Kidung Jemaat
1 Peter 1:1-25
- Aku MilikMu, Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.362]
I Am Thine, O Lord
1. Aku milikMu, Yesus, Tuhanku; kudengar suaraMu.
'Ku merindukan datang mendekat dan diraih olehMu.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
2. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
3. Aku hambaMu, Kausucikanlah oleh kasih kurnia,
hingga jiwaku memegang teguh kehendakMu yang mulia.
Ibr 2:11
1 Ptr 1:2
4. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
5. Sungguh indahnya walau sejenak besertaMu, Allahku;
dalam doaku sungguh akrabnya bersekutu denganMu.
6. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
7. Dalam dunia tak seutuhnya kupahami kasihMu,
sukacita pun barulah lengkap, bila 'ku di rumahMu.
1 Kor 13:12
8. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.Play - Andaikan Yesus, Kau Bukan Milikku [KJ.300]
1. Andaikan, Yesus, Kau bukan milikku dan tak Kaub'rikan darahMu
bagiku, ke mana aku mohon pengampunan dan perlindungan?
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Yoh 6:68
2. 'Ku tahu sungguh siapa Penghiburku; tak ada hati seperti hatiMu.
Kaulah, ya Tuhan, kau Yang Mahakasih; lain tiada lagi.
Mrk 10:45
Yoh 15:13
3. Aku sadari, bahwa aku ini mahluk terhina yang telah Kaupilih.
Itu semua murahMu belaka yang tak bertara.
1 Kor 1:28
Ef 2:8-9
4. Andaikan Tuhan tidak meraihku, tak mungkin aku akan mencariMu;
kar'na kasihMu Kaupeluk diriku dalam tanganMu.
Yoh 15:16
1 Yoh 4:10, 19
5. Aku bersyukur dan memuji Tuhan, kar'na diriku ikut Kaumasukkan
dalam kawanan domba tebusanMu oleh darahMu.Yoh 10:15-16
Play - Apapun Juga Menimpamu [KJ.438]
Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide /
God Will Take Care of You
1. Apapun juga menimpamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
Naungan kasihNya pelindungmu, Tuhan menjagamu.
Rm 8:37-39
2. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
3. Bila menanggung beban berat, Tuhan menjagamu.
Masa depanmu kelam pekat? Tuhan menjagamu.
Mat 11:28
4. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
5. DipeliharaNya hidupmu; Tuhan menjagamu
dan didengarkanNya doamu; Tuhan menjagamu.
Mat 6:25-34
Mzm 65:3
6. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
7. Cobaan apa mengganggumu? Tuhan menjagamu.
Buatlah Yesus sandaranmu; Dia menjagamu.
2 Tes 3:3
Yak 1:2-4
1 Ptr 1:6-7
8. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.Play - Atas Makananku Ini [KJ.471]
1. Atas makananku ini yang telah Tuhan beri, terima kasih.
Bahkan karena darahMu yang menghapus dosaku, terima kasih.
Tuhan, Kaulah Roti Hidup, Engkaulah yang memberikan kehidupan;
Kaulah Roti yang benar membuat jiwaku segar, Haleluya!Mzm 104:27-23Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Yak 1:17
Yoh 6:32-58
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
Play - Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play - Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226]
Crown Him with Many Crowns
1. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja Penebus;
bahana sorga bergema memuji Dia t'rus.
Hai bangun, jiwaku, bernyanyilah serta,
Memuji Jurus'lamatmu kekal selamanya.
Ef 1:20-22
Flp 2:9-11
Ibr 2:9
Why 17:14
Why 19:12
2. Dia nobatkanlah Pengasih abadi;
di dalam darah lukaNya kasihNya berseri.
Malaikat tercengang melihat dashyatnya
Rahasia Allah terbentang demi manusia.
1 Ptr 1:12
3. Dia nobatkanlah Raja sejahtera,
yang memerintah dunia, perang pun mereda.
Di bumi terdengar pujian mulia kepada
Dia yang besar kekal kuasaNya.
Yes 9:3-6
Mat 28:18
4. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja hidupmu;
sang maut dikalahkanNya demi selamatmu.
