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Joshua 22:1--24:33


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

Reubenites <07206> [Reubenites.]

We have already seen, that a detachment of 40,000 men, of the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, had passed over Jordan armed, with their brethren, according to their agreement with Moses. The war being now concluded, the land divided, and their brethren settled, Joshua assembles these warriors; and with commendations for their services and fidelity, he dismisses them, having fist given them the most pious and suitable instructions. They had now been about seven years absent from their respective families; and though there was only the river Jordan between the camp of Gilgal and their own inheritance, yet it does not appear that they had, during that time, ever revisited their home, which they might have done at any time of the year, except the harvest, as the river was at other times easily fordable.


carried out <08104> [Ye have.]

<08085> [obeyed.]



secure <05117> [given rest.]

<03212> [get.]


<03966> [take.]

Love <0157> [love.]

loyal <01692> [cleave.]

serve <05647> [serve.]




<07725> [Return.]

Divide <02505> [divide.]


land .......... land ... Gilead <01568 0776> [the country of Gilead.]


Reubenites Gadites <01121> [the children.]

This verse should probably be rendered, "And when they came to the borders of Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, Then built an altar by (or beyond, {al}) Jordan, a great altar to the view." It would appear, that when they came to the river, they formed the purpose of building the altar; and when they crossed it they put that purpose into execution. It is evident that they did not build it west of the Jordan, for that was not in their territories, and the next verse expressly says that it was built over against the land of Canaan.

built <01129> [built.]


received <08085> [heard.]

side <05676> [at the passage.]


community <05712> [the whole.]

Supposing they had built this altar for sacrifice, in opposition to the command of God, they considered them as rebels against God and the Israelitish constitution.


sent <07971> [sent.]

Phinehas <06372> [Phinehas.]


leaders ............ family <05387 01004> [chief house. Heb. house of the father. an head.]


[the whole.]


[to turn.]



sin <05771> [Is the iniquity.]

purified <02891> [from which.]


following <0310> [following.]

rebelling <04775> [and it will.]

anger <07107> [he will be.]


impure <02931> [unclean.]

Lord's ...... Lord .............. Lord ................ Lord <03068> [wherein.]



Reubenites Gadites <01121> [Then the children.]

The conduct and answer of these Reubenites and the associates are worthy of admiration and imitation. Though conscious of their innocence, they permitted Phinehas to finish his speech, though composed of little else than accusations, without any interruption; and taking in good part the suspicions, reproofs, and even harshness of their brethren, with the utmost meekness and solemnity they explain their intention, give all the satisfaction in their power, and with great propriety and reverence, appeal to that God against whom they were supposed to have rebelled.

answered <06030> [answered.]

leaders <07218> [heads.]


El .... Lord El .... Lord ................. Lord <0410 03068> [Lord God.]

[Yeh“vƒh <\\See definition 03068\\> el“hŒym <\\See definition 0430\\> ˆl <\\See definition 0410\\>,] {El Elohim Yehowah,} literally "The strong God, Elohim Jehovah," which is nearly the version of Luther, {der starte Gott, der Herr,} "The strong God, the Lord."

knows ....... know <03045> [he knoweth.]

Israel <03478> [Israel.]

rebelled <04777> [if it be.]


Lord .................... Lord <03068> [let the Lord.]


worried <01674> [for fear.]

future <04279> [In time to come. Heb. To-morrow.]


right to worship <02506> [ye have.]

way <07673> [make.]


reminder <05707> [a witness.]

honor <05647> [that we.]


See <07200> [Behold.]


Far be it <02486> [God forbid.]

building <01129> [to build.]


satisfied <03190> [it pleased them. Heb. it was good in their eyes.]

It is remarkable, that Joshua is not once named in this transaction; but this only shews, that he did not in his old age assume any regal authority, but left the elders and magistrates to conduct the general business, only acting himself when great occasions made it necessary. Yet we cannot doubt, that his wisdom and piety influenced the counsels of the elders and people at this time.


Lord ... among ......... Lord ............ Lord's <03068 08432> [the Lord is.]

Now <0227> [now. Heb. then.]


back <07725> [and brought.]


report <01697> [the thing.]

gave thanks <01288> [blessed.]


[Ed. i.e, a witness.]

