Romans 3:21--4:8
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
which is attested <3140> [being.]
and ... prophets <2532 4396> [and the.]
through <1223> [which is.]
for all <1519 3956> [unto all.]
all have sinned <3956 264> [all have.]
fall short <5302> [come.]
glory ... God <1391 2316> [of.]
are justified <1344> [justified.]
through <1223> [through.]
publicly displayed <4388> [set forth. or, foreordained.]
mercy seat <2435> [to be.]
at ......... through ......... because <1223 1722> [through.]
to demonstrate <1519 1732> [to declare.]
passed over <3929> [remission. or, passing over.]
and <2532> [and.]
Where <4226> [Where.]
works <2041> [of works.]
By ....... but by <1223 235> [but by.]
Do we ... nullify <2673> [do we.]
not <3361> [God.]
[Me genoito,] literally, let it not be, and which might be rendered less objectionably, far from it, by no means.
Instead <235> [yea.]
What <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
according <2596> [as pertaining.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
he has <2192> [he hath.]
but <235> [but.]
what <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
it was credited <3049> [counted.]
But ..... who does ... work but <1161 2038> [But to.]
believes <4100> [believeth.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
his faith <846 4102> [his faith.]
blessedness <3108> [blessedness.]
credits <3049> [imputeth.]
apart from <5565> [without.]
<3739> [to whom.]