Revelation 4:8
six <1803> [six.]
was full <1073> [full.]
was full ...... and ..... rest ... or ............... and .... and <2532 1073 372> [and they.]
never rest <3756 372> [rest not. Gr. have no rest. Holy.]
Lord God ... All-Powerful <2962 2316 3841> [Lord God Almighty.]
<3588> [which.]
Revelation 5:9
They were singing <103> [sung.]
<1488> [Thou art.]
because <3754> [for.]
and .......... and ......... you have purchased .......... and <2532 59> [and hast.]
from <1537> [out.]
Revelation 7:9
an enormous <4183> [a great.]
no one <3762> [no man.]
from every <1537 3956> [of all.]
standing <2476> [stood.]
dressed <4016> [clothed.]
palm branches <5404> [palms.]
Revelation 8:12
Then ........ and ... third .... sun .... and a third ..... and a third ....... a third ...... And ............... third <2532 5154 2246> [and the third part of the sun.]
Then ........ and ......... and ....... and ............... And ........... day <2532 2250> [and the day.]
Revelation 9:20
rest ............................. and ......... and <2532 3062> [And the.]
That is, those of the Latin and Greek churches, who escaped destruction, still persisted in their idolatrous worship of demons, etc.
cannot ... or ... or <3777> [yet.]
they did .... worshiping <4352> [worship.]
and idols ........ and <2532 1497> [and idols.]
Revelation 10:6
Revelation 13:2
Now ........... but its feet ...... and its ............. his ... his ... and <2532 846 4228> [and his feet.]
Now ........... but its ....... and its mouth ...... mouth ....... his ... his ... and <2532 846 4750> [and his mouth.]
dragon <1404> [dragon.]
gave <1325> [gave.]
Revelation 17:8
beast ............................. whose .......................... beast <3739 2342> [beast that thou.]
The Roman empire was the beast, or idolatrous persecuting power, when under the Pagan emperors; it ceased to be so when it became Christian; and became so again under the Roman pontiffs, and shall "go into perdition."
go <5217> [go.]
will be astounded <2296> [shall wonder.]
whose <3739> [whose.]
since <575> [from.]
beast ............................. whose .......................... beast <2342 3739 2258 3748> [the beast that was.]