Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Luke 24:1-32 (NET)

The Resurrection
24:1 Now on the first day of the week , at early dawn , the women went to the tomb , taking the aromatic spices they had prepared . 24:2 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb , 24:3 but when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus . 24:4 While they were perplexed about this , suddenly two men stood beside them in dazzling attire . 24:5 The women were terribly frightened and bowed their faces to the ground , but the men said to them , “Why do you look for the living among the dead ? 24:6 He is not here , but has been raised ! Remember how he told you , while he was still in Galilee , 24:7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men , and be crucified , and on the third day rise again.” 24:8 Then the women remembered his words , 24:9 and when they returned from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest . 24:10 Now it was Mary Magdalene , Joanna , Mary the mother of James , and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles . 24:11 But these words seemed like pure nonsense to them , and they did not believe them . 24:12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb . He bent down and saw only the strips of linen cloth ; then he went home , wondering what had happened .
Jesus Walks the Road to Emmaus
24:13 Now that very day two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus , about seven miles from Jerusalem . 24:14 They were talking to each other about all the things that had happened . 24:15 While they were talking and debating these things, Jesus himself approached and began to accompany them 24:16 (but their eyes were kept from recognizing him ). 24:17 Then he said to them , “What are these matters you are discussing so intently as you walk along ?” And they stood still , looking sad . 24:18 Then one of them, named Cleopas , answered him , “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things that have happened there in these days ?” 24:19 He said to them , “What things?” “The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene ,” they replied , “a man who, with his powerful deeds and words , proved to be a prophet before God and all the people ; 24:20 and how our chief priests and rulers handed him over to be condemned to death , and crucified him . 24:21 But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel . Not only this, but it is now the third day since these things happened . 24:22 Furthermore, some women of our group amazed us . They were at the tomb early this morning , 24:23 and when they did not find his body , they came back and said they had seen a vision of angels , who said he was alive . 24:24 Then some of those who were with us went to the tomb , and found it just as the women had said , but they did not see him .” 24:25 So he said to them , “You foolish people – how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ! 24:26 Wasn’t it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory ?” 24:27 Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures . 24:28 So they approached the village where they were going . He acted as though he wanted to go farther , 24:29 but they urged him , “Stay with us , because it is getting toward evening and the day is almost done .” So he went in to stay with them . 24:30 When he had taken his place at the table with them , he took the bread , blessed and broke it, and gave it to them . 24:31 At this point their eyes were opened and they recognized him . Then he vanished out of their sight . 24:32 They said to each other , “Didn’t our hearts burn within us while he was speaking with us on the road , while he was explaining the scriptures to us ?”



Bible Dictionary




(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Allah Dimuliakanlah [KJ.197]
  • Dikau Yang Bangkit, Mahamulia [KJ.194]
  • Hai Dengar Tembang Malaikat [KJ.104]
  • Kau Mutiara Hatiku [KJ.324]
  • Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383] ( Yesterday, Today, Forever )
  • Tinggal Sertaku [KJ.329] ( Abide with Me )
  • Tuhan Melawat UmatNya [KJ.214]
  • [Luk 24:1] Blest Morning, Whose Young Dawning Rays
  • [Luk 24:1] Let Us Rise In Early Morning
  • [Luk 24:5] Easter, Joyous Easter
  • [Luk 24:5] Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!
  • [Luk 24:5] Ye Fainting Souls, Lift Up Your Eyes
  • [Luk 24:6] Beautiful Morning
  • [Luk 24:6] He Is Not Here, But Is Risen!
  • [Luk 24:6] Hear The Chiming Easter Bells
  • [Luk 24:23] All Ye That Seek The Lord Who Died
  • [Luk 24:27] In Thy Glorious Resurrection
  • [Luk 24:27] Come Then, Thou Prophet Of The Lord
  • [Luk 24:29] Abide With Me
  • [Luk 24:29] Abide With Me, ’tis Eventide
  • [Luk 24:29] Abide With Us, Our Savior
  • [Luk 24:29] Abide With Us, The Day Is Waning
  • [Luk 24:29] As Now The Sun’s Declining Rays
  • [Luk 24:29] Day, O Lord, Is Spent, The
  • [Luk 24:29] Day Is Gently Sinking To A Close, The
  • [Luk 24:29] Since Without You We Do No Good
  • [Luk 24:29] Tarry With Me (scott)
  • [Luk 24:29] Tarry With Me (smith)
  • [Luk 24:30] Be Known To Us In Breaking Bread
  • [Luk 24:32] I Was There When It Happened
  • [Luk 24:32] Walk Thou With Me
  • [Luk 24:32] Walking And Talking With Jesus


Sermon Illustrations

How Jesus Interacted With People; Resurrection Events; Luke 24:113-35; Luke 24:18; Why We Believe Jesus Rose from the Dead; Types in the Bible; Sharing the Message of the Cross; Sharing the Message of the Cross; Wealthy People in the New Testament; Who Is Jesus Christ?; A Transformed Body; Accounts of People Raised from the Dead; Resurrection of Christ Was…; Search the Scriptures


