John 19:15
Away .... Away <142> [Away.]
We have <2192> [We have.]
Matthew 27:22
what <5101> [What.]
Mark 15:12-15
what <5101> [What.]
with the one <3739> [whom.]
<1063> [Why.]
But <1161> [And.]
wanted <1014> [willing.]
had ... flogged <5417> [when.]
Luke 22:21-23
<3303> [truly.]
but <4133> [but.]
Acts 2:23
<1560> [being.]
<2983> [ye have.]
Acts 3:13-15
God of Abraham ...... God <11 2316> [God of Abraham.]
has glorified <1392> [hath.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
Holy <40> [the Holy One.]
asked <154> [desired.]
Originator <747> [Prince. or, Author.]
whom ....... To this fact <3739> [whom.]
whom ....... To this fact <3739> [whereof.]
Acts 7:52
Which .... prophets <5101 4012 4396> [Which of.]
Which .............. foretold long ago <5101 3588 4293> [which shewed.]
Righteous One <1342> [the Just One.]
whose <3739> [of whom.]
Acts 13:27-29
did not recognize <50> [because.]
and ........ and <2532> [nor.]
<3588> [which.]
they fulfilled <4137> [they have.]
When <5613> [when.]
took ... down <2507> [they took.]