Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 16:11
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play Yang Mau Dibimbing oleh Tuhan [KJ.379]
1. Yang mau dibimbing oleh Tuhan dan berharap tak henti,
akan mendapat pertolongan, bahkan di saat terpedih.
Tuhanlah dasar imannya, bukanlah pasir alasnya.
Mat 7:24-27
2. Apa gunanya tawar hati, hanya menangis tersedu?
Apa gunanya tiap pagi kita mulai berkeluh?
Jikalau kita bersedih, tambah berat beban salib.
3. Biar jiwamu kautenangkan, tabahkan hati yang sendu:
Yang Mahatahu kauandalkan, kasihNya cukup bagimu.
Tuhan telah memilihmu dan Ia tahu yang kau perlu.
2 Kor 12:9
4. PadaNya ada sukacita; nantikan saja waktunya.
Bila kau tulus dan setia, Tuhan menolong segera.
Ia beri berkat penuh yang tak terduga olehmu.
Mzm 16:11
5. Jangan kausangka bahwa Tuhan 'kan meninggalkan anakNya
dan bahwa hanya kemujuran tan dan bukti kasihNya.
Nanti bagimu nyatalah betapa agung maksudNya.Mzm 92
6. Tidak mustahil bagi Allah mengubah citra dunia:
orang yang kaya dipapakan, yang miskin jadi mulia.
Yang Mahaadil Dialah dalam segala tindakNya.
1 Sam 2:7-8
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52-53
7. Tetaplah kau di jalan Tuhan, setia dalam tugasmu:
dengan berkat yang tak berkurang dibaruiNya hidupmu.
Yang kepadaNya berserah tak ditinggalkan olehNya.Ul 31:6,8
Yos 1:5
Ibr 13:5-6
Ezekiel 34:26
Gembala Baik Bersuling nan Merdu [KJ.415]
1. Gembala baik, bersuling nan merdu, membimbing aku pada
air tenang dan membaringkan aku berteduh di padang rumput
hijau berkenan.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. O, Gembala itu Tuhanku, membuat aku tent'ram hening.
Mengalir dalam sungai kasihku kuasa damai cerlang, bening.
3. Kepada domba haus dan lesu Gembala baik memb'rikan
air segar; ke dalam hati haus dan sendu dib'riNya
air hidup yang benar.
4. O, Gembala itu Tuhanku, membuat aku tent'ram hening.
Mengalir dalam sungai kasihku kuasa damai cerlang, bening.
5. Di jalan maut kelam sekalipun 'ku tidak takut pada seteru,
sebab Gembala adalah Teman dan Jurus'lamat bagi diriku.
6. O, Gembala itu Tuhanku, membuat aku tent'ram hening.
Mengalir dalam sungai kasihku kuasa damai cerlang, bening.Play Gembalaku Tuhan [KJ.283]
1. Gembalaku Tuhan! DombaNya senang: di rumput yang subur
kenyang 'ku tertidur; dibimbingNya aku ke air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku Tuhan! Jiwaku segar: demi harga tinggi namaNya
sendiri dituntunNya aku di jalan yang benar.
3. Gembalaku Tuhan! Gentarku lenyap: kendati ancaman lembah
kekelaman, petunjuk Tuhanku menghibur tetap.
4. Gembalaku Tuhan! Di gurun sepi diriku dijamu dimuka lawanku:
baik roti, baik anggur padaku dib'ri.
5. Gembalaku Tuhan! Kudapat tempat di dalam rumahNya selama-lamanya;
di sana selalu kut'rima berkat.Play Hujan Berkat 'Kan Tercurah [KJ.403] ( There Shall Be Showers of Blessing )
R:Yes 45:8
1. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, itulah janji kudus:
hidup segar dari sorga 'kan diberi Penebus.
Yes 32:15
Yes 44:3
Yeh 34:26
Yl 2:23, 28
Kis 2:17-18
2. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!
3. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, hidup kembali segar.
Di atas bukit dan lurah bunyi derai terdengar.
4. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!
5. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah. Kini kami berseru,
"B'rilah dengan limpah ruah, agar genap sabdaMu!"
6. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!7. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah; kami menantikannya.
Hati kami telah buka, Yesus, Kauisi deg'ra!
8. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!Play Sang Rajalah Gembalaku [KJ.377]
1. Sang Rajalah gembalaku yang baik dan Penyayang.
Tak kurang aku apapun selama 'ku milikNya.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11, 14
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. Ke sumber air yang tenang, ke padang rumput subur
selalu 'ku dibimbingNya dan jiwaku terhibur.
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
3. Di kala aku tersesat, olehNya 'ku dicari;
di dalam kasih dan rahmat dibawa 'ku kembali.
Mzm 119:176
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Di bayang maut yang gelap tiada aku takut.
Engkau bersamaku tetap; salibMu yang memandu.
5. Engkau hidangkan bagiku karunia Roh berlimpah;
kudapat dalam kasihMu segala sukacita.
6. Sepanjang jalan hidupku kebaikanMu sertaku;
kekal 'ku mau memujiMu di rumahMu, Tuhanku.Play Seisi Padang Belantara [KJ.74]
1. Seisi padang belantara akan bersorak tak henti
dan gurun pasir pun kentara bagaikan mawar berseri!
Padanya akan diberikan semarak yang tak bakal hilang:
Baginya nampak tergelar serba kemuliaan Tuhan,
Yang ia sambut dan agungkan dengan gempita yang besar!
2. Kuatkan tangan tak berdaya, teguhkan kaki yang lesu;
orang cemas yang putus asa, kini tabahkan hatimu!
Tengadahlah: Allahmu datang; umatNya Ia selamatkan!
Selaku Hakim yang kudus Ia membalas kekerasan,
membela korban penindasan, menjamin damaimu terus!