Muliakan namaNya yang mati dan menang,
Memb'rikan hidup yang kekal menghalau maut kejam.
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja yang baka,
Pencipta alam semesta sempurna dan megah.
Hormati Penebus yang agung mulia;
Sang Anakdomba yang kudus terpuji s'lamanya.Ef 1:20-22
Kol 1:16
Why 5:12
Play - Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play - Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
1. Haruskah hanya hanya Penebus memikul salib b'rat?
O, tidak, tapi kita pun tak luput berpenat.
Kol 1:24
Ibr 13:13
1 Ptr 4:13
2. Kupikul salibku terus sehingga akhirnya kudapat
dari Penebus mahkota yang baka.
Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:1
3. Kelak di pinggir laut kristal mahkota itu pun
kus'rahkan sambil bersyukur di kaki Penebus.
Why 4:6, 10
4. Betapa orang yang kudus, sehabis berlelah,
di sorga berbahagia terhapus d'ritanya.
Why 7:17
5. O, salib, kau junjunganku, mahkota mulia.
Kau, Yesus, kebangkitanku, hidupku s'lamanya.Yoh 11:25
Rm 6:6
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 1:3
Play - Mari, Puji Raja Sorga [KJ.288]
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
1. Mari, puji Raja sorga, persembahan bawalah! DitebusNya
jiwa-raga, maka puji namaNya! Puji Dia, puji Dia,
puji Raja semesta!
2. Puji Yang kekal rahmatNya bagi umat dalam aib,
dulu, kini, selamanya panjang sabar, mahabaik.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang setiaNya ajaib!
3. Bagai Bapa yang penyayang, siapa kita Ia tahu;
tangan kasihNya menatang di tengah bahaya maut.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, kasihNya seluas laut!
Yak 5:11
4. Kita bagai bunga saja, layu habis musimnya,
tapi keadaan Raja tak berubah, tak lemah.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang kekal kuasaNya!
Yes 40:6-8
Yak 1:10-11
1 Ptr 1:24
5. Sujudlah, hai bala sorga, abdi Allah terdekat;
turut, bintang, bulan, surya, tiap waktu dan tempat.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, Sumber kasih dan berkat!Play - Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31a]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku! - Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31b]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Rm 7:24-25
Mrk 15:15
Flp 2:6-8
2. Para malak sekalipun tiada dapat mengerti
apa sebabnya Yang Kudus menanggung siksa yang keji.
KasihNyalah alasannya menanggung dosa dunia.
1 Ptr 1:12
1 Yoh 4:9-10
3. DitinggalkanNya takhtaNya dan masuk kedunia yang cemar;
ditinggalkanNya kuasaNya, terdorong kasih yang besar
dan aku pun tertolonglah terpilih jadi milikNya.
Ef 2:4-5
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
4. Jiwaku lama menjerit, dipasung dosa yang seram.
SuryaMu bagiku terbit; penjaraku pun benderang.
Terbukalah pasunganku ; 'ku bangkit dan mengikutMu.
Rm 6:12-23
Rm 7:13-26
Yes 42:7
5. Di dalam Yesus Penebus hukuman dosa hilanglah.
Kudapat hidup yang kudus, jubahku kebenaranNya;
'ku mendekat ke takhtaMu hendak terima tajukku.Yes 53:5
Why 7:14
1 Ptr 5:4
- Puji Yesus [KJ.293]
1. Puji Yesus! Pujilah Juruselamat! Langit, bumi,
maklumkan kasihNya! Haleluya! Nyanyilah, para
malaikat: kuasa, hormat b'rilah kepadaNya. Selamanya
Yesus Gembala kita, siang malam kita didukungNya.
Puji Dia! B'ritakan keagunganNya! Puji Dia! Mari
Why 5:11-13
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Luk 15:5
2. Puji Yesus! Pujilah Juruselamat! Pada salib dosa
dihapusNya. Gunung Batu dan Pengharapan Abadi
dinyatakan di Bukit Golgota. Haleluya! Hilanglah dukacita
oleh kuasa kasih setiaNya. Puji Dia! B'ritakan keagunganNya!
