Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Romans 3:4-31 (NET)

3:4 Absolutely not ! Let God be proven true , and every human being shown up as a liar , just as it is written : “so that you will be justified in your words and will prevail when you are judged .” 3:5 But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God , what shall we say ? The God who inflicts wrath is not unrighteous , is he? (I am speaking in human terms .) 3:6 Absolutely not ! For otherwise how could God judge the world ? 3:7 For if by my lie the truth of God enhances his glory , why am I still actually being judged as a sinner ? 3:8 And why not say, “Let us do evil so that good may come of it”?– as some who slander us allege that we say . (Their condemnation is deserved !)
The Condemnation of the World
3:9 What then ? Are we better off ? Certainly not , for we have already charged that Jews and Greeks alike are all under sin , 3:10 just as it is written : “There is no one righteous , not even one , 3:11 there is no one who understands , there is no one who seeks God . 3:12 All have turned away , together they have become worthless ; there is no one who shows kindness , not even one .” 3:13 “Their throats are open graves , they deceive with their tongues , the poison of asps is under their lips .” 3:14 “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness .” 3:15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood , 3:16 ruin and misery are in their paths , 3:17 and the way of peace they have not known .” 3:18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes .” 3:19 Now we know that whatever the law says , it says to those who are under the law , so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world may be held accountable to God . 3:20 For no one is declared righteous before him by the works of the law , for through the law comes the knowledge of sin . 3:21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God (which is attested by the law and the prophets ) has been disclosed 3:22 namely, the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for all who believe . For there is no distinction , 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . 3:24 But they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus . 3:25 God publicly displayed him at his death as the mercy seat accessible through faith . This was to demonstrate his righteousness , because God in his forbearance had passed over the sins previously committed . 3:26 This was also to demonstrate his righteousness in the present time , so that he would be just and the justifier of the one who lives because of Jesus ’ faithfulness . 3:27 Where , then , is boasting ? It is excluded ! By what principle ? Of works ? No , but by the principle of faith ! 3:28 For we consider that a person is declared righteous by faith apart from the works of the law . 3:29 Or is God the God of the Jews only ? Is he not the God of the Gentiles too? Yes , of the Gentiles too! 3:30 Since God is one , he will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith . 3:31 Do we then nullify the law through faith ? Absolutely not ! Instead we uphold the law .



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37a] ( Rock of Ages )
  • Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37b] ( Rock of Ages )
  • Pujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
  • Semua yang Letih Lesu [KJ.358]
  • Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
  • Tatkala Hari pun Senja [KJ.148]
  • Tuhan Allah, NamaMu [KJ.5] ( Grosser Gott, wir loben dich / Holy God, We praise Thy Name / Te Deum laudamus )
  • Ya Tuhan, Kami Puji NamaMu Besar [KJ.7]
  • [Rom 3:19] O Savior, Where Shall Guilty Man
  • [Rom 3:24] Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness
  • [Rom 3:25] In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord
  • [Rom 3:31] No Strength Of Nature Can Suffice



Sermon Illustrations

All Forgivenesses Are Not Alike!; Doctrine of Total Depravity; Why Did Jesus Die?; Why Did Jesus Die?; The Romans Road to Heaven; No Difference; Acquittal; Inspiration; What Is Sin?; Sonship; Course of the World; What to Expect from Your Pastor; Right Standing; High School Rap Session; Rap Session; All Have Sinned; General; Righteousness; Excuses; Salvation Is the Deliverance from Sin; Definitions; The Romans Road; The Romans Road; What Is Sin?; Who Is Jesus Christ?; Redemption Means…; Vicarious Death of Christ; A Sacrificial Death; Our Blessings in Christ; Propitiation; James 2:13


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Adam and Eve accepted their judgment from God and did not rebel against it. We see this in Adam's naming Eve the mother of all living (v. 20). He believed life would continue in spite of God's curse. This was an act of faith....