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The authorship of the Pentateuch has been the subject of great controversy among professing Christians since Spinoza introduced "higher criticism"of the Bible in the seventeenth century. The "documentary hypothesis,"which dev...
  • "2:1-3 echoes 1:1 by introducing the same phrases but in reverse order: he created,' God,' heavens and earth' reappear as heavens and earth' (2:1) God' (2:2), created' (2:3). This chiastic pattern brings the section to a neat...
  • God began responding to Daniel's prayer as soon as he began praying (cf. v. 19; Luke 11:10-13). Clearly the prayer recorded in the preceding verses was only a summary of what the prophet prayed since he prayed long and hard (...
  • 8:18-19 Verse 18 gives the occasion for the scribe's statement in verse 19 (cf. Mark 4:35). There was only so much room in the boat, and the scribe wanted to get in with other disciples. At this time in Jesus' ministry there ...
  • 28:1 The NASB translation of the Greek preposition opseas "late"is misleading. The word can also mean "after,"and it makes better sense if translated as such here.1082The women waited until after the Sabbath to go to Jesus' t...
  • 28:11 Some of the guards left the others at the tomb and reported the earthquake, the angel, and the empty tomb to the chief priests.28:12-14 The action of these Sanhedrin members proves that their promise to believe in Jesus...
  • 16:1 The Sabbath ended with sundown Saturday evening. The women did not come to the tomb until Sunday morning (v. 2, cf. Matt. 28:1). Why did Mark refer to the Sabbath at all? Probably he did so to clarify that Jesus had been...
  • 16:9 The NIV has supplied "Jesus."The Greek text says, "Now after He had risen."The antecedent of "He"is obviously Jesus, but the lack of this antecedent in the immediately preceding context seems to some interpreters to indi...
  • 16:19 This event happened 40 days after the appearances that Mark just recorded (cf. Acts 1:3). Mark narrated the ascension and session of Jesus simply. The title "Lord Jesus"occurs only here and in Luke 24:3 in the Gospels. ...
  • The first Gospel presented Jesus as the King. The second Gospel presented Him as the Servant. The third Gospel presents Him as the perfect Man. Matthew wrote to Jews about their King. Mark wrote to Romans about a Servant. Luk...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-4II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52A. The announcement of John the Baptist's birth 1:5-251. The introduction of John's parents 1:5-72. The angel's announcement to Zechariah 1:8-233. The pregnanc...
  • There is great theological significance in this familiar passage. It comes through mainly in the angel's words and in the symbolism of what happened."In 2:8-14 we have a third annunciation scene, which follows the same patter...
  • Luke stressed how the Spirit who had come upon Jesus at His baptism guided and empowered Him in His temptation and how Jesus, God's approved Son, pleased His Father by His obedience. Jesus overcame the devil who opposed God's...
  • In contrast to most people, the inhabitants of Jesus' hometown did not praise Him. When Jesus began to speak of God extending salvation to the Gentiles, a particular interest of Luke's, the Jews there opposed Him violently. P...
  • This miracle raised the popular appreciation of Jesus' authority to new heights. Luke also continued to stress Jesus' compassion for people, in this case a widow whose son had died, by including this incident in his Gospel. T...
  • Luke's account stresses that concern for the multitudes motivated Jesus' mission. Mark, on the other hand, presented opposition from the Jewish religious leaders as a reason for His activities. Matthew stressed Jesus' desire ...
  • This event is the climax of the "identity of Jesus"motif in all the Synoptics. Here the disciples saw and heard who Jesus really was. Luke's particular emphasis was the sufferings of Jesus that were coming. This comes through...
  • Luke's narrative joins this event with the preceding one thematically. However the other Synoptics indicate that this conversation took place sometime later (Matt. 17:22; Mark 9:30). Luke's construction has the effect of cont...
  • 17:22-23 Jesus next gave His disciples more instruction about the coming of the kingdom. One of the days of the Son of Man refers to one of the future days when the Son of Man will be reigning on the earth (cf. vv. 24-25, 30)...
  • Jesus' passion announcements to His disciples constitute important structural markers in Mark's Gospel. Luke and Matthew did not use them this way. The incident before us was the third passion announcement that Jesus gave bes...
  • These verses record Jesus' introduction to what followed and are similar to the welcoming words of a host before his guests begin their meal. This is the seventh of nine meal scenes that Luke recorded in his Gospel (cf. 5:29-...
  • The overall impression that Luke presented with this part of his narrative is that Jesus' condemnation was a terrible travesty of justice. Pilate condemned an innocent man. This decision comes across as specially heinous sinc...
  • This pericope is primarily transitional bridging the stories of Jesus' death and resurrection. It confirms the reality of Jesus' death. However, Luke included more information about Joseph of Arimathea (location unknown) than...
  • Luke's account of the events following Jesus' resurrection stresses the reality of that event and the reactions of the witnesses to it. All these people felt depressed because of Jesus' death, but when they learned of His res...
  • This is another of Luke's exquisite and unique stories. Various students of it have noted its similarity to the stories of the feeding of the 5,000 (9:10-17), the appearance in Jerusalem (vv. 36-49), and the Ethiopian eunuch ...
  • Luke arranged his accounts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances to give the impression that an ever increasing audience learned of this great event. First, he recorded an announcement of it with no witnesses (vv. 1-12). Th...
