John 3:16-36
God <2316> [God.]
He gave <1325> [gave.]
so that everyone <5620 2443 3956> [that whosoever.]
God <2316> [God.]
but <235> [but.]
is not condemned ...... not ... has been condemned ...... not <2919 3756 3361> [is not.]
believes ..... not ..... who does not believe ....... he has not believed <4100 3756 3361> [he that believeth not.]
this <3778> [this.]
because <1063> [because.]
everyone <3956> [every.]
will ... be exposed <1651> [reproved. or, discovered.]
who practices <4160> [he that.]
so that ........ his <2443 846 3754> [that his.]
<2076> [they are.]
this <5023> [these.]
and ........ and ........ and was baptizing <2532 907> [and baptized.]
near <1451> [near.]
plentiful <4183> [much.]
also ............ and ... were coming .... and <1161 2532 3854> [and they.]
concerning <4012> [about.]
who .............. whom <3739 2258> [he that.]
who .............. whom <3739> [to whom.]
So ...... and ............................ and everyone <2532 3956> [and all.]
one <444> [A man.]
receive <2983> [receive. or, take unto himself.]
from <1537> [from.]
said <2036> [I said.]
but rather <235> [but.]
has <2192> [hath.]
friend <5384> [the friend.]
This <3778> [this.]
must become more important <1163 837> [must increase.]
<1161> [but.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [that cometh.]
superior ........................... superior <2076 1883> [is above.]
<5607> [he that is.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [he that cometh.]
what <3739> [what.]
and ... but no one <2532 3762> [and no.]
has confirmed clearly <4972> [hath set.]
whom <3739> [he.]
For ..... God ........ God for <1063 2316> [for God.]
Father <3962> [Father.]
and <2532> [and.]
believes in ..................... on <1519 1909 4100> [that believeth on.]
will ... see <3700> [see.]
but <235> [but.]