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1 Samuel 20:1--24:22


fled <01272> [fled.]

done <06213> [What have.]


By no means <02486> [God forbid.]

father ........ making ... aware ....... father <01540 01> [shew it me. Heb. uncover mine ear.]


Taking an oath <07650> [sware.]

But as surely as <0199> [but truly.]

you <05315> [as thy soul.]

step <06587> [but a step.]


I <05315> [Whatsoever, etc. or, Say what is thy mind, and I will do, etc.]

replied .... Tell <0559> [desireth. Heb. speaketh, or thinketh.]


new moon <02320> [the new moon.]

The months of the Hebrews were lunar months, and they reckoned from one new moon to another: and, as their feasts, particularly the passover, were reckoned according to this, they were very scrupulous in observing the first appearance of each new moon. On these new moons, they offered sacrifices, and feasted together: but the gathering together of all the families of a tribe on such occasions seems to have taken place only once in the year.

hide <05641> [that I may.]


Bethlehem <01035> [Beth-lehem.]

sacrifice <02077> [sacrifice. or, feast.]


<02896> [It is well.]

harm <07451> [evil.]


loyal <02617 06213> [deal kindly.]

made ..................... taking <0935> [thou hast.]

<03426> [if there be.]

made ..................... taking <0935> [why shouldest.]


tell <05046> [then would.]


answers ... harshly <06030 07186> [answer thee.]


Lord <03068> [O Lord.]

This verse is evidently deficient. The LXX. have [kyrios ho Theos Israel oiden,] "The Lord God of Israel doth know;" the Syraic and Arabic, "The Lord God of Israel is witness;" either of which makes good sense. But two of Dr. Kennicott's MSS. supply the word {chai,} "liveth;" and the text reads thus: "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, when I have sounded my father,--if there be good unto David, and I then send not unto thee," etc.; which is a still better sense.

feel out <02713> [sounded. Heb. searched.]

know <01540> [shew it thee. Heb. uncover thine ear.]



Lord do ............................. Lord <03068 06213> [The Lord do.]

father ......... Lord .............................. Lord .......... father <03068 01> [the Lord be.]

father ............................................... father <01> [he hath been with my father.]


loyalty <02617> [the kindness.]


cut off ............. cut off <03772> [thou shalt.]


<03772> [made. Heb. cut.]

<03068> [Let the Lord.]


loved ...... loved <0160 0157> [because he loved him. or, by his love toward him. for he loved.]


new moon <02320> [new moon.]


missed <06485> [and thou shalt.]

Among the forms of salutation and compliment used in Persia, one was, "according to my mode of notation in italics, {J  i sh ma khali bud pish y r n,} signifying, Thy place or seat was empty among thy friends. This phrase, or the greater part of it, was frequently addressed to myself when coming into a circle of Persian acquaintances, after an absence of several days or weeks. It reminded me of a passage in the First book of Samuel, (ch. 20:18.) And thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty. And again, David's place was empty." Sir W. Ouseley's Travels, vol i. preface, p.16.

missed <06485> [empty. Heb. missed.]


quickly <03966> [quickly. or, diligently. Heb. greatly. hide thyself.]

day .... started <04639 03117> [when the business. Heb. in the day of the business. Ezel. or, that sheweth the way.]


<01697> [no. Heb. not any thing. as the.]


matter <01697> [the matter.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


king <04428> [the king.]


usual <06471> [as at other times.]


unclean ...... unclean <02889> [he is not clean.]


come <0935> [Wherefore.]

son ...... son <01121> [the son.]


brother ...................... brothers <0251> [my brother.]


Saul <07586> [Saul's.]

chosen ... son <01121 0977> [Thou, etc. or, Thou perverse rebel. Heb. Son of perverse rebellion.]

disgrace ..... disgrace <01322> [and unto the.]

