Matthew 6:7-13
do ... babble repetitiously <945> [use.]
do ... babble repetitiously <945> [repetitions.]
Gentiles <1482> [the heathen.]
your <5216> [your.]
this way <3779> [this.]
Our <2257> [Our.]
1,6,14 5:16,48 7:11 10:29 26:29,42 Isa 63:16 64:8
Lu 15:18,21 Joh 20:17 Ro 1:7 8:15 Ga 1:1 4:6 1Pe 1:17 [All]
<3588> [which.]
may .... be honored <37> [Hallowed.]
Le 10:3 2Sa 7:26 1Ki 8:43 1Ch 17:24 Ne 9:5 Ps 72:18 111:9
Isa 6:3 37:20 Eze 36:23 38:23 Hab 2:14 Zec 14:9 Mal 1:11
Lu 2:14 11:2 1Ti 6:16 Re 4:11 5:12 [All]
your kingdom .... your <4675 932> [Thy kingdom.]
3:2 4:17 16:28 Ps 2:6 Isa 2:2 Jer 23:5 Da 2:44 7:13,27
Zec 9:9 Mr 11:10 Lu 19:11,38 Col 1:13 Re 11:15 12:10 19:6
Re 20:4 [All]
your .... may your will be <4675 2307> [Thy will.]
7:21 12:50 26:42 Ps 40:8 Mr 3:35 Joh 4:34 6:40 7:17
Ac 13:22 21:14 22:14 Ro 12:2 Eph 6:6 Col 1:9 1Th 4:3 5:18
Heb 10:7,36 13:21 1Pe 2:15 4:2 [All]
<2532> [as.]
4:4 Ex 16:16-35 Job 23:12 Ps 33:18,19 34:10 Pr 30:8
Isa 33:16 Lu 11:3 Joh 6:31-59 2Th 3:12 1Ti 6:8 [All]
forgive ........ have forgiven <863> [forgive.]
debts <3783> [debts.]
and <2532> [as.]
do ... lead <1533> [lead.]
26:41 Ge 22:1 De 8:2,16 Pr 30:8 Lu 22:31-46 1Co 10:13
2Co 12:7-9 Heb 11:36 1Pe 5:8 2Pe 2:9 Re 2:10 3:10 [All]
deliver <4506> [deliver.]
1Ch 4:10 Ps 121:7,8 Jer 15:21 Joh 17:15 Ga 1:4 1Th 1:10
2Ti 4:17,18 Heb 2:14,15 1Jo 3:8 5:18,19 Re 7:14-17 21:4 [All]
<4675> [thine.]
10 Ex 15:18 1Ch 29:11 Ps 10:16 47:2,7 145:10-13
Da 4:25,34,35 7:18 1Ti 1:17 6:15-17 Re 5:13 19:1 [All]
<281> [Amen.]
28:20 Nu 5:22 De 27:15-26 1Ki 1:36 1Ch 16:36 Ps 41:13 72:19
Ps 89:52 106:48 Jer 28:6 1Co 14:16 2Co 1:20 Re 1:18 3:14 19:4 [All]