Kidung Jemaat
Mark 1:14--3:6
- Dengar Panggilan Tuhan [KJ.357]
1. Dengar panggilan Tuhan, dan oleh kuasaNya kau
jadi anak Tuhan, pelayan umatNya.
Mrk 1:17
2. Gunakanlah bakatmu, pemb'rian kasihNya;
amalkan karyamu bagi manusia.
Rm 12:6
Ef 4:7
1 Ptr 4:10
3. Percaya pada Tuhan, tanganNya pandumu,
dan kasih anug'rahNya tumpuan bagimu.
4. Berikanlah bantuan bagi sesamamu;
pancarkan cahya Tuhan di dalam hidupmu.Gal 5:13
Gal 6:2
Mat 5:14-16
Play - Lihat Salib di atas Bukit Golgota [KJ.182]
1. Lihat salib diatas bukit Golgota, tempat tergantung Jurus'lamat dunia;
dalam sengsara jiwa raga yang pedih Ia menanggung dosa kita yang keji.
Mrk 15:22-26
Yoh 1:29
2. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
Kar'nanya kasihNya yang sempurna dan kudus, kuasa jahat dikalahkan Penebus.
Mrk 1:14-15
Ibr 2:14
1 Yoh 3:8
3. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
kar'nanya sangat diagungkan namaNya di dalam sorga dan di dalam dunia.Flp 6:8Why 5:12
4. Dari salibMu Kau memanggil dunia agar melihat kasihMu yang mulia
dan mengikuti Dikau, pasrah dan teguh, mempersembahkan hidup kami padaMu!Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 2:21
Rm 12:1
Play - Mari Menjadi Penjala Orang [KJ.431]
1. Mari menjadi penjala orang. Mari mencari jiwa yang hilang;
Dalam iman yang teguh isi pukatmu penuh. Bawa jiwa yang
Berharga masuk rumah Bapa.Mrk 1:16-20
Play - Masih Banyak Orang Berjalan [KJ.429]
1. Masih banyak orang berjalan dalam kuasa yang gelap.
Tuhan, tolong kami sadarkan tiap orang yang sesat.
O, berilah keselamatan pada orang yang Kautebus,
agar mereka mendapatkan perjanjianMu yang kudus.
2. Andaikata dulu muridMu tidak sudi bekerja mengabarkan
cinta kasihMu pada dunia bercela, maka Injil yang
Kauberikan pasti kini tak tersebar, sehingga dunia akan hilang,
Tetap berdosa, bercemar.Mrk 1:20
Mrk 6:7-13
Luk 10:1-12
Kis 4:33
3. Utus kami menjadi saksi yang setia beriman, mengisahkan
kasih sorgawi pada orang berbeban. Roh Kuduslah yang
mengurapi, agar kami tetap tekun di dalam kasih melayani
setiap orang berkeluh.Yes 6:8
Yoh 17:18
Play - Meski Tak Layak Diriku [KJ.27]
1. Meski tak layak diriku, tetapi kar'na darahMu
dan kar'na kau memanggilku, 'ku datang, Yesus, padaMu.
Luk 15:21
Mrk 2:17
Yoh 6:37
2. Sebagaimana adanya jiwaku sungguh bercela,
darahMulah pembasuhnya; 'ku datang, Tuhan, padaMu.
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Terombang-ambing, berkeluh, gentar di kancah kemelut,
ya Anakdomba Allahku, ku datang kini padaMu.
4. Sebagaimana adaku celaka, buta dan kelu;
segala apa yang perlu 'ku dapat dalam diriMu.
Mat 11:5
Why 3:17
5. Sebagaimana janjiMu menyambut dan membasuhku,
ya Anakdomba yang kudus, 'ku datang kini padaMu.Yes 1:18
Play - Petugas di Pabean [KJ.147]
1. Petugas di pabean, si Lewi namanya,
dipanggil oleh Tuhan, t'rus bangkit ikut p'rintahNya.
2. Sesudah Lewi tobat; syukur diucapnya
dan Yesus serat sobat diundang ke jamuannya.
