Romans 1:3
<3588> [which.]
with reference to <2596> [according.]
Romans 2:18
know <1097> [knowest.]
[approves the things that are more excellent. or, triest the things that differ.]
instruction <2727> [being instructed.]
Romans 4:2
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
he has <2192> [he hath.]
but <235> [but.]
Romans 4:14
is empty ..... is nullified <2758 2673> [made.]
Romans 6:9
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
death <2288> [death.]
Romans 7:24
Wretched <5005> [wretched.]
Who <5101> [who.]
this body <4983 5127> [the body of this. or, this body of.]
Romans 9:10
Not only <3756 3440> [not only.]
but ... Rebekah <235 4479> [but when.]
Romans 10:7
to bring ... up <321> [to bring up.]
Romans 10:17
faith <4102> [faith.]
heard ..... heard <189 1161> [and hearing.]
Romans 11:6
works otherwise <1893 2041> [otherwise work.]
That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.
Romans 11:14
<1513> [by.]
I could provoke .... to jealousy <3863> [provoke.]
my <3450> [my.]
save <4982> [might.]
Romans 12:18
Romans 16:10
approved <1384> [approved.]
<1537> [of.]
[household. or, friends.]