Kidung Jemaat
1 Corinthians 13:2
Berbahagia Tiap Rumah Tangga [KJ.318]
1. Berbahagia tiap rumah tangga, di mana Kaulah Tamu yang tetap:
dan merasakan tiap sukacita tanpa Tuhannya tiadalah lengkap;
di mana hati girang menyambutMu dan memandangMu dengan
berseri; tiap anggota menanti sabdaMu dan taat akan Firman yang Kaub'ri.
Yos 24:15
2. Berbahagialah rumah yang sepakat hidup sehati dalam kasihMu,
serta tekun mencari hingga dapat damai kekal di dalam sinarMu;
di mana suka-duka 'kan dibagi; ikatan kasih semakin teguh; diluar
Tuhan tidak ada lagi yang dapat memberi berkat penuh.1 Kor 13
Flp 2:1-5
Play Hari Ini Tuhan Berkati [KJ.317]
1. Hari ini Tuhan berkati mempelai mengikat janji.
Moga-moga rumah tangganya Kauberi tent'ram bahagia!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
2. Yesus Kristus, Pengantin sorga, memberi kasih sempurna
dan berkurban untuk umatNya, tak pernah meninggalkannya.
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
Ef 5:22-23
3. Bapa kami yang Mahakasih, cintaMu kekal abadi;
dalam suka ataupun duka rahmatMu takkan berubah!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
4. Dalam Dikau, Sumber Kurnia, mempelai tetap setia.
Dalam Dikau, ya Jurus'lamat, umatMu beroleh rahmat!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.Play
Ephesians 2:8
'Ku Diberi Belas Kasihan [KJ.39]
1. 'Ku diberi belas kasihan, walau tak layak hatiku;
tadi 'ku angkuh, kini heran: Tuhan, besarlah rahmatMu!
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia,
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia!
Mzm 32:1
Mzm 130:3-4
Ef 2:4-9
2. Walau 'ku patut dihukumkan, Kaulah penuh anugerah:
darah PutraMu dicurahkan membasuh dosa dan cela.
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu,
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Ini tetap pengakuanku, jikalau orang ingin tahu:
hanya berkat pengasihanMu rukunlah aku dan Engkau.
'Ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu,
'ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu.
4. Jangan seseorang pun di dunia merampas harta hatiku:
dasar percaya yang 'ku punya dan alas doa yang teguh;
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam,
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam!
Rm 14:8
5. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil rahmat yang Kauberi kepadaku,
kar'na dengannya aku s'lamat sampai ke dalam rumahMu:
di sana kumuliakanlah rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya,
di sana kumuliakan rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya!Mzm 23:6
Play Ajaib Benar Anugerah [KJ.40] ( Amazing Grace )
1. Ajaib benar anugerah pembaru hidupku!
'Ku hilang, buta, bercela; olehnya 'ku sembuh.
Ef 2:4-9
Mat 11:5
Yoh 9:25
Why 3:17
2. Ketika insaf, 'ku cemas, sekarang 'ku lega!
Syukur, bebanku t'lah lepas berkat anugerah!
Yoh 16:8
Mat 11:28
3. Di jurang yang penuh jerat terancam jiwaku;
anug'rah kupegang erat dan aman pulangku.
Mzm 23:4
Mzm 116:3-9
4. Kudapat janji yang teguh, kuharap sabdaNya
dan Tuhanlah perisaiku tetap selamanya.
Rm 4:20-21
Ibr 6:11-12
Ibr 10:22-23
5. Kendati nanti ragaku terkubur dan lenyap,
padanya aku berteduh bahagia tetap.
Mzm 73:26
6. Meski selaksa tahun lenyap di sorga mulia,
rasanya baru sekejap memuji namaNya!Play Andaikan Yesus, Kau Bukan Milikku [KJ.300]
1. Andaikan, Yesus, Kau bukan milikku dan tak Kaub'rikan darahMu
bagiku, ke mana aku mohon pengampunan dan perlindungan?