3. Farisi jadi bingung; katanya, "tak benar:
mengapa makan-minum bersama orang yang cemar?"
4. Bersabda Tuhan Yesus, "Ku masuk dunia
supaya Kubebaskan mereka yang penuh cela."Play - Sang Maha Tabib T'lah Dekat [KJ.149]
1. Sang Maha Tabib t'lah dekat, ya itu Tuhan Yesus.
Wahai yang sakit dan penat, dengarlah suara Yesus!
Mrk 1:32-34
Yoh 6:2
Mat 11:28
2. Baik di dunia yang fana, baik di sorga yang baka,
Yang terindah s'lamanya nama Tuhan Yesus.
3. DiampuniNya dosamu; dengarlah suara Yesus.
Menuju sorga jalanmu bersama Tuhan Yesus.
Mrk 2:5
4. Baik di dunia yang fana, baik di sorga yang baka,
Yang terindah s'lamanya nama Tuhan Yesus.
5. Segala puji bagiNya, telah 'ku ikut Yesus.
OlehNya aku s'lamatlah; kucinta Tuhan Yesus.
6. Baik di dunia yang fana, baik di sorga yang baka,
Yang terindah s'lamanya nama Tuhan Yesus.
7. Di kancah dosa dan gentar harapku hanya Yesus.
Senang hatiku mendengar mujizat nama Yesus.
8. Baik di dunia yang fana, baik di sorga yang baka,
Yang terindah s'lamanya nama Tuhan Yesus.Play - Sungguh Lembut Tuhan Yesus Memanggil [KJ.353]
1. Sungguh lembut Tuhan Yesus memanggil, memanggil aku dan kau.
Lihatlah Dia prihatin menunggu aku dan kau.
2. "Hai mari datanglah, kau yang lelah, mari datanglah!" Sungguh
lembut Tuhan Yesus memanggil, "Kau yang sesat, marilah!"
3. Janganlah ragu, Tuhanmu mengajak, mengajak aku dan kau;
Janganlah enggan menerima kasihNya terhadap aku dan kau.
4. "Hai mari datanglah, kau yang lelah, mari datanglah!" Sungguh
lembut Tuhan Yesus memanggil, "Kau yang sesat, marilah!"
5. Waktu serta kesempatan berlalu yang dib'ri aku dan kau;
nanti gelap kematian membayang mengancam aku dan kau.
6. "Hai mari datanglah, kau yang lelah, mari datanglah!" Sungguh
lembut Tuhan Yesus memanggil, "Kau yang sesat, marilah!"
7. Yesus berjanji memb'rikan kasihNya kepada aku dan kau.
Ia mengampuni orang berdosa seperti aku dan kau.
Mrk 2:5, 10
Kol 2:13
8. "Hai mari datanglah, kau yang lelah, mari datanglah!" Sungguh
lembut Tuhan Yesus memanggil, "Kau yang sesat, marilah!"Play - Tatkala Hari pun Senja [KJ.148]
1. Tatkala hati pun senja, yang sakit datang kepadaMu,
dirundung duka dan keluh; pulang dengan sejahtera.
Mrk 1:32-34
2. Senja sekarang ini pun, terkumpul kami yang penat;
dalam iman Engkau dekat, walau tak nyata wujudMu.
3. O Tuhan Jesus, tolonglah yang sakit maupun yang sedih;
ada yang kandas dan sepi, ada yang hilang kasihnya.
4. Yang satu budak dunia, yang lain kurang beriman;
ada yang hampir tenggelam: hanya Engkau Penolongnya.
5. Yang anggap dunia semu, tetap mengharap yang fana;
yang ditinggalkan kawannnya, belum mencari kasihMu.
6. Berdosalah semuanya tiada yang tent'ram penuh,
bahkan yang paling saleh pun justru merasa bercela.