Puji Dia! Mari bernyanyilah!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
3. Puji Yesus! Pujilah Juruselamat! Hosiana! Soraknya bergema.
K'rajaanNya untuk selama-lamanya: Yesus Kristus Raja, Nabi,
Imam. Ia datang: Raja segala alam; kuasa, hormat hanya kepadaNya.
Puji Dia! B'ritakan keagunganNya! Puji Dia! Mari bernyanyilah!Mat 21:11
Yes 9:6
Why 17:14
Mat 21:11
Ibr 4:14
Play - Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, muliakan Dia yang telah menjamu kita:
Tubuh kudusNya sudah dipecahkan dan darahNya dicurahkan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kau menjadi insan dilahirkan
oleh Maria, tubuhMu, darahMu kes'lamatan umatMu.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mrk 14:22-25
1 Kor 11:23-26
Mrk 10:47-48
Gal 4:4
2. Tubuh kudusNya mati disalibkan; kita hidup kar'na Dia.
Dialah Roti kurnia sorgawi, Dia kita peringati, Tuhan,
kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kauberi darahMu yang menghapus
dosa umatMu; olehMu nyatalah kasih Allah yang baka.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mat 20:28
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 5:8-10
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
2 Tim 2:11
1 Yoh 4:9
3. Allah kiranya memberkati kita, hingga kita ikut Dia,
sungguh terpadu dalam kasih Tuhan, satu oleh Perjamuan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, jangan Roh KudusMu
Meninggalkan kami, umatMu. B'rikanlah slamanya
Damai sejahtera. Tuhan, kasihanilah!Mzm 51:13
Bil 6:24-26
Rm 15:33
Flp 4:7
Play - T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat [KJ.38]
1. T'lah kutemukan dasar kuat, tempat berpaut jangkarku.
Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat PutraMu dasar yang teguh:
Biarpun dunia lenyap, pegangan hidupku tetap!
Ibr 6:19
1 Kor 3:11
Ibr 1:11
2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, yang melampaui akalku:
Tuhan, Kaurangkul dalam kasih pedosa yang menjauhiMu!
HatiMu iba tergerak mencari aku yang sesat.
Ef 3:18-19
Luk 15:3-7
Luk 15:11-20
Luk 19:10
3. Tak Kaubiarkan ciptaanMu terkapar dalam dosanya;
telah Kauutus PuteraMu menyelamatkan dunia
da pintu hati Kauketuk, agar terbuka bagiMu.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 17:3
Why 3:20
4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus dosaku sudah terbenam :
'ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus batal hukuman yang seram.
Luka hatiku t'lah sembuh, ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmatMu!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12-14
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
5. Inilah dasar andalanku, biarpun apa kutempuh:
ya Tuhan, rahmatMu berlaku sepanjang jalan hidupku!
Sampai kekal kupujilah samud'ra rahmat yang baka!Play - Tak Kita Menyerahkan [KJ.54]
1. Tak kita menyerahkan kepada musuhnya
pelita yang bersinar di dalam dunia.
Tak boleh Firman Allah yang sungguh dan teguh,
Alkitab yang mulia, diambil seteru.
Mzm 119:105
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Penyokong orang tua dan orang lemah,
pemimpin orang muda dan sukacitanya,
senjata perjuangan di p'rang penggodaan
dan bantal perhentian di jam kematian.
Ef 6:17
3. Yang dapat memecahkan segala hati k'ras,
yang mencurahkan hidup di hati yang lemas,
yang menyembuhkan luka, mujarab obatnya,
yaitu Firman Allah, penuh anugerah.
4. Di hati kami, Tuhan, Kautulis sabdaMu,
supaya kami juga setia dan teguh.
Kendati gunung goyah, binasa dunia,
Kekallah Firman Allah, selama-lamanya.Yer 31:33
Ibr 10:16
1 Ptr 1:25
Play - Terpuji Engkau, Allah Mahabesar [KJ.397]
Revive Us Again /
We Praise Thee, O God
1. Terpuji Engkau, Allah Mahabesar, kar'na Yesus
t'lah bangkit dan hidup kekal.
1 Ptr 1:3-5
2. Haleluya, puji Tuhan! Haleluya! Amin!
Jiwa kami Kaujadikan segar abadi!
3. Terpuji Engkau yang telah memberi
Jurus'lamat manusia, Terang Ilahi.