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Yoh 6:68
2. 'Ku tahu sungguh siapa Penghiburku; tak ada hati seperti hatiMu.
Kaulah, ya Tuhan, kau Yang Mahakasih; lain tiada lagi.
Mrk 10:45
Yoh 15:13
3. Aku sadari, bahwa aku ini mahluk terhina yang telah Kaupilih.
Itu semua murahMu belaka yang tak bertara.
1 Kor 1:28
Ef 2:8-9
4. Andaikan Tuhan tidak meraihku, tak mungkin aku akan mencariMu;
kar'na kasihMu Kaupeluk diriku dalam tanganMu.
Yoh 15:16
1 Yoh 4:10, 19
5. Aku bersyukur dan memuji Tuhan, kar'na diriku ikut Kaumasukkan
dalam kawanan domba tebusanMu oleh darahMu.Yoh 10:15-16
Play Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37a] ( Rock of Ages )
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu.
Mzm 62:7-8
Mzm 71:3
1 Kor 10:4
Yoh 19:34
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Walau aku berjerih dan menangis tiada henti,
apapun usahaku, tak menghapus dosaku.
Hanya oleh kurbanMu Kaus'lamatkan diriku.
Rm 3:20, 27
Ef 2:8-9
2 Tim 1:9
Tit 3:5
3. Tiada lain kupegang, hanya salib dan iman;
dalam kehampaanku kudambakan rahmatMu.
Tanpa Dikau, Tuhanku, takkan hidup jiwaku.
Gal 6:14
4. Bila tiba saatnya kutinggalkan dunia
dan Kaupanggil diriku ke hadapan takhtaMu,
Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37b] ( Rock of Ages )
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu.Di Luar Tembok Negeri [KJ.176] ( There Is a Green Hill Far Away )
1. Di luar tembok negeri, di bukit Golgota,
tergantung Yesus disalib demi manusia.
Mrk 15:22-24
Ibr 13:12
2. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
3. Betapa nista dan pedih sengsara Tuhanku,
Namun 'ku yakin, matiNya demi selamatku.
Ef 2:1-10
4. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
5. Percikan darah mulia menghapus dosaku,
sehingga rumah BapaNya terbuka bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
Ibr 12:24
Luk 15:20
6. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
7. Hanyalah Yesus Penebus, tiada gantiNya,
yang dapat menghantarkanku ke sorga yang baka.
8. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.Play Dihapuskan Dosaku [KJ.36]
1. Dihapuskan dosaku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
aku pulih dan sembuh hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
3. Pengampunan dosaku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
Penyucian hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
4. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
5. Perdamaian bagiku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
bukan oleh amalku: hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Rm 5:8-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
6. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
7. Damai dan harapanku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
Allah membenarkanku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Rm 5:9
8. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.Play Golgota, Tempat Tuhanku Disalib [KJ.177]
1. Golgota, tempat Tuhanku disalib dan dicela,
agar dunia damai pula dengan Allah, Khaliknya.
Dari sanalah mengalir sungai kasih kurnia
Bagi orang berdosa, yang memandang Golgota.
Mrk 15:22-24
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
Yeh 47:1-12
2. O samud'ra kasih Allah: bagi isis dunia
diberiNya Putra Tunggal, agar kita s'lamatlah!
Yesus, Jalan, Kebenaran, Sumber Hidup yang baka,
t'lah berkurban bagi kita pada salib Golgota.
Yoh 3:16
Yoh 14:6
3. Mari kita muliakan cinta kasih Penebus:
dosa kita Dia hapus dengan darah yang kudus.
Ia taat sampai mati pada salib Golgota.
Kita hidup oleh Dia: Puji Tuhan s'lamanya!Ibr 9:11-14
Flp 2:8
Ef 2:1-10
1 Ptr 2:22-24
Play Jika padaku Ditanyakan [KJ.432]
1. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kub'ritakan pada dunia
yang penuh penderitaan, 'kan kusampaikan kabar baik pada
orang-orang miskin, pembebasan bagi orang yang ditawan;
yang buta dapat penglihatan, yang tertindas dibebaskan;
sungguh tahun rahmat sudah tiba. K'rajaan Allah penuh
kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.