Rm 3:23
7. O Yesus, juga kau telah menanggung siksa dan keluh;
oleh tindakan kasihMu tubuh dan roh obatilah!Yes 53:3-7
Ibr 4:15
Play - Tiap Hari Bergembira [KJ.150]
1. Tiap hari bergembira 'ku membaca Alkitab:
Jurus'lamat yang setia jadi Kawanku tetap!
2 Tim 3:15-17
2. Anak-anak diberkati dan dirangkul olehNya;
Kerajaan yang sorgawi nyata dalam dunia.
Mrk 10:13-15
3. Orang sakit disembuhkan orang miskin pun lega,
disebut saudara Tuhan kar'na kasih sayangNya.
Mrk 1:32-34
Ibr 2:11
4. Bahkan orang yang berdosa diterima Tuhanku,
dan mereka yang bertobat diampuniNya penuh.
Mrk 2:5
Luk 15:1-2
Luk 5:32
5. Tuhan Yesuslah Gembala yang menuntun dombaNya
masuk Kerajaan Allah yang penuh karunia.
Yoh 10:11-18
1 Ptr 2:25
6. 'Ku membaca tiap hari dalam Kitab yang kudus
dan semakin kusadari pengasihan Penebus.Play - Tuhanku Bangkit! Nyanyilah [KJ.211]
1. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Kubur ditinggalkanNya, maut dikalahkanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-82
2 Tim 1:10
2. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Tiga ibu datanglah, tidak menemukanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-4
3. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Sang malaikat mulia membukakan kuburNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mat 28:2
4. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Jangan takut dan sedih: Yang kaucari t'lah pergi!"
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:6
5. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Ingat akan sabdaNya yang pernah diucapNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:7
6. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Setelah sengsaraNya Allah memuliakanNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Flp 2:9-11
7. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Yang tersalib hiduplah! Kita hidup olehNya!
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
Play - Ya Bapa, Jamah AnakMu [KJ.459]
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
1. Ya Bapa, jamah anakMu serta ampunilah, lenyapkan kerisauanku,
berilah kedamaianMu dan hidup berserah.
2. MuridMu taat mendengar panggilan kasihMu; jadikan
aku pun sedar mengikutMu dengan benar dan beriman teguh.
Mat 10:5-15
Mrk 1:25
3. Betapa suci dan teduh, betapa khidmatnya, ketika Yesus
bertelut esa denganMu, Allahku, di damai yang baka.
Mrk 1:35
Mzm 6:464. Ya Tuhanku, tenangkanlah gejolak nafsuku; prahara, api
dan gempa redalah bila kudengar suaraMu yang lembut.
Mrk 4:35-41
5. Turunkanlah sejahtera yang murni bak embun, teduhkan hati
yang resah; di hidupku wujudkanlah indahnya damaiMu.Mzm 133:3
Mark 1:14--3:6
[Mar 1:14] Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant
Come sing, ye choirs exultant,
Those messengers of God,
Through whom the living Gospels
Came sounding all abroad!
Whose voice proclaimed salvation
That poured upon the night,
And drove away the shadows,
And filled the world with light.He chose them, our Good Shepherd,
And, tending evermore,
His flock through earth’s four quarters,
In wisdom made them four;
True Lawgiver, He bade them
Their healing message speed—
One charter for all nations,
One glorious title deed!In one harmonious witness
The chosen four combine
While each his own commission
Fulfills in every line;
As, in the prophet’s vision,
From out the amber flame
In form of visage diverse
Four living creatures came.Lo, these the wingèd chariots,
That bring Emmanuel nigh,
The golden staves, uplifting
God’s very ark on high;
And these the fourfold river
Of paradise above,
Whence flow for all the nations
New mysteries of love.Foursquare on this foundation
The Church of Christ remains,
A house to stand unshaken
By floods or winds or rains.
O glorious happy portion
In this safe home to be,
By God, true man, united
With God eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:15] Arise, Sons Of The Kingdom
Arise, sons of the kingdom!
The King is drawing nigh;
Arise, and hail with gladness
The Ruler from on high.
Ye Christians, hasten forth!
Your praise and homage bring Him
And glad hosannas sing Him,
Naught else your love is worth.Arise, ye drooping mourners!