4. Haleluya, puji Tuhan! Haleluya! Amin!
Jiwa kami Kaujadikan segar abadi!
5. Dimuliakanlah Anakdomba kudus yang
mengurbankan diri, jadi Penebus.
Why 5:11-13
6. Haleluya, puji Tuhan! Haleluya! Amin!
Jiwa kami Kaujadikan segar abadi!
7. Berilah, Tuhan, kasih abadiMu;
jiwa kami penuhi dengan apiMu!
8. Haleluya, puji Tuhan! Haleluya! Amin!
Jiwa kami Kaujadikan segar abadi!Play - Ya Allah Yang Mahatinggi [KJ.246]
1. Ya Allah yang Mahatinggi, Kau Pencipta dunia ini;
kami juga Tuhan ciptakan, agar Dikau tetap dipuji.
Engkau Bapa yang memberkati tiap orang yang endah hati.
Tolonglah kami sekarang ini dan selamanya.
Why 4:11
1 Kor 8:6
2 Kor 1:3
Yak 1:17
Mat 5:3
2. Ya Allah yang Mahakasih, Engkau lahir di dunia ini;
Engkau mati di kayu salib; Engkau rela mengganti kami.
Dari kubur telah Kau bangkit; kuasa maut tiada lagi.
Pimpinlah kami sebab Engkaulah Jalan yang benar.
Gal 4:4
Ibr 12:2
Flp 2:6-8
1 Kor 15:54-56
Yoh 14:6
3. Ya Allah yang Mahasuci, Engkau turun ke dunia ini;
Kau menyala bagaikan api; memurnikan nurani kami,
Mengobarkan semangat kami agar kami menjadi b'rani.
Utuslah kami ke dunia ini dengan kuasaMu.Kis 2:1-4
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 2:17-18
1 Ptr 1:2
Ef 6:19
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 1:8
Play - Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play - Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248b]
1. Yesuslah Raja yang menang sejauh edaran surya t'rang,
seputar bola dunia, menghalau g'lap selamanya.
Mzm 72:8
Mzm 133:3
Yoh 16:33
Why 17:14
2. Rangkaian doa dan sembah tak putus naik kepadaNya;
namaNya harum dan kudus, dipuji umatNya terus.
Mal 1:11
3. Segala bangsa dunia memuliakan kasihNya;
dan suara anak berseru, "Ya, Tuhan, agung namaMu!"
Mat 21:15-16
4. K'rajaanNya penuh berkat; terhibur orang yang penat,
tawanan dosa bebaslah, ditinggikanNya yang rendah.
Yes 61:1
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52
5. Dalam terang kuasaNya kutukan maut terhapuslah;
turunan Adam diberi warisan baru tak terp'ri.
Yes 25:8
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 22:3
Efe 1:18
1 Ptr 1:4
Why 21:1-2
6. Mahluk semua, bangkitlah memuji Raja semesta!
Malaikat pun bernyanyilah dan bumi pun ikut bergema.Why 5:11-13
- Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248a]
1. Yesuslah Raja yang menang sejauh edaran surya t'rang,
seputar bola dunia, menghalau g'lap selamanya.
1 Peter 1:1-25
[1Pe 1:3] Bells Of Hope, The
The bells of hope are ringing,
O’er all the world today,
And countless voices singing
Join in the happy lay;
The world is full of gladness,
For hope today was born,
When Christ, the King of glory
Arose on Easter morn.Refrain
Ring out, ye merry, merry bells,
Good news to all you bring;
Ring out, ring out, your happy chiming tells
Of Christ our risen King.The bells of hope are ringing,
All Nature’s bright and gay;
She comes from death of winter
Resplendent on her way;
So help us, Heav’nly Father,
To count all sin as dead,
And grow with quickened purpose
In Christ our living Head.Refrain
The bells of hope are ringing;
O saddened heart, now sing,
For cruel Death is vanquished,
And Christ is risen—King.