This reflection on the mother of Jonathan, by the passionate monarch, reflects more dishonour on himself than on his brave and noble minded son. Mungo Park gives an instance of the prevalence of the same principles in Africa; for he says, "Maternal affection is every where conspicuous among the Africans, and creates a correspondent return of tenderness in the child. 'Strike me,' said my attendant, 'but do not curse my mother.' I found the same sentiment to prevail universally in all parts of Africa." King Saul, unable to villify Jonathan to his own satisfaction by personal reproaches, outstepped the ordinary abuse of his day, and proceeded to that which was designed to produce unusual vexation, and vented the bitterness of his mind by maligning the character of his own wife and Jonathan's mother.


send <07971> [send.]

son ................................ dead <01121> [shall surely die. Heb. is the son of death.]


death <04191> [Wherefore.]

done <06213> [what hath.]




enraged <02750> [in fierce.]

upset <06087> [he was grieved.]


meet <04150> [at the time.]


Run .............. ran <07323> [Run.]

beyond <05674> [beyond him. Heb. to pass over him.]



equipment <03627> [artillery. Heb. instruments.]

Rather weapons, as the word {kelim} also denotes; and here means the bow, quiver, and arrows. This is probably the only place in our language in which the word artillery is not applied to cannon or ordinance, but simply to weapons of war.

servant <05288> [his lad. Heb. the lad that was his.]


knelt <05307> [and fell.]

kissed <05401> [and they kissed.]

David ............................ especially David <01732 01431> [David exceeded.]


peace <03212 07965> [Go in peace.]

sworn <07650> [forasmuch as. or, the Lord be witness of that which, etc.]

got up <06965> [And he arose.]

The separation of two such faithful friends was equally grievous to them both, but David's case was the more deplorable: for when Jonathan was returning to his family and friends, David was leaving all his comforts, even those of God's sanctuary, and therefore his grief exceeded Jonathan's; or, perhaps it was because his temper was more tender and his passions stronger. They referred each other to the covenant of friendship that was between them, both of them being comforted thereby in this very mournful separation:--"We have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, for ourselves and our heirs, that we and they will be faithful and kind to each other from generation to generation."


Nob <05011> [Nob.]

Nob appears to have been a sacerdotal city of Benjamin or Ephraim. Jerome says, that in his time the ruins of it might be seen not far from Diospolis or Lydda. But the Rabbins assert that Jerusalem might be seen from this town. The tabernacle resided some time at Nob; and after it was destroyed, it was removed to Gibeon; "and the day of Nob and Gibeon were fifty-seven years." Maimonides in Bethhabbechirah, c. 1.

Ahimelech ...... Ahimelech <0288> [to Ahimelech.]

[called Ahiah.]

[called also Abiathar.]

shaking with fear <02729> [afraid.]


king <04428> [The king.]

The whole of this is a gross falsehood; and which was attended with the most fatal consequences. It is well known that from all antiquity it was held no crime to tell a lie in order to save life. Thus Diphilon [Hypo lambano to pseudas epi sotevea legomenon, ouden peripoieisthai duscheres.] "I hold it right to tell a lie for safety: nothing should be avoided to save life." A heathen may say or sing thus: but no Christian can act thus and save his soul, though he may save his life.


disposal <03027> [under thine.]

found <04672> [present. Heb. found.]


bread ...... holy bread <03899 06944> [hallowed bread.]

soldiers <05288> [if the young.]


equipment ..................... equipment <03627> [the vessels.]

journey <01870> [in a manner.]

equipment ................ holy today ..... equipment <06942 03117 03627> [yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. or, especially when this day there is other sanctified in the vessel.]


So .... gave ... holy <05414 06944> [gave him.]

bread ...... bread ................... hot bread <02527 03899> [hot bread.]


detained <06113> [detained.]

Doeg <01673> [Doeg.]

22:9 Ps 52:1 *title [All]

<07462> [herdmen.]


sword <02719> [The sword.]

valley <06010> [the valley.]

wrapped <03874> [behold.]

behind <0310> [behind.]


fled <01272> [fled.]

Achish <0397> [Achish. or, Abimelech.]