Mat 5:14-16
Yes 61:1-2
Luk 4:17-19
2. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kusampaikan pada dunia
yang penuh dengan cobaan, aku bersaksi dengan kata, tapi
juga dengan karya menyampaikan kasih Allah yang sejati.
T'lah tersedia bagi kita pengampunan dan anug'rah,
kes'lamatan dalam Kristus, PuteraNya. K'rajaan Allah
penuh kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.Kis 4:32-35
Kol 3:17
2 Tes 2:17
Tit 2:7
Yak 1:22-25
Yak 2:14-17
Ef 2:4-10
Play Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
1. Kita, anak Adam, insan bercela, lahir dalam dosa dan akibatnya,
kita kehilangan bahagia firdaus dan menjadi takluk pada kuasa maut.
Mzm 51:4-7
Kej 3:23-24
Rm 5:12, 17
2. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
3. Walau berusaha sampai berlelah, tidaklah menolong kita yang lemah,
hanya Tuhan Allah yang Mahakurnia, yang dalam kasihNya mengutus PutraNya.
Ef 2:8-9
4. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!5. Andaikata Kristus tidak menjelma dalam rupa hamba, masuk dunia,
jika bukan Dia menjadi Penebus, maka kita insan binasalah terus.
Flp 2:6-8
6. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
7. Sungguh, kasih Allah sangatlah besar, nyata bagi kita yang t'lah mendengar
bahwa PuteraNya di salib Golgota menghapuskan dosa seluruh dunia.
Yoh 3:16
8. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
9. KepadaMu, Kristus, puji s'lamanya: kau telah disalib bagi dunia,
Kau kekal bertakhta bersama BapaMu; t'rima kami ini di KerajaanMu!
Why 5:12
Mrk 16:19
Luk 23:42
10. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!Play Penebusku Disalib [KJ.175]
1. Penebusku disalib dalam nista dan sengsara.
Putra Allah, hilangkah kuasaMu dan kemuliaanMu?
Yes 53:3-7
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Penebusku disalib menghapuskan hukumanku,
agar aku diberi anugerah, hidup oleh matiNya.
Rm 5:6-10
2 Tim 1:10
1 Ptr 2:22-24
3. Penebusku disalib. Biar aku pun setia bagi Dia!
Oleh kematianNya aku dibangkitkanNya.
Ef 2:1-10
4. Penebusku disalib. Apa pantas 'ku mengaduh
disusahku? Dibandingkan salibNya, pikulanku ringanlah.
5. Penebusku disalib. Hidup-matiku, ya Tuhan,
kuserahkan: dalam suka-dukaku 'ku tetap bersamaMu!Rm 14:8
Play Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
1. Pengikut Kristus, nyanyilah, berdendang dan menari,
terhibur oleh kurnia bersatu dalam kasih: Terang Ilahi
berseri, yang dari sorga diberi; harganya paling mahal.
2. Si jahat dan kuasa maut membuatku binasa. 'Ku lahir
dalam kemelut, tersiksa oleh dosa. Semakin aku terjerat:
celaka aku yang sesat, dirasuk kejahatan.
Mzm 51:6-7
2 Tim 2:26
3. Percuma perbuatanku, niatku sudah salah; durhaka keinginanku,
melawan hukum Allah. Berputus asa dan cemas di pintu maut
terhempas, 'ku harus ke neraka!
Rm 7:13-26
Gal 3:1-14
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
4. Allahku pun terharulah melihatku melarat; Ia mengingat rahmatNya
dan ingin 'ku selamat; berpaling Ia padaku dengan anugerah penuh,
berkurban yang termahal.
Mzm 98:3
2 Tim 1:9
Rm 8:32
1 Kor 6:20
5. SabdaNya pada putraNya: "T'lah tiba zaman rahmat; pergilah Kau
ke dunia, s'lamatkan yang melarat. Supaya dosa tak tetap, kuasa maut
pun lenyap, berilah hidup baru!"