The grave could not retain Him,
Nor prove its boasted might,
He burst the bands asunder
And reigns in deathless light.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:3] Father Of Jesus Christ, My Lord
Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,
My Savior and my Head;
I trust in Thee, whose powerful Word
Hath raised Him from the dead.In hope, against all human hope,
Self desperate, I believe;
Thy quickening Word shall raise me up,
Thou shalt Thy Spirit give.Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees,
And looks to that alone;
Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, “It shall be done!”To Thee the glory of Thy power
And faithfulness I give;
I shall in Christ, at that glad hour,
And Christ in me shall live.Obedient faith that waits on Thee,
Thou never wilt reprove;
Bt Thou wilt form Thy Son in me,
And perfect me in love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:4] Home At Last
Cheer, O cheer, ye sons of Zion!
Weary days will soon be past;
Joy’s bright banner waving o’er us
Tells that Heav’n is won at last.
On that fair, celestial morning,
Comes no cloud of grief or pain;
In your peaceful tents abiding,
Sorrow ne’er shall come again.Refrain
Cheer, O cheer, ye sons of Zion!
Weary days will soon be past;
Joy’s bright banner waving o’er us
Tells that Heav’n is won at last.Cheer, O cheer, the morn is breaking!
Gloomy night will disappear;
Christ will come with sweet awaking;
Happier days will soon be here;
Long the pilgrim path we’ve wandered,
Long we’ve hoped ’mid doubt and fear,
Hard we’ve pressed thro’ many a battle—
Now the day of peace is here.Refrain
Cheer, O cheer, the morn is breaking!
Bright its beams of promise rise;
Sing, O sing, ye heirs of Zion!
Hear the welcome from the skies:
“Come, ye blessèd of My Father,”
Faint no more ’mid doubts and fears;
Heaven’s bright portal opes before you;
Wait for you immortal years.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:5] Kept For Jesus
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept, by the power of God;
Kept from the world unspotted,
Treading where Jesus trod.Refrain
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Lord, at Thy feet I fall;
I would be “nothing, nothing, nothing”;
Thou shall be “all in all.”Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Serving as He shall choose;
“Kept” for the Master’s pleasure;
“Kept” for the Master’s use.Refrain
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept from the world apart;
Lowly in mind and spirit,
Gentle and pure in heart.Refrain
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Oh, to be all His own;
Kept, to be His forever,
Kept, to be His alone!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:8] Joy Unspeakable
I have found His grace is all complete,
He supplieth ev’ry need;
While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet,
I am free, yes, free indeed.Refrain
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Full of glory, full of glory,
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Oh, the half has never yet been told.I have found the pleasure I once craved,
It is joy and peace within;
What a wondrous blessing! I am saved
From the awful gulf of sin.Refrain
I have found that hope so bright and clear,
Living in the realm of grace;
Oh, the Savior’s presence is so near,
I can see His smiling face.Refrain
I have found the joy no tongue can tell,
How its waves of glory roll!
It is like a great o’erflowing well,
Springing up within my soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:8] O Savior, Precious Savior
O Savior, precious Savior,
Whom yet unseen we love!
O Name of might and favor,
All other names above!
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ, we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our holy Lord and King.O Bringer of salvation,
Who wondrously hast wrought,
Thyself the Revelation
Of love beyond our thought;
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ, we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our gracious Lord and King.In Thee all fullness dwelleth,
All grace and power divine;
The glory that excelleth,
O Son of God, is Thine;
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ, we sing:
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our glorious Lord and King.O grant the consummation
Of this our song above,
In endless adoration,
And everlasting love!
Then shall we praise and bless Thee
Where perfect praises ring,
And evermore confess Thee
Our Savior and our King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:10] All Hail To Thee, O Blessed Morn!
All hail to thee, O blessèd morn!
To tidings long by prophets borne
Hast thou fulfillment given.
O sacred and immortal day,
When unto earth, in glorious ray,
Descends the grace of Heaven!
Singing, ringing, sounds are blending,
Praises sending unto Heaven
For the Savior to us given.’Tis God’s own Image and withal,
The Son of Man, that mortals all
May find in Him a Brother.
