Matthew 11:13-14
if <1487> [if.]
it <846> [this.]
Matthew 14:5
wanted <2309> [when.]
because <3754> [because.]
Matthew 17:12-13
Yet they did ... recognize <2532 1921> [and they.]
I ............... but <1161 235> [but.]
In the same way <3779> [Likewise.]
disciples <3101> [the disciples.]
Matthew 21:24-26
I ... also ........... I ... also <2504> [I also.]
baptism <908> [baptism.]
<1302> [Why.]
we fear <5399> [we fear.]
for <1063> [for.]
Mark 9:11-13
restores <600> [restoreth.]
must suffer <3958> [he must.]
be despised <1847> [set.]
Elijah <2243> [Elias.]
and they did <2532 4160> [and they.]
Luke 1:15-17
great <3173> [great.]
He must ... drink ... or .... and <2532 4095> [and shall.]
he will be filled <4130> [filled.]
even <2089> [even.]
before <1799> [before.]
in ...................... to <1722> [in.]
power <1411> [power.]
to turn <1994> [turn.]
And ............. and ................ and ... disobedient <2532 545> [and the.]
in ........ to turn ........ to ....... to ....... to make ready <1994 1909 1722 2090> [to. or, by. to make.]
Luke 1:76
will be called <2564> [shalt be.]
Most High <5310> [Highest.]
you will go <4313> [thou shalt.]