Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 110:1
Naik ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.218]
1. Naik ke sorga cemerlang, Haleluya,
Kristus, Rajamu yang menang, Haleluya!
Mzm 47:6
Mzm 68:19
Luk 24:51
Kis 1:9
1 Tim 3:16
2. Di kanan Allah, BapaNya, Haleluya,
Dialah Raja semesta, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:19
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4
3. Nubuat Mazmur t'lah genap, Haleluya;
Kristuslah maksud Alkitab, Haleluya!
Mzm 110:1
Ibr 1:13
4. Kepada Dia diberi, Haleluya,
kuasa dan hormat tak henti, Haleluya!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:12
5. Mari bersoraklah terus, Haleluya,
agungkan Kristus, Penebus, Haleluya!
6. Allah Tirtunggal, t'rimalah, Haleluya,
puji syukur selamanya, Haleluya!Play
Colossians 3:16-17
Jika padaku Ditanyakan [KJ.432]
1. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kub'ritakan pada dunia
yang penuh penderitaan, 'kan kusampaikan kabar baik pada
orang-orang miskin, pembebasan bagi orang yang ditawan;
yang buta dapat penglihatan, yang tertindas dibebaskan;
sungguh tahun rahmat sudah tiba. K'rajaan Allah penuh
kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.
Mat 5:14-16
Yes 61:1-2
Luk 4:17-19
2. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kusampaikan pada dunia
yang penuh dengan cobaan, aku bersaksi dengan kata, tapi
juga dengan karya menyampaikan kasih Allah yang sejati.
T'lah tersedia bagi kita pengampunan dan anug'rah,
kes'lamatan dalam Kristus, PuteraNya. K'rajaan Allah
penuh kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.Kis 4:32-35
Kol 3:17
2 Tes 2:17
Tit 2:7
Yak 1:22-25
Yak 2:14-17
Ef 2:4-10
Play Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
1. Lawanlah godaan, s'lalu bertekun; tiap kemenangan
kau tambah teguh; nafsu kejahatan harus kautentang;
harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Ef 6:10-18
Yak 1:12
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
2. Tinggalkan yang jahat, dosa dicegah; tindakanmu
tulus tiada bercela: junjung kebenaran, hidup dalam
t'rang, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Rm 13:12-14
Ef 4:17-32
Kol 3:5-17
1 Tes 5:5-8
1 Yoh 2:8-11
3. Allah memberikan tajuk mulia bagi yang berjaya
di dalam iman; Kristus memulihkan kau yang
tertekan, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku [KJ.367]
1. PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku, kupersembahkan hidupku:
dariMu jiwa dan ragaku, hanya dalamMu 'ku teduh.
Hatiku yang Engkau pulihkan padaMu juga kuberikan.
Rm 12:1
2. Di dalam Yesus Kaunyatakan, ya Bapa, isi hatiMu:
curahan kasih, kesukaan Engkau limpahkan bagiku.
Andaikan orang menyadari, niscaya, Tuhan, Kau dicari.
Yoh 1:14, 18
Tit 2:11
Tit 3:4
3. Kumuliakan kuasa kasih, yang dalam Yesus terjelma;
'ku berserah sebulat hati di dalam arus rahmatNya.
Diriku tak kuingat lagi, lautan kasih kuselami.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:9-10
4. Betapa Kau mencari aku, hatiMu rindu padaku.
Kauraih aku kepadaMu membuat aku milikMu.
Diriku sudah Kaukasihi, Kau jualah yang aku pilih.
Rm 8:29
Ef 1:4
5. NamaMu, Yesus, suci agung, ya Sumber kasih kurnia;
padamu datanglah umatMu mencari hidup yang baka.
Yang bertelut bertadah-tangan, berlimpah-limpah Kaukenyangkan.
Yoh 6:68
6. Ya Yesus, namaMu kiranya dalam hatiku tertera, supaya
dalam hidupku nyatalah: Seluruh kata dan
kerjaku biar penuh dengan namaMu.Kol 3:17
Colossians 3:1
'Ku Disalibkan dengan Tuhanku [KJ.404] ( Dying with Jesus / Moment by Moment )
1. 'Ku disalibkan dengan Tuhanku; hidupNya pun diberi padaku.
Memandang padaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Kol 3:1-3
Rm 14:8
2. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
3. Di pencobaanTuhanku dekat, turut memikul beban yang berat,
di kedukaan Teman yang erat; setia saat dib'riNya berkat.
Mat 11:28-30
4. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
5. Tiada tangisan dan hati sedih, tiada keluh di bahaya ngeri
yang oleh Yesus tak dimengerti setiap saat, dengan tak henti.
Ibr 4:15
6. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
7. Kelemahanku dirasakanNya; bila 'ku sakit, dipulihkanNya;
setiap saat, gelap dan cerah, Yesus, Tuhanku, menyucikannya.
8. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.Play
Colossians 2:9
Yesus T'lah Datang [KJ.138]
1. Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita;
Alfa, Omega dan Firman kekal. Allah sejati dan Maha Pencipta
Bagaimana manusia kita kenal! Sorga dan bumi, siarkan berita:
Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita!