Ibr 12:12
3. Celiklah mata orang buta melihat karya yang ajaib,
telinga tuli pun terbuka untuk menyambut kabar baik;
yang lumpuh bangun dan menari, yang bisu bersyukur menyanyi,
kar'na di tanah yang gersang mengalir sungai air hidup
membuat padang gurun itu penuh tanaman dan kembang!
Yes 29:18
Mat 11:5
4. Nanti terbuka jalan raya; umat kudus pelintasnya,
bebas ancaman dan bahaya, menuju Sion mulia.
Semua dibebaskan Tuhan, bersorak-sorai akan pulang
Ke negeri pusakanya. Habislah duka dan derita;
Limpahlah sumber sukacita sampai selama-lamanya!Yes 51:11
Play Sekawanan yang Esa [KJ.272]
1. Sekawanan yang esa dan Gembala satu jua,
bumi pun sejahtera, bila tiba hari Tuhan.
Bangkit dalam fajarNya: Yesus datang segera!
Yoh 10:16
2. Hai pengawal, tengoklah: masih jauhkah siang hari?
Hari Tuhan merekah; nanti tiada malam lagi!
Bangsa-bangsa, yakinlah: Yesus datang segera!
Yes 21:11-12
3. Tuhan, halaulah gelap, gembalakan kawananMu,
banyak domba tersesat dar Dikau dan UmatMu.
Umat Tuhan, tabahlah: Yesus datang segera!
Mzm 28:9
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Mi 7:14
4. Kabut hilang melenyap oleh fajar Hari Tuhan.
Akan Sumber Alhayat orang harus merindukan.
Pagi makin mencerah: Yesus datang segera!
1 Yoh 2:8
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Isi kubur, siaplah bagi Raja Kebangkitan:
Hari KemuliaanNya di atasmu diterbitkan.
Tunggulah panggilanNya: Yesus datang segera!6. Hari Tuhan mulia! Yesus Kristus, Kaulah Surya,
Kau beri sejahtera dan bahagia sempurna.
Maranata, marilah, Yesus datang segera!Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
1 Kor 16:22
Play Sukacita Hatiku [KJ.398]
1. Sukacita hatiku: aku domba Tuhanku dan selalu
'ku diasuh oleh Yesus, Gembalaku. Ia sayang padaku,
dikenalNya namaku.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Luk 15:3-7
Yoh 10:11
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku, tongkatMu yang menjaga jalanku,
dan terus kuikut Dikau ke tegalan rumput hijau;
di telaga yang tenang aku puas dan tent'ram.
3. Sungguh, aku dombaNya yang kekal bahagia:
nanti 'ku dipanggul pulang arah ke pangkuan Tuhan.
Dalam rumah Bapaku sukacitaku penuh.Play Tuhan, Kau Gembala Kami [KJ.407]
1. Tuhan, Kau Gembala kami, tuntun kami dombaMu;
b'rilah kami menikmati hikmat pengorbananMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu,
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu.
Mzm 23:1
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Kau Pengawal yang setia, Kawan hidup terdekat.
Jauhkan kami dari dosa, panggil pulang yang sesat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon b'ri berkat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon, b'ri berkat.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. JanjiMu, Kaut'rima kami, walau hina bercela;
yang berdosa Kausucikan, Kaubebaskan yang lemah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
4. KehendakMu kami cari, ingin turut maksudMu.
Tuhan, isi hati kami dengan kasihMu penuh.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.Ef 5:17
Kol 1:9
Play Tuhankulah Gembalaku [KJ.285]
1. Tuhankulah Gembalaku; oleh Nya 'ku tent'ram di padang
hijau yang segar, di pinggir air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Jiwaku disegarkanNya dan kar'na namaNya ditunjukkanNya
jalanku yang lurus dan baka.
3. Tak usah takut hatiku di jurang maut gelap; Engkau sertaku,
tongkatMu menghiburku tetap.
4. Engkau beri hidanganku di muka lawanku; Engkau urapi
diriku dan cawanku penuh!
5. KebajikanMu Kauberi seumur hidupku; kelak 'ku tinggal
s'lamanya di rumah Allahku.Play
Ephesians 3:19
Kami Berdoa, Ya Roh Kudus [KJ.230]
1. Kami berdoa, ya Roh Kudus, iman kami asuhlah terus;
dalam kegelapan terangi kami sampai masuk damai abadi.
Tolong kami!
Ef 1:17-18
Ef 3:16-19
2. Cahya Ilahi, pancarkanlah kasih Kristus dalam dunia,
agar kami tinggal di dalam Dia yang membuka sorga ceria.
Tolong kami!
Yoh 15:1-8
3. Maha Pengasih, kobarkanlah api suci dan baka,
agar kami hidup dengan sesama dalam damai dan kasih Allah.
Tolong kami!
Ef 4:2-3
4. Maha Penghibur, kuatkanlah hati kami, agar tak resah;
dalam menghadapi kuasa maut, bersamaMu kami tak takut.
Tolong kami!Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Play Kau Mutiara Hatiku [KJ.324]
1. Kau Mutiara hatiku, ya Yesus, Kaulah hartaku, tetap mau
kumiliki. Ya, tinggallah selamanya dalam hatiku ini.
Mat 13:44-46
2. Tiada kasih yang teguh setara dengan kasihMu yang kukenal
di dunia; pun dalam maut aku terpaut padaMu sepenuhnya.
Mat 20:28
Yoh 15:13
Ef 3:18-19
3. SabdaMu sungguh dan benar, membuat aku tak gentar, baik hidup
maupun mati. Kau milikku; ku milikmu dengan sebulat hati.
