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Mark 16:1-18


was over <1230> [when.]

Mary Magdalene Mary <3137 3094> [Mary Magdalene.]

aromatic spices <759> [sweet.]


Mr. West supposes that the women made two different visits to the sepulchre, and, in consequence of that, two distinct reports to the disciples; that Mary Magdalene, with the other Mary and Salome, set out not only early, but very early in the morning, [lian <\\See definition 3029\\> proi <\\See definition 4404\\>,] i.e., before the time appointed to meet Joanna and the other women there. (Lu 24:10). This interpretation, which is adopted by several eminent writers, is very probable, and reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the evangelists.


Who <5101> [Who.]


they saw <2334> [they saw.]


as ... went <1525> [entering.]

a young man <3495> [a young.]

This appears to have been a different angel from that mentioned by Matthew. The latter sat in the porch of the tomb, and had assumed a terrible appearance to overawe the guard. (Mt 28:1;) but this appeared as a young man, within the sepulchre, in the inner apartment. The two angels spoken of by John (ch. 20:11) appeared some time after these; but whether they were the same or different cannot be ascertained; nor whether the angels which manifested themselves to the second party of women, recorded by Luke, (ch. 24:4,) were the same or different.

Then ....................... and they were alarmed <2532 1568> [and they.]


Do not be alarmed .................. not <1568 3361 3756> [Be not.]

You are looking for <2212> [Ye seek.]

Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]

He has been raised <1453> [he is risen.]


tell ...................... he told <2036> [tell.]

there <1563> [there.]


they went out <1831> [they went.]

for .............. because <1161 846 2192 1063> [for they trembled.]

Then ............ and ...... And <2532> [neither.]


first <4413> [the first.]

he appeared <5316> [he appeared.]

<575> [out.]


while ... were mourning <3996> [as.]


they did not believe <569> [believed.]



They went back <565 2548> [they went.]

but .... not <3761> [neither.]


he appeared <5319> [he appeared.]

while ... were eating <345> [at meat. or, together. and upbraided.]

unbelief <570> [unbelief.]


Go <4198> [Go.]

into <1519> [into.]


believes and <2532 4100> [that believeth and.]

is baptized <907> [is.]

but <1161> [but.]


those <5023> [these.]

In <1722> [In.]

they will drive out ... they will speak <1544 2980> [they.]


will pick up <142> [shall take.]

and whatever <2579> [if.]

It is fully asserted here, that the apostles of our Lord should not lose their life by poison, and there is neither record nor tradition to disprove it. But it is worthy of remark, that Mohammed, who styled himself the apostle of God, lost his life by poison; and, had he been a true prophet, or a true apostle of God, he would not have fallen into the snare.

they will place <2007> [they shall lay.]

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