Why 1:8
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Kol 1:19
Kol 2:9
2. Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan
yang dalam dosa dan maut menjerat! Rantai diganti dengan kelepasan
dari kungkungan kuasa gelap. Habislah duka, lenyap kecemasan:
Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan!
Mzm 107:10-16
Yes 42:7
Yes 61:1
Rm 6:12-23
3. Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa;
Ia mendobrak penjara teguh! Benteng neraka pun porak poranda,
Jalan merdeka terbuka penuh! Sudahkah kini, hai Iblis, kaurasa?
Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa!
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 9:12
4. Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia;
puji kuasaNya, seg'nap mahlukNya! Juruselamatmu hanyalah Dia;
pintu hatimu bukakan seg'ra! Lihat, mahkotamu sudah sedia;
Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia!2 Tim 4:8
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Revelation 5:10
UmatMu Bersembah Sujud [KJ.227]
1. UmatMu bersembah sujud, berdoa dan bernyanyi,
menghadap singgasanaMu, ya Kristus, Tuhan kami.
Segala kuasa dunia akhirNya 'kan mengaku
Engkaulah raja mulia, kar'na kebangkitanMu.
Luk 24:52
Flp 2:9-11
Why 17:14
2. Dengan darahMu yang kudus Engkau sucikan kami
membuat kami bagiMu imamat yang rajawi.
PadaMu diberikanlah mahkota kemenangan:
Di sorga dan di dunia namaMu berkumandang.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
1 Ptr 2:9
Why 5:10
Why 14:14
3. Ya, Jurus'lamat dunia, penuh kemuliaan
Kau datang lagi segera di atas awan-awan.
Semua 'kan memandangMu, termasuk yang menikam;
Semua mengagungkanMu dan mohon pengasihan.
Dan 7:13-14
Mrk 13:26
Za 12:10
Why 1:7
4. Baik lambat atau segera, hariMu pasti datang;
cahaya fajar yang cerah semakin kelihatan.
Ya, haleluya, datanglah, umatMu sudah yakin.
Malaikat dan manusia bersorak, "Amin, amin!"1 Yoh 2:8
Why 22:20
Play Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Play Yesus Hidup dan Menang [KJ.210]
1. Yesus hidup dan menang. Maut, hilanglah sengatmu!
Yang t'lah bangkit dalam t'rang juga membangkitkan daku.
Yesus, kemenanganMu itulah peganganku.
1 Kor 15:54-56
1 Kor 6:14
2 Kor 4:14
Ef 2:6
Kol 2:12-14
Why 1:18
2. Yesus hidup dan menang; mahakuasa atas dunia.
Nanti 'ku bersamaNya hidup dan berkuasa juga.
Janji Allah yang teguh itulah peganganku.Ef 1:20-22
Why 5:10
Why 12:5
3. Yesus hidup dan menang; aku takkan terpisahkan,
bahkan di lembah kelam 'ku beroleh kekuatan.
Yesus kehadiranMu itulah peganganku.
Rm 8:37-39
Mzm 23:4
4. Yesus hidup dan menang mati untuk kehidupan.
Saat ajal menjelang 'ku dib'riNya penghiburan.
Yesus, kebangkitanMu itulah peganganku.Play
Psalms 110:1
[Psa 110:1] Lord Unto His Christ Has Said, The
The Lord unto His Christ has said,
“Sit Thou at My right hand,
Until I make Thine enemies
Submit to Thy command.
A scepter prospered by the Lord
Thy mighty hand shall wield;
From Zion Thou shalt rule the world,
And all Thy foes shall yield.“Thy people will be gladly Thine
When Thou shalt come in might,
Like dawning day, like hopeful youth,
With holy beauty bright.
A priesthood that shall never end
The Lord has given Thee;
This He has sworn, and evermore
Fulfilled His Word shall be.“Thou shalt subdue the kings of earth
With God at Thy right hand;
The nations Thou shalt rule in might
And judge in every land.”
The Christ, refreshed by living streams,
Shall neither faint nor fall,
And He shall be the glorious Head,
Exalted over all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 110:1] Unto My Lord Jehovah Said
Unto my Lord Jehovah said,
“At My right hand I throne Thee,
Till at Thy feet, in triumph laid,
Thy foes their Ruler crown Thee.”
From Zion shall Jehovah send
Thy scepter, till before Thee bend
The knees of proud rebellion.Thy saints, to greet Thy day of might,
In holy raiment muster;
As dewdrops in the morning light
Thy youths around Thee cluster.
Jehovah sware and made decree,
“Thou, King of Righteousness, shalt be
A royal Priest forever.”The Lord at Thy right hand shall bring
On rulers desolation;
The Lord shall smite each heathen king,
And judge each rebel nation.
