascertain the occasion of the tumult; when the two parties under Gobrias and Gadatas rushed in, got possession of the palace, and slew the king.


before <06440 03212> [go before.]

level <03474> [make.]

shatter <07665> [break.]


give <05414> [I will give.]

recognize <03045> [that thou.]

calls <07121> [which call.]

Daniel 5:28


peres ..... divided <06537> [PERES.]

Peres,"he was divided," pronounced paras, denoted Persians, who seem evidently referred to.

kingdom <04437> [Thy.]

Habakkuk 2:8-16


robbed ............ rob <07997> [thou.]

blood <01818> [blood. Heb. bloods.]

violent <02555> [the violence.]


builds ..... unjust gain ........................ disaster <07451 01215 01214> [that coveteth an evil covetousness. or, that gaineth an evil gain.]

build <07760> [set.]

unjust ....................... clutches ... disaster <07451 03709> [power of evil. Heb. palm of the hand.]


schemes <03289> [consulted.]

<02398> [sinned.]


stones <068> [the stone.]

rafters <03714> [beam. or, piece. or, fastening. answer it. or, witness against it.]


<01129> [him.]

bloodshed <01818> [blood. Heb. bloods.]



Lord <03068> [is it.]

nothing <07385 01767> [for very vanity. or, in vain.]


earth <0776> [the earth.]

recognition ...... majesty <03045 03519> [with the knowledge of the glory. or, by knowing the glory.]


neighbor <07453> [unto.]

make <05596> [that puttest.]

look at <05027> [that thou.]


shame ... majesty ................................ majestic glory <07036 03519> [with shame for glory. or, more with shame than with glory.]

drink <08354> [drink.]

expose ... uncircumcised foreskin <06188> [and let.]

cup <03563> [the cup.]

disgrace <07022> [and shameful.]

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