The King is very near;
Away with grief and sorrow,
For lo! your Help is here.
Behold, in many a place—
We find Him, our Salvation,
O blessed consolation!
In His pure means of grace.Arise, ye much afflicted!
The King is now not far;
Rejoice, ye long dejected!
Here comes the Morning Star.
The Lord will give you joy;
Though troubles now distress you,
With comfort He will bless you,
E’en death He will destroy.Now hear, ye bold transgressors,
The King does well give heed
To all that ye are doing,
And to the life ye lead,
Enthralled to sin and hell;
Nothing in all creation
Escapes His observation
He marketh all things well.Be righteous, ye His subjects,
The King is just and true;
Prepare for Him a highway,
Make all things straight and new.
He means all for our good
Then let us bear our crosses
That He Himself imposes,
In an undaunted mood.Though war and conflagration
Take all our goods away;
The Lord is our salvation
And heritage for aye.
E’en though our loved ones die,
Yet they are not forsaken,
But from this world are taken
To live with God on highArise, ye poor and needy!
The King provides for you;
He comes with succor speedy,
With mercy ever new.
He Who a beast did heed
Lets not His children perish;
All hopes that man may cherish
He can fulfill indeed.He nevermore forsaketh
A child that feels the rod,
Who Him his refuge maketh,
And puts his trust in God.
He is our sovereign King;
E’en death itself shall never
Those from their Master sever
Who to His mercy cling.Arise, ye faint and fearful!
The King now comes with might,
His heart hath long since loved us,
He makes our darkness light.
Now are our sorrows o’er;
No wrath shall e’er befall us,
Since God in grace doth call us
His children evermore.Haste then, with eager footsteps,
To see your Sovereign there!
He rides as King of Zion,
Strong, glorious, meek and fair.
Draw near the Lord and give
To Him your salutation,
Who bringeth great salvation,
And bids the sinner live.The King in grace remembers
His loved ones here below
With gifts of royal treasures,
Yea, doth Himself bestow
Through His blest Word and grace.
O King, arrayed in splendor,
To Thee all praise we’ll render
Here and there face to face.O rich the gifts Thou bring’st us,
Thyself made poor and weak;
O Love beyond expression
That thus can sinners seek!
For this, O Lord, will we
Our joyous tribute bring Thee,
And glad hosannas sing Thee,
And ever grateful be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:15] Arise, The Kingdom Is At Hand
Arise, the kingdom is at hand,
The King is drawing nigh;
Arise with joy, thou faithful band,
To meet the Lord most high!
Look up, ye souls, weighed down with care,
The Sovereign is not far;
Look up, faint hearts, from your despair,
Behold the Morning Star!Look up, ye drooping hearts, today,
The King is very near;
O cast your griefs and fears away,
For, lo, your help is here!
Hope on, ye broken hearts, at last
The King comes in His might;
He loved us in the ages past
When we lay wrapped in night.Look up, ye souls weighed down with care,
The Sovereign is not far!
Look up, faint hearts, from your despair,
Behold the Morning Star!
The Lord is with us now, who shall
The sinking spirit feed
With strength and comfort at its need
To Whom e’en death shall bow.Hope, O ye broken hearts, at last!
The King comes on in might,
He loved us in the ages past
When we sat wrapped in night;
Now are our sorrows o’er, and fear
And wrath to joy give place,
Since God hath made us in His grace
His children evermore.O rich the gifts Thou bringest us,
Thyself made poor and weak;
O love beyond compare that thus
Can foes and sinners seek!
For this we raise a gladsome voice
On high to Thee alone,
And evermore with thanks rejoice
Before Thy glorious throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:15] Let The Earth Now Praise The Lord
Let the earth now praise the Lord.
Who hath truly kept His Word
And the sinners’ Help and Friend
Now at last to us doth send.What the fathers most desired,
What the prophet’s heart inspired,
What they longed for many a year,
Stands fulfilled in glory here.Abram’s promised great Reward,
Zion’s Helper, Jacob’s Lord,
Him of twofold race behold,
Truly came, as long foretold.Welcome, O my Savior, now!