He, swiftly marching in His wrath,
Shall quaff the brook upon His path,
And lift His head in glory.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Colossians 3:16-17
[Col 3:17] Name Which I Whisper, The
The Name which I whisper as morning time breaks,
And is on my tongue as my body awakes,
Is Jesus, is Jesus, is Jesus, Jesus.The Name which I whisper as hours will fly,
And lives in my mind until evening will die,
Is Jesus, is Jesus, is Jesus, Jesus.The Name which I mention when night’s coming near,
The Name of the Man that my heart loves so dear,
Is Jesus, is Jesus, is Jesus, Jesus.That Name is the only last word I will say,
The first I will whisper in Heaven one day,
Is Jesus, is Jesus, is Jesus, Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:17] Sons Of Labor, Dear To Jesus
Sons of labor, dear to Jesus,
To your homes and work again;
Go with brave hearts back to duty,
Face the peril, bear the pain.
Be your dwellings ne’er so lowly,
Yet remember, by your bed,
That the Son of God most holy
Had not where to lay His head.Sons of labor, think of Jesus
As you rest your homes within,
Think of that sweet Babe of Mary
In the stable of the inn.
Think how in the sacred story
Jesus took a humble grade,
And the Lord of Life and Glory
Worked with Joseph at His trade.Sons of labor, pray to Jesus;
Oh, how Jesus prayed for you!
In the moonlight, on the mountain,
Where the shimmering olives grew.
When you rise up at the dawning,
Ere in toil you wend your way,
Pray, as He prayed, in the morning,
Long before the break of day.Sons of labor, be like Jesus,
Undefilèd, chaste, and pure;
And, though Satan tempt you sorely,
By His grace you shall endure.
Husband, father, son and brother,
Be ye gentle, just and true—
Be ye kind to one another,
As the Lord is kind to you.Sons of labor, seek for Jesus,
Where He tells you ye shall find,
In the children, ’mid the mourners,
In the sick, poor, lame and blind—
“Search the Scriptures,” He entreats you,
“For of Me they testify”;
Love His altar, where He meets you,
Saying, “Fear not—It is I.”Sons of labor, go to Jesus,
In your sorrow, shame and loss;
He is nearest, you are dearest,
When you bravely bear His cross.
Go to Him, who died to save you,
And is still the sinner’s Friend;
And the great love, which forgave you,
Will forgive you to the end.Sons of labor, live for Jesus,
Be your work your worship, too;
In His Name, and to His glory,
Do whate’er you find to do;
Till this night of sin and sorrow
Be for ever overpast;
And we see the golden morrow,
Home with Jesus, home at last!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:17] Thrice-holy Name!
Thrice-holy Name! that sweeter sounds
Than streams which down the valley run,
And tells of more than human love,
And more than human power, in one:
First from the gracious herald heard,
Heard since through all the choirs on high;
O Child of Mary, Son of God,
Eternal, hear Thy children’s cry!
While at the blessèd Name we bow,
Lord Jesus, be among us now!Within our dim-eyed souls call up
The vision of Thine earthly years;
The mount of the transfigured form;
The garden of the bitter tears;
The cross upreared in darkening skies;
The thorn-wreathed head, the bleeding side;
And whisper in the heart, “For you,
For you, I left the Heav’ns, and died,”
While at the blessèd Name we bow,
Lord Jesus, be among us now!Ah! with faith’s inward piercing eye
The riven rock-hewn bed we see,
Whence Thou in triumph hast gone forth
By death from death to make us free!
And when on earth’s last awful day
The judgment-seat of God shall shine,
Lift Thou our trembling eyes to read
In Thy dear face the mercy-sign.
While at the blessèd Name we bow,
Lord Jesus, be among us now!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Colossians 2:9
[Col 2:9] Celebrate Immanuel’s Name
Celebrate Immanuel’s Name, the Prince of life and peace.
God with us, our lips proclaim, our faithful hearts confess.
God is in our flesh revealed; Heav’n and earth in Jesus join.
Mortal with Immortal filled, and human with Divine.Fullness of the Deity in Jesus’ body dwells,
Dwells in all His saints and me when God His Son reveals.
Father, manifest Thy Son; breathe the true incarnate Word.
In our inmost souls make known the presence of the Lord.Let the Spirit of our Head through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited, we then Immanuel know.
Then He doth His Name express; God in us we truly prove,
Find with all the life of grace and all the power of love.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 20:6
[Rev 20:6] Soon Shall We See The Glorious Morn
Soon shall we see the glorious morning!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
Sinners, attend the notes of warning!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
The resurrection day draws near,
The King of saints shall soon appear,
And high His royal standard rear:
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!Hear ye the trump of God resounding,
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
Through death’s dark vaults its notes rebounding:
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
To meet the Bridegroom haste! prepare!
Put on your bridal garments fair;
And hail your Savior in the air!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!The saints who sleep, with joy awaken,
All arise! All arise!
Their clay cold beds are quick forsaken,
All arise! All arise!
Not one of all the faithful few
Who here on earth the Savior knew,
But starts with bliss his Lord to view:
All arise! All arise!Fast by the throne of God behold them
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!
See in His arms the Savior fold them,
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!
With wreaths of glory round their head;
No tears of sorrow now are shed,
To joy’s full fountain all are led:
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!Play source: Cyberhymnal