Yes 60:1-2
Yoh 3:16
Gal 4:4-5
2 Tim 1:10
6. Sang Putra patuh segera dan datang kepadaku sebagai Anak Maria
menjadi sesamaku, mengambil rupa terendah dan oleh cara itulah
si Iblis Ia tangkap.
Mzm 40:8-9
Flp 2:5-8
Luk 10:18
Why 12:9
7. SabdaNya: "Dengan kasihKu hatimu kini tabah: diriKu ganti dirimu,
bagimu 'Ku berlaga; engkau dan Aku satulah di dunia dan selamanya;
tiada yang pisahkan."
1 Ptr 2:24
Rm 8:37-39
8. "Telah tercurah darahKu dan rela Aku mati demi keselamatanmu:
percaya dalam hati! Dengan perangai suciKu Kuhapus dosa-dosamu
dan kau beroleh rahmat."
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
9. "Kepada Bapa 'Ku pergi sesudah 'Ku berkurban dan kepadamu Kuberi
Roh Kudus penghiburan yang mengajarkan padamu segala makna sabdaKu
Di dalam kebenaran."
Yoh 14:28
Yoh 14:25-26
Yoh 16:13-14
10. "KaryaKu dan ajaranKu mestilah kauterapkan, sehingga dunia penuh
semarak Kerajaan; hartamu pertahankanlah terhadap dalih dunia.
Hayatilah sabdaKu."Kis 1:1
Mat 28:19-20
Why 3:11
Play Pujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
1. Pujian malam kunyanyikan; syukur, ya Tuhan, padaMu.
Meskipun sinar surya hilang, Engkau tetap cahayaku.
Tiada sayang ibu-bapak yang menandingi sayangMu:
Tak putus 'ku Kau pelihara, Kau Sumber rahmat bagiku.
Mat 7:11
2. Dengan setia Kau menjaga, mengasuh dan membimbingku.
Engkau sertaku tiap saat, pun dalam susah dan keluh.
Sekarang tiba malam hari; tubuhku melepas lelah. Telah
Kautolong dari pagi: syukurku, Tuhan t'rimalah!
Mzm 121
3. Anug'rah yang Engkau berikan tak beralaskan jasaku:
jikalau dosaku Kauingat 'ku layak t'rima murkaMu.
Syukur, di dalam darah Kristus pengampunanMu
Tertera dan oleh pendamaian itu Kaubuat hatiku lega.
Mzm 130:3
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 2:3-10
4. Ya Tuhan, malam ini juga padaMu aku berserah.
Semoga 'ku bernyanyi pula ketika fajar merekah.
Dan bila Kau memanggil aku selagi aku terlelap,
Kiranya di depan takhtaMu sejahteraMu kukecap.
Mzm 5:4
Mzm 59:17
Mzm 92:3
5. Kutahu siapa 'ku percaya, baik siang atau malam pun:
Kau Gunung Batu kes'lamatan, landasan pengharapanku!
Sesudah hariku berakhir dan aku tamat berlelah, 'kan
Kusyukuri hari-hari yang t'lah kaub'ri di dunia.2 Kor 1:20-22
2 Tim 1:12
Mzm 62:3, 7
Mzm 95:1
1 Corinthians 13:2
[1Co 13:2] Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost,
Taught by Thee we covet most
Of Thy gifts of Pentecost
Holy, heavenly Love.Faith, that mountains could remove,
Tongues of earth or heaven above,
Knowledge—all things—empty prove,
Without heavenly Love.Though I as a martyr bleed,
Give my goods the poor to feed,
All is vain—if Love I need;
Therefore, give us Love.Love is kind, and suffers long
Love is meek, and thinks no wrong,
Love than death itself more strong;
Therefore, give us Love.Prophecy will fade away,
Melting in the light of day,
Love will ever with us stay;
Therefore, give us Love.Faith will vanish into sight;
Hope be emptied in delight;
Love in heaven will shine more bright;
Therefore, give us Love.Faith and Hope and Love we see
Joining hand in hand agree;
But the greatest of the three,
And the best, is Love.From the overshadowing
Of Thy gold and silver wing
Shed on us, who to Thee sing,
Holy, heavenly Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Mark 11:22-23
[Mar 11:23] Creator Of The Stars Of Night
Creator Spirit, by Whose aid
The world’s foundations first were laid,
Come, visit every pious mind;
Come, pour Thy joys on human kind;
From sin, and sorrow set us free;
And make Thy temples worthy Thee.O Source of uncreated Light,
The Father’s promised Paraclete!