27:2 Ps 34:1 *title [All]

Gath <01661> [Gath.]

Jerome says there was a large town called Gath, in the way from Eleutheropolis to Gaza; and Eusebius speaks of another Gath, five miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Lydda, (and consequently different from that mentioned by Jerome;) and also of another Gath, between Jamnia and Antipatris. It appears to have been the extreme boundary of the Philistine territory in one direction, as Ekron was on the other, (ch. 7:14; 17:52,) and lay near Mareshah, (2 Ch 11:8. Mic 1:14,) which agrees pretty well with the position assigned it by Jerome. But Reland and Dr. Wells agree with Eusebius; and the authors of the Universal History (b. i. c. 7) place it about six miles form Jamnia, fourteen south of Joppa, and thirty-two west of Jerusalem.


servants <05650> [the servants.]

Ps 56:1 *title

king <04428> [the king.]


thought <07760> [laid up.]

very <03966> [sore.]


altered <08138> [changed.]

making marks <08427> [scrabbled. or, made marks.]


madman <07696> [is mad. or, playeth the madman.]


David <01732> [David.]

cave <04631> [the cave.]

Adullam <05725> [Adullam.]

Adullam was a city of Judah; and, according to Eusebius, ten miles (Jerome says eleven) eastward from Eleutheropolis.


in trouble <04689> [distress.]

[was in debt. Heb. had a creditor.]

discontented <04751> [discontented. Heb. bitter of soul.]

leader <08269> [a captain.]


Mizpah <04708> [Mizpeh.]

king <04428> [the king.]

father <01> [Let my father.]

know <03045> [till I know.]


stronghold <04686> [in the hold.]



David <01732> [David departed.]


tamarisk <0815> [tree. or, grove in a high place. spear.]


Benjaminites ... Jesse's son <03448 01121> [the son of Jesse.]

giving <05414> [give.]

commanders ... officers <08269> [captains.]


informs ...... son ....... son ............. informs ...... son <01540 01121> [sheweth me. Heb. uncovereth mine ear.]

20:2 Job 33:16 *marg: [All]

son ....... son .................. son <01121> [that my son.]


Doeg <01673> [Doeg.]

He is also said to be "the chiefest of the herdsmen that belonged to Saul;" and the Septuagint intimates that he was over the mules of Saul. He may have been what we call the king's equerry or groom.

Ahimelech <0288> [Ahimelech.]

Ahitub <0285> [Ahitub.]


inquired <07592> [he enquired.]

provisions <06720> [him victuals.]


Then .... arranged <07971 07121> [sent to call.]


son <01121> [thou son.]

lord <0113> [Here I am. Heb. Behold me.]


conspired <07194> [Why have.]


faithful <0539> [And who.]

king .............. king's <04428> [the king's.]

<05493> [goeth.]


today <03117> [Did I then.]

He seems to intimate, that his enquiring now for David was no new thing, having often done so before, without ever being informed it was wrong in itself or displeasing to the king.

[the servant.]

whole or ... part <01419 06996> [less or more. Heb. little or great.]


surely die <04191> [Thou shalt.]

father's <01> [thou, and.]


messengers <07323> [footmen. or, guard. Heb. runners.]

kill ... priests ............................... priests <03548 04191> [slay the priests.]

refused ... harm <014 07971> [would not.]


Doeg .......... Doeg <01673> [Doeg.]


strike ........... struck down <06293> [he fell.]

eighty-five <08084> [fourscore.]

The LXX. read, [tria kosious kai pente andras,] "three hundred and five men;" and Josephus, "three hundred and eighty-five men." Probably the eighty-five were priests and the three hundred the families of the priests; three hundred and eighty-five being the whole population of Nob.

linen ephod <0906 0646> [a linen ephod.]


Nob <05011> [Nob.]

men <0376> [men.]

<06310> [with the edge.]

This is one of the worst acts of Saul's life: his malice was implacable, and his wrath cruel; and there is no motive of justice or policy by which such a barbarous massacre can be justified.


one <0259> [one.]

