NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 Samuel 8:15


Israel <03478> [over all Israel.]

David ...... he guaranteed <06213 01732> [David executed.]

Exodus 20:12


Honor <03513> [Honour.]

time <03117> [that thy.]

Exodus 21:17


treats <07043> [curseth. or, revilteth.]

Proverbs 30:11


generation <01755> [a generation.]

curse <07043> [that curseth.]

bless <01288> [doth.]

Proverbs 30:17


eye <05869> [eye.]

ravens <06158> [the ravens.]

valley <05158> [valley. or, brook.]

Ezekiel 22:7


contempt <07043> [set.]

<06213> [dealt.]

oppressed <06233> [oppression. or, deceit.]

Matthew 15:4


God <2316> [God.]

Honor <5091> [Honour.]

insults <2551> [He.]

Acts 23:5


I did ... realize <1492> [I wist.]

Soon after the holding of the first council at Jerusalem, Ananias, son of Nebedenus, was deprived of the high priest's office, for certain acts of violence, and sent to Rome, whence he was afterwards released, and returned to Jerusalem. Between the death of Jonathan, who succeeded him and was murdered by Felix, and the high priesthood of Ismael, who was invested with that office by Agrippa, an interval elapsed in which this dignity was vacant. This was the precise time when Paul was apprehended; and the Sanhedrin being destitute of a president, Ananias undertook to discharge the office. It is probable that Paul was ignorant of this circumstance.

must ... speak <2046> [Thou.]

Acts 23:1


looked directly <816> [earnestly.]

Brothers <435> [Men.]

I have lived <1473 4176> [I have.]

Acts 2:17


in <1722> [in.]

I will pour out <1632> [I will.]

all <3956> [all.]

your sons ... your ...... your ........ your <5216 5207> [your sons.]

TIP #03: Try using operators (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) to refine your search. [ALL]
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