Thrice holy Fount, thrice holy Fire,
Our hearts with heav’nly love inspire;
Come, and Thy sacred unction bring
To sanctify us, while we sing!Plenteous of grace, descend from high,
Thou strength of His almighty hand,
Whose pow’r does Heav’n and earth command:
Proceeding Spirit, our Defense,
Who dost the gift of tongues dispense,
And crown’st Thy gift with eloquence!Refine and purge our earthly parts;
But, oh, inflame and fire our hearts!
Our frailties help, our vice control;
Submit the senses to the soul;
And when rebellious they are grown,
Then, lay Thy hand, and hold them down.Create all new; our wills control,
Subdue the rebel in our soul;
Make us eternal truths receive,
And practice all that we believe;
Give us Thyself, that we may see
The Father and the Son by Thee.Immortal honor, endless fame,
Attend th’almighty Father’s Name:
The Savior Son be glorified,
Who for lost man’s redemption died:
And equal adoration be,
Eternal Paraclete, to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:23] Give Me The Faith Which Can Remove
Give me the faith which can remove
And sink the mountain to a plain;
Give me the childlike praying love,
Which longs to build Thy house again;
Thy love, let it my heart overpower,
And all my simple soul devour.I want an even strong desire,
I want a calmly fervent zeal,
To save poor souls out of the fire,
To snatch them from the verge of hell,
And turn them to a pardoning God,
And quench the brands in Jesus’ blood.I would the precious time redeem,
And longer live for this alone,
To spend and to be spent for them
Who have not yet my Savior known;
Fully on these my mission prove,
And only breathe, to breathe Thy love.My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord,
Into Thy blessed hands receive;
And let me live to preach Thy Word,
And let me to Thy glory live;
My every sacred moment spend
In publishing the sinner’s Friend.Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart
With boundless charity divine,
So shall I all strength exert,
And love them with a zeal like Thine,
And lead them to Thy open side,
The sheep for whom the Shepherd died.O that I was as heretofore
When first sent forth in Jesu’s Name.
I rush’d thro’ every open Door,
And cried to All, ‘Behold the Lamb!’
Seiz’d the poor trembling Slaves of Sin,
And forc’d the Outcasts to come in.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:23] Only Believe
Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne,
From death into life He went for His own;
All power in earth, all power above,
Is given to Him for the flock of His love.Refrain
Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe,
Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe.Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead,
Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread;
The waters of Marah He’ll sweeten for thee,
He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane.Refrain
Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot,
He enters all rooms, “the doors being shut,”
He never forsakes; He never is gone,
So count on His presence in darkness and dawn.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 17:5-6
[Luk 17:5] Eternal Power, Of Sea And Air!
Eternal Power, of earth and air!
Unseen, yet seen in all around,
Remote, but dwelling everywhere,
Though silent, heard in every sound.If e’er Thine ear in mercy bent,
When wretched mortals cried to Thee,
And if, indeed, Thy Son was sent,
To save lost sinners such as me:Then hear me now, while, kneeling here,
I lift to thee my heart and eye,
And all my soul ascends in prayer,
Oh, give me, give me faith! I cry.Without some glimmering in my heart,
I could not raise this fervent prayer;
But, oh! a stronger light impart,
And in Thy mercy fix it there.While Faith is with me, I am blest;
It turns my darkest night to day;
But while I clasp it to my breast,
I often feel it slide away.Then, cold and dark, my spirit sinks,
To see my light of life depart;
And every fiend of Hell, methinks,
Enjoys the anguish of my heart.What shall I do, if all my love,
My hopes, my toil, are cast away,
And if there be no God above,
To hear and bless me when I pray?If this be vain delusion all,
If death be an eternal sleep,
And none can hear my secret call,
Or see the silent tears I weep!Oh, help me, God! For Thou alone
Canst my distracted soul relieve;
Forsake it not: it is Thine own,
Though weak, yet longing to believe.Oh, drive these cruel doubts away;
And make me know, that Thou art God!