Rm 14:8
4. Sekarang surya terbenam, ya Tuhan, hari pun kelam. O, tinggallah
sertaku! Meski gelap, Kaulah tetap jadi terang umatMu!Luk 24:29
Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
2 Kor 4:6
Play O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229a]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu.
Mzm 104:30
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2. Engkau Penolong yang teguh, Kurnia Allah terbesar,
Kau Sumber hidup yang benar, Pengibar kasih umatMu.
Yoh 7:37-39
3. Engkau Roh purna kurnia, Kau Tangan khalik semesta;
Kau janji Bapa mulia; bahasa kasih Kauberi.Kis 1:4-5
Kis 2:33
4. Berilah kami sinarMu dan kasihMu curahkanlah,
supaya kami yang lemah teguh berbudi s'lamanya.
Ef 1:17-18
5. Kuasa jahat halaulah, berilah damaiMu terus dan
pimpin kami, umatMu, hindarkan dari seteru.
Gal 5:22
6. OlehMu kami mengenal Bapa dan Putra TunggalNya.
Kau Roh Ilahi, Roh Kudus, padaMu kami beriman.Rm 8:14-16
Ef 3:16-19
O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229b]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu.Roh Kudus, Turunlah [KJ.233]
1. Roh Kudus, turunlah dan tinggal dalam hatiku,
dengan cahaya kasihMu terangi jalanku!
ApiMulah pembakar jiwaku,
sehingga hidupku memuliakan Tuhanku.
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
2. Bagaikan surya pagi menyegarkan dunia,
kuasaMu membangkitkan jiwa layu dan lemah.
Curahkanlah berkat karunia;
Jadikan hidupku padaMu saja berserah!
Rm 15:13
Ef 3:16-19
3. Syukur padaMu, Roh Kudus, yang sudah memberi
bahasa dunia baru yang sempurna dan suci.
Jadikanlah semakin berseri
Iman dan pengharapan serta kasih yang bersih.Kis 2:11
1 Kor 13:13
Play T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat [KJ.38]
1. T'lah kutemukan dasar kuat, tempat berpaut jangkarku.
Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat PutraMu dasar yang teguh:
Biarpun dunia lenyap, pegangan hidupku tetap!
Ibr 6:19
1 Kor 3:11
Ibr 1:11
2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, yang melampaui akalku:
Tuhan, Kaurangkul dalam kasih pedosa yang menjauhiMu!
HatiMu iba tergerak mencari aku yang sesat.
Ef 3:18-19
Luk 15:3-7
Luk 15:11-20
Luk 19:10
3. Tak Kaubiarkan ciptaanMu terkapar dalam dosanya;
telah Kauutus PuteraMu menyelamatkan dunia
da pintu hati Kauketuk, agar terbuka bagiMu.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 17:3
Why 3:20
4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus dosaku sudah terbenam :
'ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus batal hukuman yang seram.
Luka hatiku t'lah sembuh, ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmatMu!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12-14
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
5. Inilah dasar andalanku, biarpun apa kutempuh:
ya Tuhan, rahmatMu berlaku sepanjang jalan hidupku!
Sampai kekal kupujilah samud'ra rahmat yang baka!Play Turun, Roh Allah, dalam Hatiku [KJ.239] ( Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart )
1. Turun, Roh Allah, dalam hatiku; sucikan daku dan hidupkanlah;
ubah lemahku oleh kuasaMu; kasihku padaMu murnikanlah.
Yoh 6:63
Ef 3:16-19
2. Tidak kuminta mimpi amat khas, tanda yang hebat, keajaiban pun;
yang aku minta hanya inilah: singkirkan kesuraman jiwaku.
3. Bukankah, Yesus, Dikau berpesan, "Kasihi Allah" ikhlas dan penuh?
Ajar kiranya salib kupegang; biar kucari dan mendapatMu.
Ul 6:5
Mrk 12:30
4. Ajarlah aku bahwa Kau dekat; ajar 'ku tahan di gumulanku,
tidak bersangsi, tidak berkesah, bila tak Kaukabulkan doaku.
5. Ajar 'ku tulus mengasihiMu; diriku dalam Roh baptiskanlah:
Hatiku altar persembahanku, cinta kasihMu nyala apinya.Kis 1:5
Kis 11:16
Ephesians 4:13
Dunia Dalam Rawa Paya [KJ.343]
1. Dunia dalam rawa paya berjuang t'rus. Kristen, manakahcahaya Injil kudus?
Biar dalam g'lap gulita bergemilang
t'rang berita: Satu saja Tuhan kita, Sang Penebus.
Mat 5:14-16
Flp 2:15
Flp 2:11
2. Bangunkan persekutuan sidang Jemaat dan kumpulkan dombaTuhan yang tersesat.
Satu Sabda berkuasa mempersatukan bahasa
Sekalipun kaum dan masa, jauh dan dekat.
1 Kor 14:12
Ef 2:19-22
Ef 4:11-16
1 Tes 5:11
Yoh 10:16
3. Yang menunjuk ujung jalan: T'rang Al Kalam. Yang memimpinpekerjaan: Raja Imam.
Jangan turut cita-cita dunia yang bergempita.
Satu saja Tuhan kita: Raja Salam.Ef 4:3-6
Play PadaMu, Yesus, Kami Serahkan [KJ.319]
1. PadaMu, Yesus, kami serahkan orang terpilih dalam jemaat:
pakai mereka, alat di ladang, untuk mencari yang tersesat.
Kis 1:24-25
Kis 6:6
2. Untuk membina orang percaya, untuk menghibur yang tertekan,
untuk menghimbau, untuk menjaga dan menyatukan yang beriman.