He comes, with peace and love to bide
On earth, the erring race to guide
And help as could no other;
Rather gather closer, fonder,
Sheep that wander, feed and fold them,
Than let evil powers hold them.He tears, like other men, will shed,
Our sorrows share, and be our aid,
Through His eternal power;
The Lord’s good will unto us show,
And mingle in our cup of woe
The drops of mercy’s shower;
Dying, buying through His passion
Our salvation and to mortals
Opening the heavenly portals.He comes, for our redemption sent,
And by His glory Heaven is rent
To close upon us never;
Our blessèd Shepherd He would be,
Whom we may follow faithfully
And be with Him forever;
Higher, nigher glory winging,
Praises singing to the Father
And His Son, our Lord and Savior.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:10] Hasten The Time Appointed
Hasten the time appointed,
By prophets long foretold
When all shall dwell together,
One Shepherd and one fold.
Let every idol perish,
To moles and bats be thrown
And every prayer be offered
To God in Christ alone.Let Jew and Gentile, meeting
From many a distant shore
Around one altar kneeling,
One common Lord adore.
Let all that now divides us
Remove and pass away,
Like shadows of the morning
Before the blaze of day.Let all that now unites us
More sweet and lasting prove
A closer bond of union,
In a blest land of love.
Let war be learned no longer,
Let strife and tumult cease,
All earth His blessèd kingdom
The Lord and Prince of Peace.O long expected dawning,
Come with thy cheering ray!
When shall the morning brighten,
The shadows flee away?
O sweet anticipation!
It cheers the watchers on
To pray, and hope, and labor,
Till the dark night be gone.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:18] Blood Of Christ, Thy Spotless Lamb, The
The blood of Christ, Thy spotless Lamb,
O God, is all my plea;
Naught else could for my sin atone;
I have no merit of my own,
Which I can bring to Thee.No sacrifice save His Who bore,
My load upon the tree,
No other plea which lips could frame,
No other blood, no other name,
Accepted is by Thee.Since Christ has entered by His blood,
The holiest on high;
By that same hallowed blood stained track,
Thou welcomest the wanderer back,
And biddest me draw nigh.Oh, wondrous cross! Oh precious blood!
Oh death by which I live!
The sinless One, for me made sin,
Doth now His wondrous heart within,
Eternal refuge give.By that blest cross, that cleansing blood,
I know His power to save;
The merits of His work confess,
I stand in Him completely blest,
A conqueror o’er the grave.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:18] Covered By The Blood
Once in sin’s darkest night I was wand’ring alone;
A stranger to mercy I stood.
But the Savior came nigh
When he heard my faint cry,
And He put my sins under the blood.Refrain
They are covered by the blood;
They are covered by the blood;
My sins are all covered by the blood.
Mine iniquities so vast
Have been blotted out at last,
My sins are all covered by the blood.From the burden I carried now I am set free,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
O the love and the grace I received in its place
When he put my sins under the blood.Refrain
I can ne’er understand why He sought even me,
Why His lifeblood on Calvary flowed.
But sufficient for me,
Since He died on the tree,
He hath put my sins under the blood.Refrain
Now He comes to my heart and removes ev’ry care;
He bears all my cumbering load.
In a pathway replete
With His love are my feet,
Since He put my sins under the blood.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:18] Enslaved By Sin And Bound In Chains
Enslaved by sin and bound in chains,
Beneath its dreadful tyrant sway,
And doomed to everlasting pains,
We wretched, guilty captives lay.Nor gold nor gems could buy our peace,
Nor all the world’s collected store
Suffice to purchase our release;
A thousand worlds were all too poor.Jesus, the Lord, the mighty God,
An all sufficient ransom paid.
O matchless price! His precious blood
For vile, rebellious traitors shed.Jesus the Sacrifice became
To rescue guilty souls from hell;
The spotless, bleeding, dying Lamb
Beneath avenging Justice fell.Amazing goodness! Love divine!