Hail! My Portion, Lord, art Thou.
Here, too, in my heart, I pray,
Oh, prepare Thyself a way!King of Glory, enter in;
Cleanse it from the filth of sin,
As Thou hast so often done;
It belongs to Thee alone.As Thy coming was in peace,
Quiet, full of gentleness,
Let the same mind dwell in me
That was ever found in Thee.Comfort my desponding heart:
Thou my Strength and Refuge art.
I am weak, and cunningly
Satan lays his snares for me.Bruise for me the Serpent’s head,
That, set free from doubt and dread,
I may cleave to Thee in faith,
Safely kept through life and death.And when Thou dost come again
As a glorious King to reign,
I with joy may see Thy face,
Freely ransomed by Thy grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:32] At Even, Ere The Sun Was Set
At even, ere the sun was set,
The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay;
O, with how many pains they met!
O, with what joy they went away!Once more ’tis eventide, and we,
Oppressed with various ills, draw near;
What if Thyself we cannot see?
We know that Thou art ever near.O Savior Christ, our woes dispel;
For some are sick, and some are sad;
And some have never loved Thee well,
And some have lost the love they had.And some are pressed with worldly care
And some are tried with sinful doubt;
And some such grievous passions tear,
That only Thou canst cast them out.And some have found the world is vain,
Yet from the world they break not free;
And some have friends who give them pain,
Yet have not sought a friend in Thee.And none, O Lord, have perfect rest,
For none are wholly free from sin;
And they who fain would serve Thee best
Are conscious most of wrong within.O Savior Christ, Thou too art man;
Thou has been troubled, tempted, tried;
Thy kind but searching glance can scan
The very wounds that shame would hide.Thy touch has still its ancient power.
No word from Thee can fruitless fall;
Hear, in this solemn evening hour,
And in Thy mercy heal us all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:32] Savior, Who Didst Healing Give
Savior, who didst healing give,
Still in power go before us;
Thou through death didst bid men live,
Unto fuller life restore us;
Strength from Thee the fainting found,
Deaf men heard, the blind went seeing;
At Thy touch was banished sickness,
And the leper felt new being.Thou didst work Thy deeds of old
Through the loving hands of others;
Still Thy mercies manifold
Bless men by the hands of brothers;
Angels still before Thy face
Go, sweet health to brothers bringing;
Still, hearts glow to tell His praises
With Whose Name the Church is ringing.Loved physician! for his word
Lo, the Gospel page burns brighter,
Mission servant of the Lord,
Painter true, and perfect writer;
Savior, of Thy bounty send
Such as Luke of Gospel story,
Friends to all in body’s prison
Till the sufferers see Thy glory.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:32] Thine Arm, O Lord, In Days Of Old
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old, was strong to heal and save;
It triumphed o’er disease and death, o’er darkness and the grave.
To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb, the palsied and the lame,
The leper with his tainted life, the sick with fevered frame.And lo! Thy touch brought life and health, gave speech, and strength and sight;
And youth renewed and fear relieved owned Thee, the Lord of light;
And now, O Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore,
In crowded street, by restless couch, as by Gennesaret’s shore.Be Thou our great Deliverer still, Thou Lord of life and death;
Restore and quicken, soothe and bless, with Thine almighty breath.
To hands that work and eyes that see, give wisdom’s heavenly lore,
That whole and sick, and weak and strong, may praise Thee evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 1:41] My Father, For Another Night
My Father, for another night
Of quiet sleep and rest,
For all the joy of morning light,
Thy holy Name be blest.Now with the newborn day I give
Myself anew to Thee,
That as Thou willest I may live,
And what Thou willest be.Whate’er I do, things great or small,
Whate’er I speak or frame,
Thy glory may I seek in all,
Do all in Jesus’ Name.My Father, for His sake, I pray
Thy child accept and bless;
And lead me by Thy grace today
In paths of righteousness.Play source: Cyberhymnal