But one .......... escaped <04422> [escaped.]


guilty <05437> [I have occasioned.]


seeks ..... seeking <01245> [he that seeketh.]

secure <04931> [but with me.]


Keilah <07084> [Keilah.]

Keilah was a city of Judah, situated, according to Eusebius, eight miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Hebron. Sozomen says that the prophet Habakkuk's tomb was shewn there.

looting ... threshing floors <08154 01637> [rob the.]


asked <07592> [enquired.]

In what way David made this enquiry we are not told; but it was probably by means of Abiathar; and therefore it would seem, that with Houbigant, we should read the sixth verse immediately after the first.--This adventure was truly noble and patriotic. Had not David loved his country, and been above all motives of private and personal revenge, he would have rejoiced in this invasion of Judea, as producing a strong diversion in his favour, and embroiling his inveterate enemy. In most cases, a man with David's wrongs would have joined with the enemies of his country, and avenged himself on the author of his calamities; but he thinks of nothing but succouring Keilah, and using his power and influence in behalf of his brethren.


<03373> [Behold.]


again <03254> [yet again.]

give <05414> [for I will.]


Abiathar <054> [when Abiathar.]

ephod <0646> [an ephod.]


God ... delivered <0430 05234> [A.M. 2943. B.C. 1061. An. Ex. Is. 430. God hath.]

delivered him ........ boxed <05462> [he is shut.]


David <01732> [David.]

Bring <05066> [Bring.]


destroy ... city <05892 07843> [destroy the city.]


Lord ........... Lord <03068> [And the Lord.]


deliver .............. deliver <05462> [deliver. Heb. shut up.]

deliver .............. deliver <05462> [They will.]


six hundred <03967 08337> [six hundred.]


hill country <02022> [a mountain.]

desert ......... desert <04057> [the wilderness.]

Ziph is mentioned in Joshua with Carmel and Maon, near which it seems to have been situated; and as we have mention of Carmel and Maon in the history of David, as adjoining to Ziph, it cannot be doubted that by the Ziph, in the wilderness of which David now lay, and where was the hill of Hachilah, is to be understood Ziph near Carmel and Maon.

Saul <07586> [Saul.]

God <0430> [but God.]


encouraged him <02388> [strengthened.]


afraid .... hand <03372 03027> [Fear not.]

find <04672> [shall not.]

rule <04427> [thou shalt be.]

second <04932> [I shall be.]

Saul ..................... Saul <07586> [that also Saul.]



Ziphites <02130> [the Ziphites.]

Hakilah <02444> [Hachilah.]

Calmet states, that Hachilah was a mountain about ten miles south of Jericho, where Jonathan Maccab‘us built the castle of Massada, west of the Dead Sea, and not far from En-gedi.

south <03225> [on the south. Heb. on the right hand. Jeshimon. or, the wilderness.]

Eusebius places Jeshimon ten miles south of Jericho, near the Dead Sea; which agrees extremely well with the position of Hachilah, as stated by Calmet.


discretion <0185> [all the desire.]

Delivering him <05462> [our part.]



Determine precisely ........ seen <07272 07200> [haunt is. Heb. foot shall be.]


precisely <03045> [take knowledge.]

find <02664> [I will search.]

thousands <0505> [the thousands.]


desert <04057> [the wilderness.]

Maon, from which the adjoining mountainous district derived its name, was city in the most southern parts of the tribe of Judah, and a neighbouring town to Carmel. Hence Nabal (ch. 25:2) is described as a man of Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and though he might dwell generally in Maon, yet he is styled Nabal the Carmelite, from the place where his estate lay. Calmet supposes it to be the city Mino‹s, which Eusebius places in the vicinity of Gaza; and the Moenoemi Castrum, which the Theodosian code places near Beersheba.

Maon <04584> [Maon.]

south <03225> [the south.]


rock <05553> [into a rock. or, from the rock.]


David ............. David ... hurrying .............. David <02648 01732> [David made haste.]