A faith, that shines by night and day,
Will lighten every earthly load.If I believe that Jesus died,
And, waking, rose to reign above;
Then surely Sorrow, Sin, and Pride,
Must yield to Peace, and Hope, and Love.And all the blessèd words He said
Will strength and holy joy impart:
A shield of safety o’er my head,
A spring of comfort in my heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 17:5] Give Me The Wings Of Faith
Give me the wings of faith to rise
Within the veil, and see
The saints above, how great their joys,
How bright their glories be.Once they were mourning here below,
And wet their couch with tears:
They wrestled hard, as we do now,
With sins, and doubts, and fears.I ask them whence their victory came:
They, with united breath,
Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb,
Their triumph to His death.They marked the footsteps that He trod,
His zeal inspired their breast;
And following their incarnate God,
Possess the promised rest.Our glorious Leader claims our praise
For His own pattern giv’n;
While the long cloud of witnesses
Show the same path to Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 17:5] Let Us Plead For Faith Alone
Let us plead for faith alone
Faith which by our works is shown;
God it is Who justifies,
Only faith the grace applies.Active faith that lives within,
Conquers hell and death and sin,
Hallows whom it first made whole,
Forms the Savior in the soul.Let us for this faith contend,
Sure salvation is the end;
Heaven already is begun,
Everlasting life is won.Only let us persevere
Till we see our Lord appear,
Never from the Rock remove,
Saved by faith which works by love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 17:5] Lord, Help Us Ever To Retain
Lord, help us ever to retain
The catechism’s doctrine plain
As Luther taught the word of truth
In simple style to tender youth.Help us Thy holy law to learn,
To mourn our sin, and from it turn
In faith to Thee and to Thy Son
And Holy Spirit, Three in One.Hear us, dear Father, when we pray
For needed help from day to day
That as Thy children we may live,
Whom Thou in baptism did receive.Lord, when we fall and sin doth stain,
Absolve and lift us up again;
And thro’ the sacrament increase
Our faith till we depart in peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 17:5] Lord, I Want To Be A Christian
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart.Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart.Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart.Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 17:5] O, For A Faith That Will Not Shrink
O, for a faith that will not shrink,
Though pressed by every foe,
That will not tremble on the brink
Of any earthly woe!That will not murmur nor complain
Beneath the chastening rod,
But, in the hour of grief or pain,
Will lean upon its God.A faith that shines more bright and clear
When tempests rage without;
That when in danger knows no fear,
In darkness feels no doubt.That bears, unmoved, the world’s dread frown
Nor heeds its scornful smile;
That seas of trouble cannot drown,
Nor Satan’s arts beguile.A faith that keeps the narrow way
Till life’s last hour is fled,
And with a pure and heavenly ray
Lights up a dying bed.Lord, give me such a faith as this,
And then, whate’er may come,
I’ll taste, e’en here, the hallowed bliss
Of an eternal home.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 2:8
[Eph 2:8] By Grace Are Ye Saved
In grace the holy God
Did full salvation plan,
Electing in His sovereign grace
To save rebellious man.Refrain
By grace are ye saved thro’ faith,
Thro’ faith, thro’ faith,
Thro’ faith, and that not of yourselves;
Thro’ faith, and that not of yourselves;
Not of works, not of works,
Not of works, not of works,
Not of works, lest any man should boast;
It is the gift of God;
Not of works, lest any man should boast;
It is the gift of God, it is the gift of God,
It is the gift of God, it is the gift of God,
The gift of God.This grace of God appears
In Jesus Christ His Son;
He, lifted on the cross of shame,
The grace of God makes known.Refrain
To all who do believe
In God, thro’ Christ revealed
By grace, they full salvation have,
And “Sons of God” are sealed.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 2:8] By Grace I’m Saved
By grace I’m saved, grace free and boundless;
My soul, believe and doubt it not;
Why stagger at this word of promise?