Kis 11:22-26
Kis 14:23
Rm 12:6
Ef 4:11-16
1 Tim 3:1-7
Tit 1:5-9
1 Ptr 5:2
3. Biar mereka jangan ditawan oleh jebakan hidup semu, tapi memakai
harta jabatan untuk memuji Sang Penebus.Gal 5:26
Play Syukur Kami padaMu [KJ.320]
1. Syukur kami padaMu, Tuhan, Kepala G'reja;
sebagai TubuhMu kami Kaupelihara. O Tuhan,
urapilah pelayan jemaatMu menjadi gembala penuh
karuniaMu. Dengan api Roh Kudus kobarkanlah imannya
untuk mewartakan InjilMu di dunia.
Ef 4:11-16
1 Ptr 5:2
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
2. O Tuhan, curahkanlah wibawa yang rasuli, agar dihayati
panggilanMu yang suci. KepadaMu sajalah harapannya selalu,
tetap dan setia, teguh pada FirmanMu; pun ia layakkanlah
bagiMu tiap hari, berani bersaksi dan giat melayani.Luk 12:11
Kis 4:29-33
Kis 28:31
Ef 6:19
Psalms 16:11
[Psa 16:11] All Will Be Well
Only Thy presence, O Savior divine,
Only Thy Spirit to witness with mine;
Only Thine image of love on my breast,
Seal of forgiveness, assurance of rest.Refrain
What tho’ the billows like mountains may swell;
All will be well; yes, all will be well;
Under Thy shadow in peace I shall dwell;
All, all will be well.Only Thy presence to lead me aright,
Out of the darkness and into the light;
Only a whisper to tell Thou art near,
Only Thy sunshine to banish my fear.Refrain
Only Thy presence when trials I bear,
Lifting so gently my burden of care;
Only Thy presence to show me the way,
Home to the mansions of infinite day.Refrain
Only Thy presence when wild is the gale,
Only Thy presence when rent is my sail;
Only Thy presence my vessel to guide
Into the harbor and over the tide.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] My God, I Am Thine
My God, I am Thine, what a comfort divine,
What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine!
In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am,
And my heart it doth dance at the sound of His Name.True pleasures abound in the rapturous sound;
And whoever hath found it hath paradise found:
My Jesus to know, and feel His blood flow,
’Tis life everlasting, ’tis Heaven below.Yet onward I haste to the heavenly feast:
That, that is the fulness; but this is the taste!
And this I shall prove, till with joy I remove
To the heaven of heavens in Jesus’ love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Only God Can Bring Us Gladness
Only God can bring us gladness,
Only God can give us peace;
Joys are vain that end in sadness,
Joy divine shall never cease.
Mid the shade of want and sorrow
Undisturbed, our hearts rejoice;
Patient, wait the brighter morrow;
Faithful, heed the Father’s voice.As the stars in order going,
All-harmonious, He doth move;
Heavenly calm and comfort showing,
Comes the healing word of love.
Who the word of wisdom heareth
Feels the Father Love within,
Where as dawn the shadow cleareth,
Love outshines the night of sin.So we find the true atonement,
Know in God the perfect Friend;
For in love is our atonement,
Where all hearts in Him may blend.
Here from prisoning pain and sorrow
Have we all a sure release,
Only God can bring us gladness,
Only God can give us peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] All The Day
All the day my heart is singing,
Not a throb of care I know,
For the Master’s feet have trodden
Every path He bids me go.Refrain
In the Lord is all my joy,
Blessèd Savior, Friend divine!
Glad the songs my heart has known,
Since this Jesus has been mine.Thro’ the night my heart keeps singing,
Sheltered in His secret place,
Midnight is as bright as noonday,
By the glory of His face.Refrain
When I reach that land of promise,
Sweeter strains my lips shall frame,
But the theme will still be Jesus,
Glory! glory! to His Name!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] All Things In Jesus
Friends all around me are trying to find
What the heart yearns for, by sin undermined;
I have the secret, I know where ’tis found:
Only true pleasures in Jesus abound.Refrain
All that I want is in Jesus.
He satisfies, joy He supplies;
Life would be worthless without Him;
All things in Jesus I find.Some carry burdens whose weight has for years
Crushed them with sorrow and blinded with tears.
Yet One stands ready to help them just now,
If they will humbly in penitence bow.Refrain
No other name thrills the joy chords within,
And through none else is remission of sin.
He knows the pain of the heart sorely tried.
Both need and want will by Him be supplied.Refrain
Jesus is all this poor world needs today.
Blindly they strive, for sin darkens their way.
O to draw back the grim curtains of night,
One glimpse of Jesus and all will be bright!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Bright Forever, The
Breaking through the clouds that gather,
O’er the Christian’s natal skies,
Distant beams, like floods of glory,
Fill the soul with glad surprise;
And we almost hear the echo
Of the pure and holy throng,
In the bright, the bright forever,
In the summer land of song.Refrain
On the banks beyond the river
We shall meet, no more to sever;
In the bright, the bright forever,
In the summer land of song.Yet a little while we linger,
Ere we reach our journey’s end;
Yet a little while of labor,
Ere the evening shades descend;
Then we’ll lay us down to slumber,
But the night will soon be o’er;
In the bright, the bright forever,
We shall wake, to weep no more.Refrain
O the bliss of life eternal!
O the long unbroken rest!
