NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Philippians 1:16


<3756 55> [not sincerely.]

<3633> [supposing.]

Genesis 20:5


conscience <08537> [in the integrity. or, simplicity, or sincerity.]

innocent <05356> [and innocency.]

Joshua 24:14


obey <03372> [fear.]

worship ............. worshiped ......... worship <05647> [serve.]

aside <05493> [put.]

From this exhortation of Joshua, we not only learn that the Israelites still retained some relics of idolatry, but to what gods they were attached. 1. Those whom their fathers worshipped on the other side of the food, or the river Euphrates, i.e., the gods of the Chaldeans, fire, light, the sun, etc. 2. Those of the Egyptians, Apis, Anubis, serpents, vegetables, etc. 3. Those of the Amorites, Moabites, Canaanites, etc., Baal-peor, Astarte, etc. How astonishing is it, that after all that God had done for them, and all the miracles they had seen, there should still be found among them both idols and idolaters!

Egypt <04714> [in Egypt.]

John 1:47


<2396> [Behold.]

in <1722> [in.]

Acts 24:16


Acts 24:2


through ............ through <1223> [Seeing.]

Felix, bad as he was, had certainly rendered some services to Judaea. He had entirely subdued a very formidable banditti which had infested the country, and sent their captain, Eliezar, to Rome; had suppressed the sedition raised by the Egyptian impostor (ch. 21:38); and had quelled a very afflictive disturbance which took place between the Syrians and Jews of C‘sarea. But, though Tertullus might truly say, "by thee we enjoy great quietness," yet it is evident that he was guilty of the grossest flattery, as we have seen both from his own historians and Josephus, that he was both a bad man and a bad governor.

Colossians 1:12


giving thanks <2168> [Giving.]

Father <3962> [the Father.]

has qualified <2427> [made.]

share <3310> [partakers.]

inheritance <2819> [inheritance.]

in <1722> [in.]

Colossians 2:17


shadow <4639> [a shadow.]

reality <4983> [the body.]

Colossians 1:8


Ephesians 4:15


But <1161> [But.]

practicing the truth <226> [speaking the truth. or, being sincere.]

we will ..... grow up <837> [may.]

who <3739> [which.]

Ephesians 5:27


may present <3936> [he.]

glorious <1741> [glorious.]

not <3361> [not.]

but <235> [but.]

Ephesians 6:24


Grace <5485> [Grace.]

love <25> [love.]

[in sincerity. or, with incorruption.]

<281> [Amen.]

Ephesians 6:1


obey <5219> [obey.]

in <1722> [in.]

for <1063> [for.]

Ephesians 3:13


to lose heart <1573> [ye.]

because of <1722> [at.]

Ephesians 5:23


husband <435> [husband.]

also <2532> [even.]

himself <846> [he.]

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