The word witness, or testimony, is not found in the common editions of the Hebrew Bible; and is supplied in Italics by our venerable translators, at least in our modern copies; for in the first edition of this translation, it stands in the text without any note of this kind; but it is found in several of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., and also in the Syriac and Arabic. Several also of the early printed editions of the Hebrew Bible have the word {ed,} either in the text or in the margin; and it must be allowed to be necessary to complete the sense. It is very probable that an inscription was put on this altar, signifying the purpose for which it was erected. Thus was this affair most happily terminated.

Lord ... God <0430 03068> [the Lord is God.]

Several manuscripts read more emphatically, [yeh“vƒh <\\See definition 03068\\>,] [h–w' <\\See definition 01931\\>] [el“hŒym <\\ See definition 0430\\>,] {Yehowah, hoo Elohim,} "Jehovah he is God."


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

<02204> [waxed old.]

time ................. old <03117 0935> [stricken in age. Heb. come into days.]


Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

elders <02205> [and for their elders.]

Or, "even for their elders," etc.; for it is probably that Joshua gave the following charge only to the elders, judges, etc., to communicate to the people.


saw <07200> [And ye.]

Lord .............. Lord <03068> [for the.]


See <07200> [Behold.]

west <03996> [westward. Heb. at the sunset.]


drive ... out <01920> [he shall.]

Lord ...................... Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]


very ... Carefully <03966> [very.]

swerve <05493> [that ye.]


associate <0935> [That ye come.]

Have no civil or social contacts with them, as these will infallibly lead to spiritual affinities, in consequence of which, ye will make honourable "mention of the name of their gods," "swear by them" "and serve" them in their abominable rites; and "bow yourselves unto them," as your creators and preservers. All this will follow by simply coming among them. He who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, will soon stand in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of scorners.

invoke ............... worship <02142 05647> [neither.]

solemn declarations <07650> [to swear.]


[or, For if ye will cleave, etc.]


Lord <03068> [For the Lord. or, Then the Lord will drive.]

<0376> [no man.]


One <0259 0376> [One man.]

Lord <03068> [Lord.]


carefully <03966> [Take good.]

yourselves <05315> [yourselves. Heb. your souls. love.]


turn away <07725> [go back.]

alliances <01692> [cleave.]

intermarry <02859> [shall make.]


longer <03254> [will no.]

trap <06341> [snares.]

disappear <06> [until ye perish.]


die <01980> [I am going.]

one ...... promises .................. promise <01697 0259> [not one thing.]


Lord .................... Lord .................. Lord <03068> [so shall.]


angry <0639> [then shall.]

disappear <06> [perish.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

This must have been a different assembly from that mentioned in the preceding chapter, though probably held not long after the former.

Shechem <07927> [Shechem.]

As it is immediately added, that "they presented themselves before God," which is supposed to mean at the tabernacle; some are of opinion that Joshua caused it to be conveyed from Shiloh to Shechem on this occasion, to give the greater solemnity to his last meeting with the people. The Vatican and Alexandrian copies of the Septuagint, however, read [Selo,] both here and in verse 25; which many suppose to have been the original reading. Dr. Shuckford supposes that the covenant was made at Shechem, and that the people went to Shiloh to confirm it. But the most probable opinion seems to be that of Dr. Kennicott, that when all the tribes were assembled as Shechem, Joshua called the chiefs to him on that mount, which had before been consecrated by the law, and by the altar which he had erected.

summoned <07121> [called.]

appeared <03320> [presented.]


ancestors .......... father <01> [Your fathers.]

God ......................... worshiped other gods <0312 0430 05647> [served other gods.]

In the case of Abraham this was probably the case, till he was called to the knowledge of God, when above 70 years old.


took <03947> [I took.]

gave <05414> [gave.]


Isaac <03327> [unto Isaac.]

Esau ... Esau <06215> [unto Esau.]

Jacob ........... Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]


sent <07971> [sent.]

struck <05062> [plagued.]


brought <03318> [I brought.]

Egypt <04714> [Egyptians.]


cried out <06817> [And when.]

made <07760> [he put.]

drowned <0935> [brought.]

eyes <05869> [your eyes.]

lived <03427> [ye dwelt.]





crossed <05674> [And ye.]

leaders <01167> [the men.]


sent <07971> [I sent.]

swords <02719> [not.]


gave <05414> [And I.]

cities <05892> [cities.]


obey <03372> [fear.]

worship ............. worshiped ......... worship <05647> [serve.]

aside <05493> [put.]