<03212> [away.]


came <0935> [there came.]

Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

raided <06584> [invaded. Heb. spread themselves upon.]


Sela Hammahlekoth <05555> [Sela-hammahlekoth. that is, the rock of divisions.]

Because, says the Targum, "the heart of the king was divided to go hither and thither." Here Saul was obliged to separate himself from David, in order to go and oppose the invading Philistines; which deliverance of David was of such a nature as made the Divine interposition fully visible.


The district around En-gedi, near the western coast of the Dead Sea, is reported by travellers to be a mountainous territory, filled with caverns; and consequently, proper for David in his present circumstances. Dr. Lightfoot thinks this was the wilderness of Judah, in which David was when he penned the 63rd Psalm, which breathes as much pious and devout affection as almost any of his Psalms; for in all places and in all conditions he still kept up his communion with God.--If Christians knew their privileges better, and acted up thereto, there would be less murmuring at the dark dispensations of Divine Providence.


Saul <07586> [when Saul.]

pursuing <0310> [following. Heb. after. it was told.]

desert <04057> [the wilderness.]


Saul took <03947 07586> [Saul took.]

<03212> [and went.]

rocks <06697> [the rocks.]


sheepfolds <01448> [the sheepcotes.]

Caves in the rocks, in which it is still common for shepherds and their flocks to lodge. Dr. Pococke observes, "Beyond the valley [of Tekoa,] there is a very large grotto, which the Arabs call El-Maamah, a hiding place: the high rocks on each side of the valley are almost perpendicular; and the way to the grotto is by a terrace formed in the rock, which is very narrow. There are two entrances into it; we went by the farthest, which leads by a narrow passage into a very large grotto, the rock being supported by natural pillars; the top of it rises in several places like domes; the grotto is perfectly dry. There is a tradition, that the people of the country, to the number of 30,000, retired into this grotto, to avoid a bad air. This place is so strong, that one would imagine it to be one of the strong holds of En-gedi, to which David and his men fled from Saul: and possibly it may be that very cave in which he cut off Saul's skirt; for David and his men might, with good ease, lie hid there and not be seen by him." Travels, vol. ii. P. 1. p. 41.

Saul <07586> [and Saul.]

relieve <05526> [to cover.]

David <01732> [David.]

Ps 57:1 142:1 *titles [All]


<0582> [the men.]

give <05414> [I will deliver.]

Saul's robe <04598 07586> [Saul's robe. Heb. the robe which was Saul's.]


David's ... bothered <03820 01732> [David's heart.]


keep me far away from <03068 02486> [the Lord forbid.]


restrained <08156> [stayed. Heb. cut off.]

allow <05414> [suffered.]


lord <0113> [My lord.]

David ........................ David kneeled <01732 06915> [David stooped.]



told .... kill .......... said <0559 02026> [bade me.]

Lord ........................................ Lord's <03068> [the Lord's.]


father <01> [my father.]

evil <07451> [neither evil.]

waiting <06658> [thou huntest.]


Lord judge .......... Lord <08199 03068> [Lord judge.]

hand <03027> [but mine hand.]


evil <07562> [Wickedness.]


king <04428> [the king.]

dead dog ... single <04191 03611 0259> [a dead dog.]

single flea <0259 06550> [a flea.]


arbiter <01781> [be judge.]

arbitrate <07378> [plead.]

judge ............ deliver <08199> [deliver. Heb. judge.]


voice ........ loudly <06963> [Is this.]

Saul Saul .......... Then Saul <07586 05375> [Saul lifted.]


innocent <06662> [Thou art.]

treated ........ tried <01580> [thou hast.]


Lord <03068> [Lord.]

delivered ..... hand <05462 03027> [delivered me. Heb. shut me up.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


realize <03045> [I know well.]


swear <07650> [Swear.]

not ....... or destroy <0518 08045> [that thou.]


David .............. David <01732 0582> [David and.]

stronghold <04686> [the hold.]

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