  • 5:8 Essentially what David asked for was guidance in the righteous path God trod; he did not want to walk in the way of the wicked (vv. 4-6; cf. Ps. 1). He wanted to see the righteous way to live clearly so he would not wande...
  • 14:1 A fool (Heb. nabal) is a person who does not take God into account as he goes about living and who is therefore morally insensitive (cf. 1 Sam. 25:25). He may or may not really be an atheist, but he lives as though there...
  • 36:1 The NIV translation, "An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked,"is preferable. An oracle is a message from God. The Lord had given His prophet special revelation concerning the way the wicked ...
  • 53:1 A fool in the ancient Hebrew view of life was a person who did not acknowledge God's existence either intellectually or practically (cf. Rom. 1). He lived as though God does not exist. Such a viewpoint leads to unrestrai...
  • Chapters 1-9, as we have seen, contain discourses that Solomon evidently wrote urging his sons to choose the way of wisdom for their lives.92At 10:1 we begin the part of the book that sets forth what the wise way is in a vari...
  • Isaiah revealed that the Lord's people are at the center of His plans for the world (cf. 14:2; 21:10). He will preserve them even though He will judge sinful humanity.227This passage contains many connections with the flood n...
  • Isaiah next described the remnant who will stream to Zion praising God at the beginning of Messiah's reign. Notice the many triadic formations in the structure of this chapter, creating a feeling of the completeness of joy. T...
  • Isaiah moved from a hymn of praise to a prayer that has two parts: present waiting for God (vv. 7-10) and future expectation from God (vv. 11-19).26:7 Presently the path of the righteous is smooth in that the trip from justif...
  • 27:2 Isaiah, speaking for the Lord, announced that a delightful vineyard that produced wine was in view, and that the news about it was so good that the hearers could sing about it. The vineyard was an ancient and popular fig...
  • This section develops the ideas that preceded by unfolding the characteristics of Yahweh that His people needed to appreciate in view of the shocking news that their new Moses would be Cyrus. It opens with an emphasis on God ...
  • This pericope repeats and refocuses the invitation just extended (vv. 1-3). The offer continues to be to come to God, but the focus shifts from receiving satisfaction to resting in faith and from salvation's freeness to its t...
  • "This passage describes the appalling moral breakdown of Jewish society--which perfectly accords with what we know of the degeneracy of Manasseh's reign."670The prophet resumed his accusations against God's people (cf. 58:1-5...
  • The book of Hosea is an unusually powerful book because the prophet ministered out of his deep personal emotions. His intellectual appeals to the Israelites in his day, and to us in ours, arose out of great personal tragedy i...
  • The Book of Amos is distinctive from the other prophetic books of the Old Testament in two respects.First, the prophet Amos was not a prophet in the same sense that the other prophets were prophets. He was not recognized as a...
  • Malachi's style is quite different from that of any other writing prophet. Instead of delivering messages to his audience, he charged them with various sins, six times in all. His was a very confrontational style of address. ...
  • It was natural for Jesus to explain His view of the Old Testament since He would shortly proceed to interpret it to His hearers.5:17 Some of the Jews may have already concluded that Jesus was a radical who was discarding the ...
  • 27:45 That "land"(Gr. ge) was abnormally dark from noon until 3:00 p.m. Matthew's use of geprobably indicates Israel. Darkness in Scripture often represents judgment and or tragedy (cf. Exod. 10:21-22; Amos 8:9-10). Matthew's...
  • Mark said that Jesus appeared to the Eleven on this occasion. However, John qualified that statement by explaining that Thomas was absent (John 20:24). Mark was speaking of the Eleven as a group.16:14 This event evidently hap...
  • The superficial connection between this pericope and the preceding one is that they both contain parables about prayer. However the more significant link is the people of faith (v. 8). This parable graphically contrasts the r...
  • This parable taught that Israel's religious leaders who had authority were mismanaging their authority. It also affirmed Jesus' authority, not just as a prophet, but as God's Son. The leaders had expressed fear of death (v. 6...
