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1 Corinthians 8:6


one God ............... one <2316 1520> [one God.]

from whom ................ whom <1537 3739> [of whom.]

and .... we ... and ........... and .... we <2532 2249> [and we.]

<1519 846> [in him. or, for him.]

one .......... and ...... and one .......... and <2532 1520> [and one.]

and .... we ... and ...... through ...... and through ... we <2532 2249 1223> [and we by.]

Deuteronomy 3:24


greatness <01433> [thy greatness.]

god <0410> [what God.]

Deuteronomy 4:39


consider <07725> [and consider.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Deuteronomy 6:4


Israel, Jehovah, our God,is one Jehovah." On this passage the Jews lay great stress; and it is one of the four passages which they write on their phylacteries: On the word {Elohim,} Simeon Ben Joachi says: "Come and see the mystery of the word {Elohim:} there are three degrees, and each degree is by itself alone, and yet they are all one, and joined together in one, and are not divided from each other."

[the Lord,]

Deuteronomy 32:39


[I, even I.]

god <0430> [no god.]

kill <04191> [I kill.]

resist ... power <05337> [neither.]

Isaiah 37:16


Lord <03068> [Lord.]

who ... enthroned <03427> [dwellest.]

God ............. God <0430> [thou art.]

made <06213> [thou hast.]

Isaiah 37:20


kingdoms <04467> [that all.]


Isaiah 44:6


king <04428> [the King.]

protector <01350> [his redeemer.]

first <07223> [I am the first.]

but <01107> [beside.]

Isaiah 44:8


afraid <07297> [neither.]

decree <05046> [have declared.]

witnesses <05707> [ye are.]

Is <03426> [Is there.]

rock <06697> [no God. Heb. no rock.]

Isaiah 44:24


protector <01350> [thy redeemer.]

formed <03335> [and he.]

Lord ................ Lord <03068> [I am.]

[by myself.]

Isaiah 45:5


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

arm .......... recognize <0247 03045> [I girded thee.]

Isaiah 45:14


profit <03018> [The labour.]

Sabeans <05436> [the Sabeans.]

That the Sabeans were of a most majestic appearance is particularly remarked by Agatharchides, an ancient Greek historian quoted by Bochart.

tall <0582 04060> [men of stature.]

chains <02131> [in chains.]

bow <07812> [they shall fall.]

God <0410> [Surely.]

<0657> [and there.]

Jeremiah 10:10


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

true God ...... God <0430 0571> [true God. Heb. God of truth.]

living <02416> [the living.]

everlasting King <04428 05769> [everlasting king. Heb. King of eternity.]

anger <07110> [at.]

nations <01471> [the nations.]

Mark 12:29


Listen <191> [Hear.]

Ephesians 4:6


God <2316> [God.]

<3588> [who.]

and ......... and .... and in <2532 1722> [and in.]

Ephesians 4:1


prisoner <1198> [prisoner.]

[of the Lord. or, in the Lord. beseech.]

to live <4043> [walk.]

calling <2821> [vocation.]

Ephesians 1:17


God <2316> [the God.]

3 Joh 20:17

Father <3962> [the Father.]

spiritual <4151> [the spirit.]

revelation <602> [revelation.]

in ... growing knowledge <1722 1922> [in the knowledge. or, for the acknowledgement.]

Ephesians 2:5


dead <3498> [dead.]

made ... alive together <4806> [quickened.]

by grace <5485 2075> [grace ye. Gr. whose grace ye.]

Jude 1:25


only <3441> [the only.]

God <2316> [God.]

glory <1391> [be glory.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE EPISTLE OF JUDE. St. Jude, says Origen, has written an Epistle in a few lines indeed, but full of vigorous expressions of heavenly grace.--[Ioudas <\\See definition 2455\\> men <\\See definition 3303\\> egrapsen epistolen oligostichon men <\\See definition 3303\\> pepleromenen de <\\See definition 1161\\> ouraniou charitos erromenon logon.] He briefly and forcibly represents the detestable doctrines and practices of certain false teachers, generally supposed to be the impure Gnostics, Nicolaitans and followers of Simon Magus; and reproves these profligate perverters of sound principles, and patrons of lewdness, with a holy indignation and just severity; while at the same time he exhorts all sound Christians, with genuine apostolic charity, to have tender compassion on these deluded wretches, and to endeavour vigorously to reclaim them from the ways of hell, and pluck them as brands out of the fire. There is a great similarity in sentiment and style between this Epistle and the second chapter of the second Epistle of Peter. Both writers are nearly alike in vehemence and holy indignation against impudence and lewdness, and against those who insidiously undermine chastity, purity, and sound principles.

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