Ephesians 1:8
he lavished <4052> [he.]
in <1722> [in.]
11 3:10 Ps 104:24 Pr 8:12 Isa 52:13 Da 2:20,21 Mt 11:19
Ro 11:33 1Co 1:19-24 2:7 Col 2:3 Jude 1:25 Re 5:12 [All]
Ephesians 2:22
a dwelling place <2732> [an.]
Ephesians 3:12
Ephesians 3:15
every <3956> [the whole.]
is named <3687> [is.]
Ephesians 4:2
humility <5012> [lowliness.]
Nu 12:3 Ps 45:4 138:6 Pr 3:34 16:19 Isa 57:15 61:1-3 Zep 2:3
Zec 9:9 Mt 5:3-5 11:29 Ac 20:19 1Co 13:4,5 Ga 5:22,23
Col 3:12,13 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:25 Jas 1:21 3:15-18 1Pe 3:15 [All]
bearing <430> [forbearing.]
Ephesians 4:26
Be angry <3710> [ye.]
31,32 Ex 11:8 32:21,22 Nu 20:10-13,24 25:7-11 Ne 5:6-13
Ps 4:4 37:8 106:30-33 Pr 14:29 19:11 25:23 Ec 7:9 Mt 5:22
Mr 3:5 10:14 Ro 12:19-21 Jas 1:19 [All]
do ... let .... go down <1931> [let.]
Ephesians 5:3
sexual immorality <4202> [fornication.]
5 4:19,20 Nu 25:1 De 23:17,18 Mt 15:19 Mr 7:21 Ac 15:20
Ro 1:29 6:13 1Co 5:10,11 6:9,13,18 10:8 2Co 12:21 Ga 5:19-21
Col 3:5 1Th 4:3,7 Heb 12:16 13:4 2Pe 2:10 Re 2:14,21 9:21 21:8
Re 22:15 [All]
greed <4124> [covetousness.]
5 Ex 18:21 20:17 Jos 7:21 1Sa 8:3 Ps 10:3 119:36 Pr 28:16
Jer 6:13 8:10 22:17 Eze 33:31 Mic 2:2 Mr 7:22 Lu 12:15 16:14
Ac 20:33 1Co 6:10 Col 3:5 1Ti 3:3 6:10 2Ti 3:2 Tit 1:7,11
Heb 13:5 1Pe 5:2 2Pe 2:3,14 [All]
<3687> [named.]
as <2531> [as.]
Ephesians 5:12
<2076> [it.]
in secret <2931> [in.]
Ephesians 5:18
do not get drunk <3182 3361> [be not.]
Ge 9:21 19:32-35 De 21:20 Ps 69:12 Pr 20:1 23:20,21,29-35
Isa 5:11-13,22 Mt 24:49 Lu 12:45 21:34 Ro 13:13 1Co 5:11 6:10
1Co 11:21 Ga 5:21 1Th 5:7 [All]
debauchery <810> [excess.]
but <235> [but.]
Ephesians 6:3
Ephesians 6:7
enthusiasm <2133> [good.]
Lord <2962> [as.]
Ephesians 6:10
<3063> [Finally.]
be strengthened <1743> [be.]
1:19 3:16 De 20:3,4 31:23 Jos 1:6,7,9 1Sa 23:16 1Ch 28:10,20
2Ch 15:7 Ps 138:3 Isa 35:3,4 40:28,31 Hag 2:4 Zec 8:9,13
1Co 16:13 2Co 12:9,10 Php 4:13 Col 1:11 2Ti 2:1 4:17 1Pe 5:10 [All]
Ephesians 6:15
feet <4228> [your.]
good news <2098> [the gospel.]