  • This pericope explains why Jesus must become greater. It also unites several themes that appear through chapter 3. John the Apostle or John the Baptist may be the speaker. This is not entirely clear.3:31-32 The incarnate Son ...
  • This section of the text contains Jesus' enigmatic and attractive description of the Bread of Life. Jesus was whetting His hearers' appetites for it (cf. 4:10). The pericope ends with their asking Him to give them the Bread (...
  • Luke probably recorded Paul's address (vv. 22-31) as a sample of his preaching to intellectual pagans (cf. 13:16-41; 14:15-18; 20:18-35).712In this speech Paul began with God as Creator and brought his hearers to God as Judge...
  • "Paul's farewell address to the Ephesian elders is the nearest approximation to the Pauline letters in Acts. Its general content recalls how in his letters Paul encouraged, warned, and exhorted his converts. Moreover, its the...
  • Throughout the history of the church Christians have recognized this epistle as the most important book in the New Testament. The reason for this conviction is that it is an exposition of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Luther ca...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-17A. Salutation 1:1-71. The writer 1:12. The subject of the epistle 1:2-53. The original recipients 1:6-7B. Purpose 1:8-15C. Theme 1:16-17II. The need for God's righteousness 1:18-3:20A. The need of all pe...
  • If anyone thought Paul had not visited Rome because he doubted the power of his gospel to work in that sophisticated environment, the apostle now clarified his reason. These verses conclude the epistolary introduction and tra...
  • Paul began his explanation of the gospel by demonstrating that there is a universal need for it. Every human being needs to trust in Jesus Christ because everyone lacks the righteousness that God requires before He will accep...
  • Perhaps Paul began by showing all people's need for God's righteousness first because he was the apostle to the Gentiles and his Roman readers were primarily Gentiles. His argument in 1:18-3:20 moves inward through a series o...
  • In the previous section (1:18-32), Paul showed mankind condemned for its refusal to respond appropriately to general revelation. In this one (2:1-3:8), His subject is more man's failure to respond to special revelation. Since...
  • Before showing the guilt of moral and religious people before God (vv. 17-29), Paul set forth the principles by which God will judge everyone (vv. 1-16). By so doing, he warned the self-righteous.2:1-4 "Therefore"seems more l...
  • Even though the Jews had the advantages of the Mosaic Law and circumcision, their boasting and fruitlessness offset these advantages. Divinely revealed religion is no substitute for trust and obedience toward God. Verses 17-2...
  • In chapter 2 Paul showed that God's judgment of all people rests on character rather than ceremony. He put the Jew on the same level as the Gentile regarding standing before God. Still God Himself made a distinction between J...
  • Having now proven all people, Jews and Gentiles, under God's wrath Paul drove the final nail in mankind's spiritual coffin by citing Scriptural proof.3:9 The phrase "What then?"introduces a conclusion to the argument that all...
  • In beginning the next section of his argument Paul returned to the major subject of this epistle, the righteousness of God (v. 21; cf. 1:17). He also repeated the need for faith (v. 22; cf. 1:16) and summarized his point that...
  • Paul began by explaining the concept of justification.92"We now come to the unfolding of that word which Paul in Chapter One declares to be the very heart of the gospel . . ."933:21 The "righteousness of God"here refers to Go...
  • Having shown what justification is Paul went on to reaffirm that it is available only by faith. He proceeded to expound the great theological thesis of 3:21-26. Verses 27-31 state this theme, and chapter 4 elucidates and elab...
  • Paul's readers could have understood faith as being a new method of salvation since he contrasted faith with the law. He began this epistle by saying that the gospel reveals a righteousness from God implying something new (1:...
  • Paul began this chapter by showing that God declared Abraham righteous because of the patriarch's faith.4:1 By referring to Abraham as "our forefather after the flesh"(v. 1) Paul revealed that he was aiming these comments at ...