Hath Scripture ever falsehood taught?
Nay; then this word must true remain:
By grace thou, too, shalt Heav’n obtain.By grace! None dare lay claim to merit;
Our works and conduct have no worth,
God in His love sent our Redeemer,
Christ Jesus, to this sinful earth;
His death did for our sins atone,
And we are saved by grace alone.By grace! O, mark this word of promise
When thou art by thy sins oppressed,
When Satan plagues thy troubled conscience,
And when thy heart is seeking rest.
What reason cannot comprehend
God by His grace to thee doth send.By grace! This ground of faith is certain;
So long as God is true, it stands.
What saints have penned by inspiration,
What in His Word our God commands,
What our whole faith must rest upon,
Is grace alone, grace in His Son.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 2:8] Glory Ever Be To Jesus
Glory ever be to Jesus,
God’s own well belovèd Son;
By His grace He hath redeemed us,
“It is finished,” all is done.Refrain
Saved by grace through faith in Jesus,
Saved by His own precious blood,
May we in His love abiding,
Follow on to know the Lord.Oh the weary days of wand’ring,
Longing, hoping for the light;
These at last all lie behind us,
Jesus is our strength and might.Refrain
In His safe and holy keeping,
’Neath the shadow of His wing,
Gladly in His love confiding,
May our souls His praises sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 2:8] Message Sweet Is Borne To Me, A
A message sweet is borne to me
On wings of joy divine;
A wondrous message, glad and free,
That thrills this heart of mine;
I’m saved by grace, by grace alone,
Through Christ, whose love I claim,
No other could for sin atone,
Hosanna to His Name!Refrain
O glorious song that all day long
With tuneful note is ringing,
I’m saved by grace, amazing grace,
And that is why I’m singing!Refrain
I hear the message that I love
When morning dawns anew;
I read it in the sun above
That shines across the blue;
I hear it in the twilight still,
And at the sunset hour—
I’m saved by grace! what words can thrill
With such a magic power?Refrain
Oh, wondrous grace for all mankind,
That spreads from sea to sea!
It heals the sick and leads the blind,
And sets the prisoner free;
The soul that seeks it cannot fail
To see the Savior’s face,
And Satan’s power cannot prevail
If we are saved by grace.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 2:8] Not What My Hands Have Done
Not what my hands have done can save my guilty soul;
Not what my toiling flesh has borne can make my spirit whole.
Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God;
Not all my prayers and sighs and tears can bear my awful load.Your voice alone, O Lord, can speak to me of grace;
Your power alone, O Son of God, can all my sin erase.
No other work but Yours, no other blood will do;
No strength but that which is divine can bear me safely through.Thy work alone, O Christ, can ease this weight of sin;
Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, can give me peace within.
Thy love to me, O God, not mine, O Lord, to Thee,
Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free.I bless the Christ of God; I rest on love divine;
And with unfaltering lip and heart I call this Savior mine.
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear, each lingering shade of gloom.I praise the God of grace; I trust His truth and might;
He calls me His, I call Him mine, My God, my joy and light.
’Tis He Who saveth me, and freely pardon gives;
I love because He loveth me, I live because He lives.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 2:8] Nothing Of My Own To Claim
Would you know how I was saved,
Gained the peace that now I have;
How He saved me from the fall?
Trusting Jesus, that is all.Refrain
Nothing of my own to claim,
Trusting only Jesus’ Name;
Making Him my “all in all,”
Trusting Jesus, that is all.Poor and helpless soul was I,
Sinful and afraid to die;
Jesus heard my stammering call,
Trusting Jesus did it all.Refrain
Not by works was my reward,
But believing on the Lord;
Saved was I through faith, though small—
Trusting Jesus, that is all.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal