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Isaiah 8:7-8


sovereign master ... bringing up ........................ reach <0136 05927> [the Lord bringeth.]

turbulent <06099> [strong.]

king <04428> [the king.]

bringing up ........................ reach <05927> [he shall come.]


spill <02498> [he shall pass.]

reaches <05060> [reach.]

spread <04298> [the stretching, etc. Heb. the fulness of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretchings out of his wings.]

Immanuel <06005> [O Immanuel.]


Isaiah 10:5-6


Assyria ........... as good as dead <01945 0804> [O Assyrian. or, Woe to the Assyrian. Heb. O Asshur.]

club <07626> [the rod.]

cudgel <04294> [and. or, though.]


godless ......... people <02611 05971> [against.]

ordered <06680> [will I give.]

<07760> [tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.]

Isaiah 36:1--37:38


fourteenth <0702> [it came.]

Sennacherib <05576> [that Sennacherib.]


sent <07971> [A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. sent.]

conduit <08585> [the conduit.]


Eliakim <0471> [Eliakim.]

Shebna <07644> [Shebna.]

scribe <05608> [scribe. or, secretary.]


said .... Tell <0559> [Thus saith.]

Assyria <0804> [Assyria.]

Assyria proper, now Kourdistan, was bounded by Armenia on the north, Media and Persia on the east, Babylonia on the south, and the Tigris, which divides it from Mesopotamia, on the west, between 33 degrees and 38 degrees N. lat. and 42 degrees and 46 degrees E. long. But the Assyrian empire, the bounds of which were different at different times, in its most flourishing state, according to the descriptions of the Greek and Roman writers, comprehended all the countries and nations between the Mediterranean on the west, and the Indus on the east, and between the deserts of Scythia on the north, and the Indian ocean on the south.

confidence <0986> [What.]


talk <01697 08193> [vain words. Heb. a word of lips. I have counsel and strength for war. or, but counsel and strength are for the war.]

rebel <04775> [that.]



trusting <0982> [We trust.]

high places <01116> [is it not.]


deal <06148> [pledges. or, hostages.]

give <05414> [and I.]


minor <06996> [the least.]

trust <0982> [and put.]



Aramaic <0762> [in the Syrian.]


eat <0398> [that they may.]


called out <07121> [cried.]

Listen <08085> [Hear.]




Send .... token of your submission <06213 01293> [Make an agreement with me by a present. or, Seek my favour by a present. Heb. Make with me a blessing.]

surrender <03318> [come out.]

each ..... eat .... own ........... own <0398 0376> [eat ye.]


come <0935> [I come.]

land ....... land ... grain ...... land <0776 01715> [a land of corn.]

The other copy in 2 Ki 18:32, adds here, "a land of oil olive, and of honey; that ye may live, and not die: and hearken not unto Hezekiah when he seduceth you."


Hezekiah <02396> [lest.]

<0376> [Hath.]


Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

Arpad <0774> [Arphad.]

The variation of Arphad and Arpad exists only in the translation; the original being uniformly ['ArpÆ’d <\\See definition 0774\\>.]


Sepharvaim <05617> [Sepharvaim.]

Calmet is of opinion that Sepharvaim was the capital of the Saspires, who, according to Herodotus, were the only people that inhabited between the Colchians and Medes; and probably the Sarapases, whom Strabo places in Armenia. Hiller considers the name as denoting Sephar of the Parvaim, i.e., Mount Sephar adjacent to the regions of Arabia called Parvaim. But it is more probable, as Wells and others suppose, that Sepharvaim is the [Sipphara,] Sipphara, of Ptolemy, the [Sipparenon polis,] the city of the Sippareni, mentioned by Abydenus, and probably the Hipparenum of Pliny, a city of Mesopotamia, situated upon the Euphrates, near where it is divided into two arms, by one of which, it is probable, it was divided into two parts.

rescue <05337> [and have.]


Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]



Eliakim <0471> [Eliakim.]

clothes <0899> [with their.]

The history of the invasion of Sennacherib, observes Bp. Lowth, and the miraculous destruction of his army, which makes the subject of so many of Isaiah's prophecies, is very properly inserted here, as affording the best light to many parts of these prophecies; and as almost necessary to introduce the prophecy in the 37th chapter, being the answer of God to Hezekiah's prayer, which could not be properly understood without it. Sennacherib succeeded his father Shalmaneser on the throne of Assyria, A.M. 3290, B.C. 714, and reigned only about eight years.


King <04428> [it came.]

tore <07167> [he rent.]

went <0935> [and went.]



[his day.]

humiliation <05007> [blasphemy. or, provocation.]

baby <01121> [for the.]


<03068> [It may.]

taunt <02778> [to reproach.]

punish <03198> [and will.]

<05375> [lift up.]

remnant <07611> [for the.]

remains <04672> [left. Heb. found.]


said ............. says <0559> [Thus shall.]

afraid <03372> [Be not.]


cut ... down <05414 05307> [I will.]

mind <07307 05414> [send a blast upon him. or, put a spirit into him. I will cause.]


chief adviser <07262> [Rabshakeh.]

Libnah <03841> [Libnah.]

Lachish <03923> [Lachish.]


heard ................... ordering <08085> [he heard.]

Ethiopia <03568> [Ethiopia.]

Cush, which is generally rendered Ethiopia, is applied in Scripture to at least three distinct and different countries. 1. The country watered by the Gihon or Araxes, (Ge 2:13,) also called Cuth, 2 Ki 17:30. 2. A country of Arabia Petr‘a, bordering upon Egypt, which extended from the northern extremity of the Red sea along its eastern shore. (Comp. Ex 3:1, with Nu 12:1. Hab 3:7.) 3. Ethiopia Proper, an extensive country of Africa, comprehending Nubia and Abyssinia; being bounded on the north by Egypt, on the east by the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, and on the south and west by various nations of Africa, and extending from about 6 degrees to 24 degrees N. lat. and 25 degrees to 45 degrees E. long. It is probable that it was this latter Cush, or Ethiopia, of which Tirhakah was king; he being in league with his kinsman Sevechus, son of So, or Sabacon, king of Egypt, against Sennacherib, the king of Assyria.


God <0430> [Let not.]



gods <0430> [the gods.]

Gozan <01470> [Gozan.]

Haran <02771> [Haran.]

Haran, the Carrh‘ of the Greeks and Romans, is situated in the north-west part of Mesopotamia, between the Euphrates and the river Chebar; about 110 miles west of Nisibis, 90 east of Bir, 100 south of Diarbekir, and 170 north of Palmyra.

Eden <05729> [Eden.]

It is probable that this Eden is the country near Diarbekir, on the Tigris, called MÆ’don, according to Asseman.

Telassar <08515> [Telassar.]

Telassar is probably the same as Ellasar, Ge 14:1, as the Jerusalem Targum reads; for both of which the Syriac has Dolassar; and perhaps, as Doederlein supposes, the same as Sharra, a city of Mesopotamia, half a mile from the Euphrates.



Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

Hena <02012> [Hena.]

Hena is probably the same as Anah, a city of Mesopotamia, situated on an island in the Euphrates.

Ivvah <05755> [Ivah.]

[Ava, Avites.]


took <03947> [received.]

Hezekiah ............ Hezekiah ... up <02396 05927> [and Hezekiah went.]



Lord <03068> [Lord.]

who ... enthroned <03427> [dwellest.]

God ............. God <0430> [thou art.]

made <06213> [thou hast.]