Oh, may our grateful hearts adore
The matchless grace nor yield to sin
Nor wear its cruel fetters more!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:18] Nor Silver Nor Gold
Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption,
Nor riches of earth could have saved my poor soul;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Savior now maketh me whole.Refrain
I am redeemed, but not with silver,
I am bought, but not with gold;
Bought with a price, the blood of Jesus,
Precious price of love untold.Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption,
The guilt on my conscience too heavy had grown;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Savior could only atone.Refrain
Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption,
The holy commandment forbade me draw near;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Savior removeth my fear.Refrain
Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption,
The way into Heaven could not thus be bought;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Savior redemption hath wrought.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:18] Glory Be To Jesus
Glory be to Jesus,
Who, in bitter pains,
Poured for me the lifeblood
From His sacred veins!Grace and life eternal
In that blood I find;
Blest be His compassion,
Infinitely kind.Blest through endless ages
Be the precious stream
Which from endless torments
Doth the world redeem.There the fainting spirit
Drinks of life her fill;
There as in a fountain
Laves herself at will.O, the blood of Christ! it
Soothes the Father’s ire ;
Opes the gate of Heaven;
Quells eternal fire.Abel’s blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies;
But the blood of Jesus
For our pardon cries.Oft as it is sprinkled
On our guilty hearts,
Satan in confusion
Terror struck departs.Oft as earth exulting
Wafts its praise on high,
Angel hosts, rejoicing,
Make their glad reply.Lift we then our voices,
Swell the mighty flood;
Louder still and louder
Praise the precious blood!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:19] Washed In The Blood Of My Redeemer
I will praise the Lord for His love to me,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.
In the fount that flows from the Cross so free,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.Refrain
Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb,
I am saved from sin and He makes me what I am;
Oh, glory, glory, glory to the Lamb,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.I am saved by grace, and to Him brought near,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.
I would sing so loud that the world might hear,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.Refrain
What a constant peace in my heart I feel,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.
There’s a holy joy I can ne’er reveal,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.Refrain
I will lift my voice while on earth I stay,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.
Then my soul shall sing in the realms of day,
I am washed in the blood of my Redeemer.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:21] As Shadows Cast By Cloud And Sun
As shadows cast by cloud and sun
Flit o’er the summer grass,
So, in Thy sight, Almighty One,
Earth’s generations pass.
And as the years, an endless host,
Come swiftly pressing on,
The brightest names that earth can boast
Just glisten and are gone.Yet doth the star of Bethlehem shed
A luster pure and sweet;
And still it leads, as once it led,
To the Messiah’s feet.
O Father, may that holy star
Grow every year more bright,
And send its glorious beams afar
To fill the world with light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:24] See, Another Year Is Gone
See! another year is gone!
Quickly have the seasons passed!
This we enter now upon
May to many prove our last.
Mercy hitherto has spared,
But have mercies been improved?
Let us ask, am I prepared
Should I be this year removed?Some we now no longer see,
Who their mortal race have run;
Seemed as fair for life as we,
When the former year begun;
Some, but who God only knows,
Who are here assembled now,
Ere the present year shall close,
To the stroke of death must bow.Life a field of battle is,
Thousands fall within our view;
And the next death-bolt that flies,
May be sent to me or you:
While we preach, and while we hear,
Help us, Lord, each one, to think,
Vast eternity is near,
I am standing on the brink.If from guilt and sin set free,
By the knowledge of Thy grace;
Welcome, then, the call will be
To depart and see Thy face:
To Thy saints, while here below,
With new years, new mercies come;
But the happiest year they know
Is their last, which leads them home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Pe 1:25] Oh, Wonderful Word!
Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord!
True wisdom its pages unfold;
And though we may read them a thousand times o’er,
They never, no never, grow old!
Each line hath a treasure, each promise a pearl,
That all if they will may secure;
And we know that when time and the world pass away,
God’s Word shall forever endure.Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord!
The lamp that our Father above
So kindly has lighted to teach us the way
That leads to the arms of His love!
Its warnings, its counsels, are faithful and just;
Its judgments are perfect and pure;
And we know that when time and the world pass away,
God’s Word shall forever endure.Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord!
Our only salvation is there;
It carries conviction down deep in the heart,
And shows us ourselves as we are.
It tells of a Savior, and points to the cross,
Where pardon we now may secure;
For we know that when time and the world pass away,
God’s Word shall forever endure.Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord!
The hope of our friends in the past;
Its truth, where so firmly they anchored their trust,
Through ages eternal shall last.
Oh, wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord!
Unchanging, abiding and sure;
For we know that when time and the world pass away,
God’s Word shall forever endure.Play source: Cyberhymnal