In the golden fields of pleasure,
In the region of the blest;
But, to see our dear Redeemer,
And before His throne to fall,
There to bear His gracious welcome,
Will be sweeter far than all.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Eternal Source Of Joys Divine
Eternal Source of joys divine,
To Thee my soul aspires;
O could I say, “The Lord is mine,”
’Tis all my soul desires.My hope, my trust, my life, my Lord,
Assure me of Thy love;
O speak the kind, transporting word,
And bid my fears remove.Then shall my thankfulness rejoice,
And triumph in my God,
Till heav’nly rapture tune my voice,
To spread Thy praise abroad.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Father, In Thy Mysterious Presence Kneeling
Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling,
Fain would our souls feel all Thy kindling love;
For we are weak, and need some deep revealing
Of trust and strength and calmness from above.Lord, we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow,
And Thou hast made each step an onward one;
And we will ever trust each unknown morrow;
Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done.Now, Father, now in Thy dear presence kneeling,
Our spirits yearn to feel Thy kindling love;
Now make us strong; we need Thy deep revealing
Of trust and strength and calmness from above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] He Set The Joy-bells Ringing
Oh, bless the Lord, He cleansed my soul,
And filled my lips with singing;
He came in my poor, sinful heart,
And set the joy-bells ringing.Refrain
Oh, praise the Lord, He first loved me;
I feel new life upspringing;
He came in my poor, sinful heart,
And set the joy-bells ringing.He placed my feet upon the Rock,
The only sure foundation;
He shows me wonders of His grace,
The blessings of salvation.Refrain
His promise is “for all the days,”
His love for me is caring;
While in the “Father’s House” above,
A mansion He’s preparing.Refrain
His love is calling, seeking still,
Come, every burden bringing;
The touch of Christ within your heart
Will set the joy-bells ringing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] I Am Happy In Him
My soul is so happy in Jesus,
For He is so precious to me;
His voice it is music to hear it,
His face it is Heaven to see.Refrain
I am happy in Him,
I am happy in Him;
My soul with delight
He fills day and night
For I am happy in Him.He sought me so long ere I knew Him,
When wand’ring afar from the fold;
Safe home in His arms He hath bro’t me,
To where there are pleasures untold.Refrain
His love and His mercy surround me,
His grace like a river doth flow;
His Spirit, to guide and to comfort,
Is with me wherever I go.Refrain
They say I shall some day be like Him,
My cross and my burden lay down;
Till then I will ever be faithful,
In gathering gems for His crown.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] How Tedious And Tasteless
How tedious and tasteless the hours
When Jesus I no longer see;
Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers,
Have all lost their sweetness to me;
The midsummer sun shines but dim,
The fields strive in vain to look gay.
But when I am happy in Him,
December’s as pleasant as May.His Name yields the richest perfume,
And sweeter than music His voice;
His presence disperses my gloom,
And makes all within me rejoice.
I should, were He always thus nigh,
Have nothing to wish or to fear;
No mortal as happy as I,
My summer would last all the year.Content with beholding His face,
My all to His pleasure resigned,
No changes of season or place
Would make any change in my mind:
While blessed with a sense of His love,
A palace a toy would appear;
All prisons would palaces prove,
If Jesus would dwell with me there.Dear Lord, if indeed I am Thine,
If Thou art my sun and my song,
Say, why do I languish and pine?
And why are my winters so long?
O drive these dark clouds from the sky,
Thy soul cheering presence restore;
Or take me to Thee up on high,
Where winter and clouds are no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Lord, We Thank Thee For The Pleasure
Lord, we thank Thee for the pleasure
That our happy lifetime gives,
For the boundless worth and treasure
Of a soul that ever lives;
Mind that looks before and after,
Lifting eyes to things above;
Human tears, and human laughter,
And the depths of human love.For the thrill, the leap, the gladness
Of our pulses flowing free;
E’en for every touch of sadness
That may bring us nearer Thee;
But, above all other kindness,
Thine unutterable love,
Which, to heal our sin and blindness,
Sent Thy dear Son from above.Teach us so our days to number
That we may be early wise;
Dreamy mist, or cloud, or slumber,
Never dull our heav’nward eyes.
Hearty be our work and willing,
As to Thee, and not to men;
For we know our soul’s fulfilling
Is in Heav’n, and not ’til then.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] O Lord Of Life, And Love, And Power
O Lord of life, and love, and power,
How joyful life might be,
If in Thy service every hour
We lived and moved with Thee;
If youth in all its bloom and might
By Thee were sanctified,
And manhood found its chief delight
In working at Thy side!’Tis ne’er too late, while life shall last,
A new life to begin;
’Tis ne’er too late to leave the past,
And break with self and sin;
And we this day, both old and young,
Would earnestly aspire
For hearts to nobler purpose strung,
And purified desire.Nor for ourselves alone we plead,
But for all faithful souls
Who serve Thy cause by word or deed,
Whose names Thy book enrolls:
O speed Thy work, victorious King,
And give Thy workers might,
That thro’ the world Thy truth may ring,
And all men see Thy light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] Ships Glide In At The Harbor’s Mouth, The
The ships glide in at the harbor’s mouth,
And the ships sail out to sea;
And the wind that sweeps from the sunny south
Is sweet as sweet can be.
There’s a world of toil and a world of pain,
And a world of trouble and care,
But O in a world where our Father reigns,
There is gladness everywhere!The harvest waves in the breezy morn,
And the men go forth to reap;
The fullness comes to the tasseled corn,
Whether we wake or sleep.
And far on the hills by feet untrod
There are blossoms that scent the air,
For O in this world of our Father, God,
There is beauty everywhere!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] What Joy There Is
What joy there is in coming
To God’s own courts so fair,
Where faithful souls are blooming
Like lilies in His care!
They raise their chalices tender
For Heav’n’s refreshing dew,
’Mid blessings God doth render
They life and strength renew.
’Mid blessings God doth render
They life and strength renew.How beautiful the union
Of souls redeemed and free,
Who hold with God communion
In faith and purity!
While songs of praise are filling
Their sacred place of rest,
Who then can be unwilling
To join their circle blest?
Who then can be unwilling
To join their circle blest?Come, see the Lord’s salvation
And taste His love sincere;
Come, pray without cessation,
Watch with His people here.
Outside, the world makes merry,
Unhappy ’mid its toys,
But in God’s sanctuary
The soul finds heav’nly joys.
But in God’s sanctuary
The soul finds heav’nly joys.May ne’er my footsteps falter
Tow’rd night away from day;
My light shines from God’s altar,
My Sun I’ll seek alway.
Here in His presence glorious
It is so good to be—
Let here my soul victorious
Its tabernacle see.
Let here my soul victorious
Its tabernacle see.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] When The Day Of Toil Is Done
When the day of toil is done,
When the race of life is run,
Father, grant Thy wearied one
Rest forevermore.When the strife of sin is stilled,
When the foe within is killed,
Be Thy gracious Word fulfilled:
Peace forevermore.When the darkness melts away
At the breaking of the day,
Bid us hail the cheering ray:
Light forevermore.When the heart by sorrow tried,
Feels at length its throbs subside,
Bring us, where all tears are dried,
Joy forevermore.When for vanished days we yearn,
Days that never can return,
Teach us in Thy love to learn
Love forevermore.When the breath of life is flown,
When the grave must claim its own,
Lord of life, be ours Thy crown,
Life forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 16:11] You May Have The Joy-bells
You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart,
And a peace that from you never will depart;
Walk the straight and narrow way,
Live for Jesus ev’ry day,
He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.Refrain
Joy-bells ringing in your heart,
Joy-bells ringing in your heart;
Take the Savior here below
With you ev’rywhere you go;
He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.Love of Jesus in its fullness you may know;
And this love to those around you sweetly show;
Words of kindness always say;
Deeds of mercy do each day,
Then He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.Refrain
You will meet with trials as you journey home;
Grace sufficient He will give to overcome;
Though unseen by mortal eye,
He is with you ever nigh,
And He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.Refrain
Let your life speak well of Jesus ev’ry day;
Own His right to ev’ry service you can pay;
Sinners you can help to win
If your life is pure and clean,
And you keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ezekiel 34:26
[Eze 34:26] Even Me
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing,
Thou art scattering full and free;
Showers the thirsty land refreshing;
Let some drops now fall on me;
Even me, even me,
Let some drops now fall on me.Pass me not, O God, my Father,
Sinful though my heart may be;
Thou mightst leave me, but the rather;
Let Thy mercy light on me;
Even me, even me,
Let Thy mercy light on me.Pass me not, O gracious Savior,
Let me live and cling to Thee;
I am longing for Thy favor;
Whilst Thou’rt calling, O call me;
Even me, even me,
Whilst Thou’rt calling, O call me.Pass me not, O mighty Spirit!
Thou canst make the blind to see;
Witnesser of Jesus’ merit,
Speak the Word of power to me;
Even me, even me,
Speak the Word of power to me.Have I been in sin long sleeping,
Long been slighting, grieving Thee?
Has the world my heart been keeping?
O forgive and rescue me;
Even me, even me,
O forgive and rescue me.Love of God, so pure and changeless,
Blood of Christ, so rich and free;
Grace of God, so strong and boundless
Magnify them all in me;
Even me, even me,
Magnify them all in me.Pass me not; but pardon bringing,
Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee;
Whilst the streams of life are springing,
Blessing others, O bless me;
Even me, even me,
Blessing others, O bless me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] Father, Who On Man Dost Shower
Father, who on man dost shower
Gifts of plenty from Thy dower,
To Thy people give the power
All Thy gifts to use aright.Give pure happiness in leisure,
Temperance in every pleasure,
Holy use of earthly treasure,
Bodies clear and spirits bright.Lift from this and every nation
All that brings us degradation;
Quell the forces of temptation;
Put Thine enemies to flight.Be with us, Thy strength supplying,
That with energy undying,
Every foe of man defying,
We may rally to the fight.Thou Who art our Captain ever,
Lead us on to great endeavor;
May Thy Church the world deliver:
Give us wisdom, courage, might.Father, who has sought and loved us,
Son of God, whose love has bound us,
Holy Ghost, within us, round us—
Hear us, Godhead infinite.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] O, Father, Thou Who Givest All
O, Father, Thou who givest all
The bounty of Thy perfect love,
We thank Thee that upon us fall
Such tender blessings from above.For eyes to see and ears to hear,
For hands to serve and arms to lift,
For shoulders broad and strong to bear,
For feet to run on errands swift.For faith to conquer doubt and fear,
For love to answer every call,
For strength to do, and will to dare,
We thank Thee, O Thou Lord of all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] Oh, Revive Us By Thy Word
Heav’nly Father, we Thy children,
Gathered round our risen Lord,
Lift our hearts in earnest pleading:
Oh, revive us by Thy Word!Refrain
Send refreshing, send refreshing,
From Thy presence, gracious Lord!
Send refreshing, send refreshing,
And revive us by Thy Word!Gracious gales of heav’nly blessing
In Thy love to us afford;
Let us feel Thy Spirit’s presence,
Oh, revive us by Thy Word!Refrain
Weak and weary in the conflict,
“Wrestling not with flesh and blood,”
Help us, Lord, as faint we falter,
Oh, revive us by Thy Word!Refrain
With Thy strength, O Master, gird us;
Be our Guide, and be our Guard:
Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit;
Oh, revive us by Thy Word!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] Showers Of Blessing
Here in Thy Name we are gathered,
Come and revive us, O Lord;
“There shall be showers of blessing,”
Thou hast declared in Thy Word.Refrain
Oh, graciously hear us,
Graciously hear us, we pray:
Pour from Thy windows upon us
Showers of blessing today.Oh! that the showers of blessing,
Now on our souls may descend,
While at the footstool of mercy
Pleading Thy promise we bend!Refrain
“There shall be showers of blessing,”
Promise that never can fail;
Thou wilt regard our petition;
Surely our faith will prevail.Refrain
Showers of blessing, we need them,
Showers of blessing from Thee;
Showers of blessing, oh, grant them,
Thine all the glory shall be.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] Sing We The Glory Of Our God
Sing we the glory of our God,
Who on the second day
Spread out the firmament above,
His wonders to display.There, floating in the blue expanse
The watery clouds we view,
Whence fruitful showers at His command
The thirsty soil bedew.How fair an image of the grace
Which Thou, Lord, dost impart,
Like morning dew or gentle rain,
To gladden every heart.And when the faithful soul drinks in
Those showers with blessings rife,
A well of water springeth up
To everlasting life.O happy saints, on whom are poured,
Such treasures from above!
Lord, may they ne’er forgetful be,
But render love for love.To God, who freely loved us first,
All might, all glory be;
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Through all eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing
There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.Refrain
Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need:
Mercy drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.There shall be showers of blessing,
Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys,
Sound of abundance of rain.Refrain
There shall be showers of blessing;
Send them upon us, O Lord;
Grant to us now a refreshing,
Come, and now honor Thy Word.Refrain
There shall be showers of blessing:
Oh, that today they might fall,
Now as to God we’re confessing,
Now as on Jesus we call!Refrain
There shall be showers of blessing,
If we but trust and obey;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
If we let God have His way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 34:26] Thy Bounties, Gracious Lord
Thy bounties, gracious Lord,
With gratitude we own;
We bless Thy providential grace,
Which show’rs its blessings down.With joy the people bring
Their off’rings round Thy throne;
With thankful souls, behold, we pay
A tribute of Thine own.O may this sacrifice
To Thee, the Lord, ascend,
An odor of sweet perfume,
Presented by His hand.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 3:8
[Eph 3:8] Unsearchable Riches
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ,
Wealth that can never be told!
Riches exhaustless of mercy and grace,
Precious, more precious than gold!Refrain
Precious, more precious,
Wealth that can never be told!
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ!
Precious, more precious than gold.Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ!
Who shall their greatness declare?
Jewels whose luster our lives may adorn,
Pearls that the poorest may wear!Refrain
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ!
Freely, how freely they flow,
Making the souls of the faithful and true
Happy wherever they go!Refrain
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ!
Who would not gladly endure
Trials, afflictions, and crosses on earth,
Riches like these to secure!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 3:19
[Eph 3:19] Grander Than Ocean’s Story
Grander than ocean’s story,
Or songs of forest trees;
Purer than breath of morning,
Or evening’s gentle breeze;
Clearer than mountain echoes
Ring out from peaks above,
Rolls on the glorious anthem
Of God’s eternal love.Dearer than any friendship
Our truest comrades show;
Stronger than all the yearning
A mother’s heart may know;
Deeper than earth’s foundations,
And far above all thought;
Broader than Heav’n’s high arches—
The love that Christ has brought.Richer than all earth’s treasures,
The wealth my soul receives;
Brighter than royal jewels,
The crown that Jesus gives;
Wondrous the condescension,
And grace beyond degree!
I would be ever singing
The love of Christ to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] He Is All In All To Me
There is constant joy abiding
In Christ my Lord and King;
Of His love that passeth knowledge
My heart and tongue shall sing.Refrain
He is all in all to me,
And my song of songs shall be,
Hallelujah, O my Savior,
I am trusting only Thee.When my path is veiled in shadows,
And clouds above me roll,
I can smile amid the tempest,
His glory fills my soul.Refrain
I can see his bow of promise
Through tears and trials deep;
I can hear His voice like music,
That lulls my care to sleep.Refrain
I shall yet behold and praise Him,
And dwell in perfect peace
In the golden land of beauty,
Where cloud and wave shall cease.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] His Love Is All I Need
The love of Jesus, who can tell,
Tho’ he may know it, oh, so well?
The love that ev’ry want supplies,
The love that always satisfies;
His love is all I need!Refrain
So wonderful, His love to me!
More wonderful how could it be?
My ev’ry sin on Him was laid;
My ev’ry debt by Him was paid;
His love is all I need!The love of Jesus, oh, what bliss,
To hear Him whisper, I am His!
Tho’ I may falter on the way,
He will not let me go astray;
His love is all I need!Refrain
The love of Jesus, oh, how sweet,
To hide in such a safe retreat!
Tho’ Satan would my hopes destroy,
My Savior’s love is still my joy;
His love is all I need!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] His Love Passeth Knowledge
There is joy in my soul, for the Savior is mine,
I am wearing the pledge of His Spirit divine;
Every promise by faith through His grace I may claim,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, all praise to His Name.Refrain
There is joy in my soul, there is joy in my song,
I am nearing the gates of the bright, shining throng;
And I list to the music of Eden so fair,
Hallelujah to Jesus, I soon shall be there.There is joy in my soul that will never depart,
My Redeemer has made His abode in my heart;
From the tempter and sin I am kept every hour,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, so great is its power.Refrain
There is joy in my soul though the clouds may arise,
Yet the bow of His mercy ne’er fades from the skies;
I am standing by faith where the pure waters glide,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, so deep and so wide.Refrain
There is joy in my soul, there is rapture and rest,
In my Savior and Lord I am perfectly blest;
’Twill be only a step ere my feet press the shore,
Then “His love passeth knowledge,” I’ll shout evermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] In The Heart Of Jesus
In the heart of Jesus, there is love for you,
Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;
Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,
When the heart of Jesus has a full supply?In the mind of Jesus there is thought for you,
Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;
Why should you be fearful, why take anxious thought,
Since the mind of Jesus cares for those He bought?In the field of Jesus there is work for you;
Such as even angels might rejoice to do;
Why stand idly sighing for some life-work grand,
While the field of Jesus seeks your reaping hand?In the home of Jesus there’s a place for you;
Glorious, bright, and joyous, calm and peaceful, too;
Why then, like a wanderer, roam with weary pace,
If the home of Jesus holds for you a place?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] It Passeth Knowledge
It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior! yet this soul of mine
Would of that love, in all its depth and length,
Its height and breadth, and everlasting strength
Know more and more.It passeth telling! that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior! yet these lips of mine
Would fain proclaim to sinners far and near
A love which can remove all guilty fear,
And love beget.It passeth praises! that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior yet this heart of mine
Would sing a love so rich, so full, so free,
Which brought an undone sinner, such as me,
Right home to God.But though I cannot tell, or sing, or know,
The fullness of Thy love while here below,
My empty vessel I may freely bring:
O Thou, who art of love the living spring,
My vessel fill.I am an empty vessel—not one thought,
Or look of love to Thee I ever brought;
Yet I may come, and come again to Thee,
With this the empty sinner’s only plea—
“Thou lovest me!”Oh! fill me Jesus Savior with Thy love;
Lead, lead me to the living fount above!
Thither may I in simple faith draw nigh
And never to another fountain fly,
But unto Thee.And when my Jesus face to face I see,
When at His lofty throne I bow the knee,
Then of His love, in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
My soul shall sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Love Surpassing Human Love
O love surpassing human love,
The love divine for sinners lost;
In love God gave His only Son,
His shameful death salvation’s cost.Refrain
O blessèd Savior, by Thy pain,
The sinner reaps eternal gain.God loved us when we would not have
His blessèd Son to be our Lord;
And freely, fully He forgave,
When we believed His holy Word.Refrain
The Son of God in wondrous love,
On Calv’ry’s cross was slain for me;
He paid my debt, He bore my load,
“In His own body on the tree.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] My Song Is Love Unknown
My song is love unknown,
My Savior’s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I, that for my sake
My Lord should take, frail flesh and die?He came from His blest throne
Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
The longed for Christ would know:
But O! my Friend, my Friend indeed,
Who at my need His life did spend.Sometimes they strew His way,
And His sweet praises sing;
Resounding all the day
Hosannas to their King:
Then “Crucify!” is all their breath,
And for His death they thirst and cry.Why, what hath my Lord done?
What makes this rage and spite?
He made the lame to run,
He gave the blind their sight,
Sweet injuries! Yet they at these
Themselves displease, and ’gainst Him rise.They rise and needs will have
My dear Lord made away;
A murderer they saved,
The Prince of life they slay,
Yet cheerful He to suffering goes,
That He His foes from thence might free.In life, no house, no home
My Lord on earth might have;
In death no friendly tomb
But what a stranger gave.
What may I say? Heav’n was His home;
But mine the tomb wherein He lay.Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King!
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend, in Whose sweet praise
I all my days could gladly spend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] O The Depth Of Love Divine
O the depth of love divine, th’unfathomable grace!
Who shall say how bread and wine God into us conveys!
How the bread His flesh imparts, how the wine transmits His blood,
Fills His faithful people’s hearts with all the life of God!Let the wisest mortals show how we the grace receive;
Feeble elements bestow a power not theirs to give.
Who explains the wondrous way, how through these the virtue came?
These the virtue did convey, yet still remain the same.How can spirits heavenward rise, by earthly matter fed,
Drink herewith divine supplies and eat immortal bread?
Ask the Father’s wisdom how: Christ Who did the means ordain;
Angels round our altars bow to search it out, in vain.Sure and real is the grace, the manner be unknown;
Only meet us in thy ways and perfect us in one.
Let us taste the heavenly powers, Lord, we ask for nothing more.
Thine to bless,’ tis only ours to wonder and adore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Precious Love Of Jesus, The
O sing the power of love divine,
The precious love of Jesus,
That bids the light in darkness shine,
And wins the lost to Jesus.Refrain
O precious, pure, unchanging love,
The boundless love of Jesus;
It binds our heart in union sweet,
And makes us one in Jesus.’Tis love that conquers every fear,
The precious love of Jesus,
And now by faith has brought us near
The bleeding side of Jesus.Refrain
’Tis love that fills the joyful heart,
And draws it up to Jesus,
Where neither life nor death can part
The sacred bonds of Jesus.Refrain
When faith and hope have ceased to shine,
And we are safe with Jesus,
We’ll praise the power of love divine
That brought us home to Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Sweeter As The Days Go By
O the love of Jesus means so much to me,
Keeps my pathway shining, keeps me pure and free;
More and more I praise Him, for He seems to be
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
Sweeter as the days go by,
Sweeter as the moments fly;
He’s always drawing nearer,
And to me His love is dearer,
Sweeter as the days go by.Precious, loving Savior, all along the way,
Words of cheer and comfort I have heard Him say;
And He grows more precious to my soul each day,
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
He, I know, will keep me, He will hold me fast
Till my earthly trials be forever past;
He will be, until I see His face at last,
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Tender Love Of Jesus
Tender love of Jesus, so lovely and so pure;
Flowing thru this vessel to strengthen, fill and cure
All the doubt and turmoil that’s caused by sin and shame,
Making me a witness to His most holy Name.
Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!Thru the passing ages flowed down this love divine,
Lighting men and angels and causing them to shine,
What a heav’nly radiance, His glory from above,
Sunshine of the Spirit, the holy light of love.
Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!Tender love from Heaven in Jesus came to live,
Showing us how God loves, and then His life to give;
Came to be a servant, with God’s great pow’r and peace
Leads us to the Father, whose love will never cease.
God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.Love is mine in Jesus, this Babe of Bethlehem,
Prince of Peace forever, the Christ, the great I Am.
Angels gave the message, and shepherds passed it on,
Love will be the story when Heav’n and earth are gone.
God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.Play source: Cyberhymnal