  • Paul cited another eminent man in Jewish history whose words harmonized with the apostle's. Whereas Abraham lived before the Mosaic Law, David lived under it. Abraham's story is in the law section of the Hebrew Bible, and Dav...
  • The Jews believed that they had a claim on Abraham that Gentiles did not have. Obviously he was the father of their nation, and this did place him in a unique relationship to his physical descendants. However, they incorrectl...
  • 4:23-24 Paul applied God's dealings with Abraham to his readers in this pericope's final verses. God will credit His righteousness to all who believe Him. As in verse 3, the content of faith is not specific (v. 24). The more ...
  • Paul's original readers would have had another question because of what he had written in chapters 1-4. Is this method of justification safe? Since it is by faith, it seems quite unsure. Paul next gave evidence that this meth...
  • Paul's final argument in support of justification by faith was a development of his previous emphasis on the solidarity that the saved experience with their Savior (5:1-2, 9-10). In this section (5:12-21) he expanded that ide...
  • The apostle moved on from questions about why people need salvation (1:18-3:20), what God has done to provide it, and how we can appropriate it (3:21-5:21). He next explained that salvation involves more than a right standing...
  • Paul began his explanation of the believer's relationship to sin by expounding the implications of our union with Christ (6:1-14). He had already spoken of this in 5:12-21 regarding justification, but now he showed how that u...
  • Paul followed a similar pattern as he unpacked his revelation in this chapter as he did in the former one. He began chapter 6 by explaining that we are no longer the slaves of sin because of our union with Christ (6:1-14). He...
  • 7:1 "Those who know law"--the article "the"before "law"is absent in the Greek text--were Paul's Roman readers. They lived in the capital of the empire where officials debated, enacted, and enforced laws. They of all people we...
  • Paul wrote that the believer is dead to both sin (6:2) and the Law (7:4). Are they in some sense the same? The answer is no (v. 7). The apostle referred to the relationship between sin and the Law in verse 5, but now he devel...
  • In verses 13-25 Paul continued to describe his personal struggle with sin but with mounting intensity. The forces of external law and internal sin (i.e., his sinful nature) conflicted. He found no deliverance from this confli...
  • 8:1 "Therefore"introduces a conclusion based on everything that Paul wrote from chapter 3 on, not just chapter 7. He reaffirmed justification as the indispensable basis for sanctification.241A Christian must believe that he o...
  • The question of fairness arises whenever someone makes a choice to favor one person over another. Paul dealt with the justice of God in doing what He did in this pericope."These verses are a detour from the main road of Paul'...
  • Next Paul dealt with a question that rises out of what he had just argued for, namely God's freedom to extend mercy to whom He will. Is it not logical that if God is going to show mercy to whom He will in spite of human actio...
  • The reason for Israel's failure mentioned in 9:32-33, namely her rejection of Christ, led Paul to amplify that subject further in this section.10:1 This pericope opens with Paul returning to his feelings of compassionate conc...
  • 10:8 Paul quoted Moses again (Deut. 30:14) to reaffirm the fact that the great lawgiver taught that salvation came by faith. The "word of faith"means the message that righteousness comes by faith. Faith is easy compared to a ...
  • Paul previously laid the groundwork for this section. His point so far was that God is able to restore Israel. Now we learn that He is not only ableto do it, but He willdo it. This section is the climax of everything that Pau...
  • In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, perhaps the most important distinction is that the first part deals primarily with God's actions for humanity, and the last part deals with people's actions in respo...
  • Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 12 deal with the Christian's most important relationship, his or her relationship to God. These verses are both parallel to the sections to follow that deal with the Christian's conduct, and they int...
  • This section concludes Paul's instructions concerning the importance of accepting one another as Christians that he began in 14:1. In this section the apostle charged both the strong and the weak.15:7 "Accept"repeats Paul's o...
  • The apostle brought together words and ideas from his earlier epistles as well as from this one in this doxology.16:25 The apostle was confident that God could do for his readers what they needed (cf. 1:11; Eph. 3:20). The go...
  • Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881.Allen, Kenneth W. "Justification by Faith."Bibliotheca Sacra135:538 (April-June 1978):109-16.Auden, W. H. For the Time Being. London: Faber and F...
  • Sexual immorality is wrong, Paul concluded, because it involves sinning against one's body, which in the case of believers belongs to the Lord through divine purchase.6:18 In conclusion, believers should flee from fornication...
  • "Labors"or "hard work"encompasses all the strenuous activities of life including manual labor."Watchings"are "sleepless nights.""Fastings"or "hunger"refers to missed meals.6:6-7a Paul now named various graces that God had pro...
  • Paul related other events of his previous ministry, specifically his meeting with the Jerusalem church leaders. He did so to establish for his readers that although he was not dependent on anyone but God for his message and m...
  • Paul mentioned the incident in which he reproved Peter, the Judaizers' favorite apostle, to further establish his own apostolic authority and to emphasize the truth of his gospel.2:11 Peter had shaken hands with Paul in Jerus...
  • 3:19 In view of the foregoing argument, did the Law have any value? Yes, God had several purposes in it. Purpose, not cause, is in view, as is clear in the Greek text.There have been four primary interpretations of what "beca...
  • 1:7 The "Him"in view is the beloved Son (v. 6).Redemption (Gr. apolytrosin) means release from slavery (cf. v. 14; 4:30; Luke 21:28; Rom. 3:24; 8:23; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:15; 11:35). It involves buying back and sett...
  • The wrath of God on the unbeliever (v. 3) contrasts with the grace of God on the believer (vv. 5, 7, 8). God's grace toward some unbelievers gives them life (vv. 4-5), raises them up (v. 6), and seats them in heavenly realms ...
  • 3:8 Paul had regarded his advantages over other people as what put him in a specially good position with God. However, he had come to realize that absolutely nothing apart from Jesus Christ's work on the cross was of any valu...
  • Paul gave his readers five other brief positive exhortations all of which are vitally important for individual and corporate Christian living. They all result in the maintenance of peace in the body so the saints can work tog...
  • 3:3 To motivate his readers to obey these commands Paul encouraged them by reminding them of the way they used to be. They had already come a long way. Each characteristic he mentioned in this verse contrasts with one he had ...
  • John continued a structural pattern that he established in the previous section (vv. 6-7) in which he used pairs of clauses to present a false assertion followed by his correction.1:8 This second claim (cf. v. 6) is more seri...
  • John turned to see the person who had given him his commission. These verses describe what he saw.1:12 When John turned to see the person who spoke to him he saw a majestic figure clothed in a long robe standing among seven l...
  • There are a number of contrasts between the 144,000 and this great multitude. The number of the first group is not only smaller but definite whereas the number of the second group is larger and indefinite. People from the 12 ...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Now we know, that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law; that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no...
  • He has been quoting a mosaic of Old Testament passages from the Psalms and Isaiah. He regards these as part of' the law,' which term, therefore, in his view, here includes the whole previous revelation, considered as making k...
  • He states that twice in this passage (Romans 3:20-24), and it underlies his view of the purpose of law. In Romans 3:20 he asserts that by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified,' and in Romans 3:23-24 he advances fr...
  • That is stated in general terms in Romans 3:21-22. Into a world of sinful men comes streaming the light of a righteousness of God.' That expression is here used to mean a moral state of conformity with God's will, imparted by...
  • In Romans 3:21-22 it was stated generally that Christ was the channel, and faith the condition, of righteousness. The personal object of faith was declared, but not the special thing in Christ which was to be trusted in. That...
  • There is no dlfference.'--Romans 3:22.THE things in which all men are alike are far more important than those in which they differ. The diversities are superficial, the identities are deep as life. Physical processes and want...
  • Now he turns to history and appeals to Abraham's case. In these verses he goes over the same ground as Paul does in Romans v., and there is a distinct verbal contradiction between James 2:24 here and Romans 3:28; but it is on...
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