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Numbers 11:11-35


afflicted <07489> [Wherefore hast thou.]

The complaint and remonstrance of Moses in these verses serve at once to shew the deeply distressed state of his mind, and the degradation of the minds of the people.

found <04672> [wherefore have.]


Carry ..... arms ...... bears <05375 02436> [Carry them.]

father <0539> [as a nursing.]

land <0127> [the land.]




me like .... kill ... immediately <02026> [kill me.]

see <07200> [let me not.]

trouble <07451> [my wretchedness.]

Two of Dr. Kennicott's manuscripts read, "their wretchedness." The Jerusalem Targum has the same, and adds, by way of explanation, "who are thine own people."


seventy <07657> [seventy.]

officials <07860> [officers.]


come down <03381> [I will come.]

speak ........ take part <01696 0680> [talk with.]

take part <0680> [I will take.]

bear ................ bear <05375> [they shall.]


Sanctify <06942> [Sanctify.]

wept <01058> [ye have wept.]

good <02895> [it was well.]


About a year before this, the people had been thus feasted for one day (Ex 16:13); but now such plenty was to be afforded them for a whole month, and they should use it so greedily, that at last they should entirely loathe the food for which they had so inordinately craved.


month <02320> [whole month. Heb. month of days.]

sick <02214> [and it.]

despised <03988> [despised.]



There is certainly a considerable measure of weakness and unbelief manifested in these complaints and questions of Moses; but his conduct appears at the same time so very simple, honest, and affectionate, that we cannot but admire it, while we wonder that he had not stronger confidence in that God, whose stupendous miracles he had so often witnessed in Egypt.


Lord ....... Lord's <03068> [Is the Lord's.]

That is, "Is the power of the Lord diminished?" That power which has been so signally displayed on your behalf, and which is as unchangeable as it is unlimited.

see <07200> [thou shalt.]


gathered <0622> [gathered.]


came down <03381> [came down.]

took <0680> [took.]

put ..... seventy <05414 07657> [gave it.]

From this place, Origen and Theodoret take occasion to compare Moses to a lamp, at which seventy others were lighted, without any diminution of its lustre.

prophesied <05012> [they prophesied.]

By prophesying here we are to understand, their performing those civil and sacred functions for which they were qualified; exhorting the people to quiet and peaceable submission, and to trust and confidence in the providence of God.


gone <03318> [went not out.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

lord <0113> [My Lord.]


jealous <07065> [Enviest.]

put <05414> [would.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [that the.]


wind <07307> [a wind.]

brought <01468> [and brought.]

quail <07958> [quails.]

That the word {selav} means the quail, we have already had occasion to observe; to which we subjoin the authority of Mr. Maundrell, who visited Naplosa, (the ancient Sichem,) where the Samaritans live. Mr. Maundrell asked their chief priest what sort of animal he took the {selav} to be. He answered, they were a sort of fowls; and, by the description Mr. Maundrell perceived he meant the same kind with our quails.

day's journey ........ day's journey <01870 03117> [a day's journey. Heb. the way of a day. and as it were two cubits.]

That is, as the Vulgate renders, {Volabantque in a‰re duobus cubitis altitudine super terram,} "and they flew in the air, at the height of two cubits above the ground."


homers <02563> [homers.]


meat <01320> [And while.]

struck <05221> [smote.]


Kibroth Hattaavah <06914> [Kibroth-hattaavah. that is, the graves of lust.]


traveled <05265> [journeyed.]

Hazeroth ...... Hazeroth <02698> [unto Hazeroth.]

Hazeroth ...... Hazeroth <02698> [abode at. Heb they were in, etc.]

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