From this exhortation of Joshua, we not only learn that the Israelites still retained some relics of idolatry, but to what gods they were attached. 1. Those whom their fathers worshipped on the other side of the food, or the river Euphrates, i.e., the gods of the Chaldeans, fire, light, the sun, etc. 2. Those of the Egyptians, Apis, Anubis, serpents, vegetables, etc. 3. Those of the Amorites, Moabites, Canaanites, etc., Baal-peor, Astarte, etc. How astonishing is it, that after all that God had done for them, and all the miracles they had seen, there should still be found among them both idols and idolaters!

Egypt <04714> [in Egypt.]


choose <0977> [choose.]

gods ........... gods <0430> [whether the gods.]

gods ........... gods <0430> [or the gods.]

family <01004> [as for me.]




worship <05647> [will we also.]


<03201> [Ye cannot.]

holy <06918> [holy.]

jealous <07072> [a jealous.]

forgive <05375> [he will not.]


turn <07725> [he will turn.]


worship <05647> [Nay.]


witnesses ................ witnesses <05707> [Ye are witnesses.]

Ye have been sufficiently apprised of the difficulties in your way--of God's holiness, and the nature of his service--your own weakness, inconstancy, and insufficiency--your need of the Divine help, and the hope of assistance held out in the law--and the awful consequences of apostasy: and now ye make your choice. Remember then that ye are witnesses against yourselves; and your own conscience will be witness, judge, and executioner.

chosen <0977> [ye have.]


aside <05493> [put away.]

submit <05186> [incline.]



<03772> [made.]

Shechem <07927> [in Shechem.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

took <03947> [took.]

set <06965> [set it.]

oak <0427> [under.]


A curious coincidence of circumstances is related by Livy, the Roman historian: he writes that "when three ambassadors were sent from Rome to complain of the perfidious conduct of the ’qui, the General informed them, that they might deliver their message to an oak which shaded his tent." On this one of the ambassadors turning away, said, "This venerable oak, and all the gods, shall know that you have violated the peace; they shall now hear our complaints; and may they also soon be witnesses, when we revenge with our arms the violation of divine and human rights." It is worthy of remark that Joshua merely set up a pillar under an oak,--the one, perhaps, to protect the other; while the General directed the ambassadors to address the oak, perhaps with an idolatrous feeling that they were addressing one of the gods, who would aid his cause; while the Roman ambassadors caught the feeling, and really invoked the aid of the oak and the gods.

heard <08085> [it hath.]

deny <03584> [deny.]



After <0310 01697> [after these.]

hundred <03967> [an hundred.]


Timnath <08556> [Timnath-serah.]

Gaash <01608> [Gaash.]


worshiped <05647> [served.]

Joshua's ........... outlived him <03091 0748> [overlived Joshua. Heb. prolonged their days after Joshua. which had.]


bones <06106> [bones.]

buried <06912> [buried.]

pieces of money <07192> [pieces of silver. or, lambs.]


Eleazar <0499> [Eleazar.]

died <04191> [died.]

Phinehas <06372> [Phinehas.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON JOSHUA. The Book of Joshua is one of the most important documents in the Old Testament. The rapid conquest of the Promised Land, and the actual settlement of the Israelites in it, afford a striking accomplishment of the Divine predictions to Abraham and the succeeding patriarchs; and at the same time bear the most unequivocal and ample testimony to the authenticity of this sacred book. Several of the transactions related in it are confirmed in a very extraordinary manner, by the traditions current among heathen nations, and preserved by ancient profane historians of undoubted character. Thus there are monuments still in existence, which prove that the Carthaginians were a colony of Syrians who escaped from Joshua; as also that the inhabitants of Leptis, in Africa, came originally from the Sidonians, who abandoned their country on account of the calamities with which it was overwhelmed. Procopius relates that the Phoenicians fled before the Hebrews into Africa, and spread themselves abroad as far as the pillars of Hercules; and adds, "In Numidia, where now stands the city Tigisis (Tangiers), they have erected two columns, on which, in Phoenician characters, is the following inscription:--"We are the Phoenicians who fled from the face of Jesus (Joshua) the son of Naue" (Nun).

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