  • The emphasis here is on the physical reality of Jesus' body after His resurrection whereas in the previous pericope the stress was on His supernatural nature. The incident clarifies that the One who rose from the dead was ind...
  • All the Gospels contain instances of Jesus giving the Great Commission to His disciples, but evidently He did not just give it once. The contexts are different suggesting that He repeated these instructions on at least four s...
  • Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880.Bailey, Kenneth E. Poet and Peasant: A Literary-Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977.Bishop...
  • John omitted the earthquake, the angel rolling away the stone that covered the tomb entrance, and his sitting on the stone (Matt. 28:2-3). He also did not include the appearance of two angels to the women who visited the tomb...
  • This is the first of four of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances that John included in his Gospel.Jesus' Post-resurrection Appearances627Easter morningto Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:10-18)to other women (Matt. 28:9...
  • 21:1 John recorded still another post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to His disciples. It undoubtedly occurred during the 32-day period between Thomas' confession (20:28) and Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:9). Exactly when is uni...
  • Luke wrote these introductory statements to connect the Book of Acts with his Gospel.17In the former book Luke had recorded what Jesus had begun to do and to teach during His earthly ministry. In this second book he wrote wha...
  • 1:9 Jesus Christ's ascension necessarily preceded the descent of the Holy Spirit to baptize and indwell believers in God's plan (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; Acts 2:33-36). "While they were looking on"stresses the fact that t...
  • 1:12-13 The disciples returned to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. The short trip from where Jesus ascended on Mt. Olivet to the upper room was only a Sabbath day's journey away (about 2,000 cubits, two-third...
  • Luke now moved from describing what took place on a particular day to a more general description of the life of the early Jerusalem church (cf. 4:32-5:11; 6:1-6). Interestingly he gave comparatively little attention to the in...
  • 17:1 Paul, Silas, Timothy, and perhaps others left Philippi and headed southwest on the Egnatian Road. Luke evidently stayed in Philippi since he again described Paul's party as "they"instead of "we"(cf. 20:5-6). Paul and Sil...
  • 27:27-28 The ancient name of the central part of the Mediterranean Sea was the Adriatic or Hadriatic Sea. People referred to what we now call the Adriatic Sea as the Gulf of Adria or Hadria or as the Ionian Sea.955The winds a...
  • The apostle began to apply the principle stated in 2:15-21 to his audience.3:1 It is folly to mix law and grace. The Galatians were behaving as though they were under some kind of spell and not in full use of their rational f...
  • 1:7 The "Him"in view is the beloved Son (v. 6).Redemption (Gr. apolytrosin) means release from slavery (cf. v. 14; 4:30; Luke 21:28; Rom. 3:24; 8:23; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:15; 11:35). It involves buying back and sett...
  • Paul told his readers that he prayed for their full perception and deepest understanding of God's will for them and for all believers. He did this so they would be able to glorify God in their conduct. He told them this to re...
  • In view of the imminency of Christ's return Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to be ready to prepare them to meet the Lord at any time."The former [paragraph, i.e., 4:13-18] offered instruction concerning the dead in Christ; th...
  • A. A loyal group of women accompanied Jesus and served Him on His ministry tours (Luke 8:1-3; Matt. 27:55; Mark 15:41).B. In contrast to normal custom and rabbinic standards, Jesus spoke with a Samaritan woman and revealed to...
  • Peter continued the exposition of Leviticus 19 that he began in verse 16.48"Peter's point is that if he and his readers have a special relationship to God by virtue of their calling and their new birth, then it is all the mor...
  • "These things"refer to the revelation of the messages to the seven churches (chs. 2-3; cf. 1:19). After John had received these messages, he received a vision of heaven in which Jesus Christ invited him (cf. 1:10, 12-16) to e...
  • 20:1 The first word, "And,"supports the idea of chronological sequence. It implies a continuation from what John just revealed (cf. 19:11, 17, 19; 20:4, 11, 12; 21:1, 2, 22). Amillennial interpreters disagree."John says nothi...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • NOW, upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 2. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulch...
  • Why seek ye the living among the dead? 6. He is not here, but is risen.' Luke 24:5-6.WE can never understand the utter desolation of the days that lay betwixt Christ's Death and His Resurrection. Our faith rests on centuries....
  • And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs. 14. And they talked together of all these things which had happened. 15. And it came to pass, that, w...
  • Probably the former had left the group of disciples on purpose to relieve the tension of anxiety and sorrow by walking, and to get a quiet time to bring their thoughts into some order. They were like men who had lived through...
  • The unknown new-comer strikes into the dialogue with a question which, on some lips, would have been intrusive curiosity, and would have provoked rude retorts. But there was something in His voice and manner which unlocked he...
  • And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and He made as though He would have gone further. 29. But they constrained Him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And He went in...
  • And it came to pass, as He sat at meat with them, He took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. 31. And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight.'--Luke 24:30-31.PERHAPS the ...
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