Pay <05186> [Incline.]

hear ........ Listen <08085> [hear.]


kings <04428> [the kings.]

nations .... lands <0776> [nations. Heb. lands.]


burned <05414> [And have.]

burned <05414> [cast. Heb. given. no gods.]


kingdoms <04467> [that all.]



prayed <06419> [Whereas.]


virgin <01330> [The virgin.]

daughter .......... Daughter <01323> [the daughter.]

despises <0959> [hath despised.]

shakes <05128> [shaken.]


taunted .............. arrogantly <02778 07311> [Whom hast.]

arrogantly <07311> [against whom.]

Holy One <06918> [the Holy One.]


messengers <05650> [thy servants. Heb. the hand of they servants.]

many <07230> [By the.]

tall cedars ..... evergreens <0730 01265 06967> [tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof. Heb. tallness of the cedars thereof and the choice of the fir trees thereof.]

<03760> [of his Carmel. or, and his fruitful field.]


soles <03709> [with the sole.]

Egypt <04693> [besieged. or, fenced and closed.]


ago <07350> [long ago, etc. or, how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times?]

Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous heaps?.

[how I.]


residents <03427> [their inhabitants.]

powerless <03027 07116> [of small power. Heb. short of hand. as the grass of.]


know <03045> [I know.]

live <03427> [abode. or sitting.]


rage <07264> [rage.]

uproar <07600> [tumult.]

I ... put <07760> [will I.]


reminder <0226> [this shall.]

eat .............................. consume <0398> [Ye shall.]


remain ... Judah <06413 01004 03063 07604> [remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah. Heb. escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth.]

root <08328> [take.]


come out <06413> [they that escape. Heb. the escaping. the zeal.]


enter <0935> [He.]

shielded warriors <04043> [shields. Heb. shield. cast.]



shield <01598> [I will.]

servant <05650> [for mine.]

servant <05650> [and for.]


messenger <04397> [the angel.]

got up early <07925> [and when.]


Sennacherib <05576> [Sennacherib.]

Nineveh <05210> [Nineveh.]


god <0430> [his god.]

Ararat <0780> [Armenia. Heb. Ararat.]

Esarhaddon <0634> [Esar-haddon.]

Esar-haddon, called Asar-addinus in the Canon of Ptolemy, was the third son of Sennacherib; and having reigned twenty-nine years over the Assyrians, he took advantage of the anarchy and confusion which followed the death of Mesessimordacus, and seized upon Babylon; which he added to his former empire, and reigned over both for thirteen years; when he was succeeded by his son Saosduchinus, A.M. 3336, B.C. 668.

Isaiah 37:2


Isaiah 18:1--19:2


as good as dead ... one <01945> [A.M. cir. 3290. B.C. cir. 714. Woe.]

Bp. Lowth renders, after Bochart, "Ho! to the land of the winged cymbal;" which he thinks is a periphrasis for the Egyptian sistrum; and consequently, that Egypt, "which borders on the rivers of Cush," is the country to which the prophecy is addressed. If we translate "shadowing with wings," it may allude to the multitude of its vessels, whose sails may be represented under the notion of wings.

land <0776> [the land.]

buzzing <06767> [shadowing.]

beyond <05676> [which.]


sends <07971> [sendeth.]

boats <03627> [vessels.]

It is well known that the Egyptians commonly used on the Nile a light sort of ships or boats made of the papyrus. See note on Ex 2:3.

nation ................. nation <01471> [to a nation.]


tall smooth-skinned <04900 04178> [scattered and peeled. or, outspread and polished.]

Or, as Bp. Lowth renders, "stretched out in length and smoothed." Egypt, which is situated between 24 degrees and 32 degrees N. lat. and 30 degrees and 33 degrees E. long., being bounded on the south by Ethiopia, on the north by the Mediterranean, on the east by the mountains of Arabia, and on the west by those of Lybia, is one long vale, 750 miles in length, (through the middle of which runs the Nile,) in breadth from one to two or three day's journey, and even at the widest part of the Delta, from Pelusium to Alexandria, not above 250 miles broad.

people <05971> [to a people.]

[Heb. Meted out and trodden down. or, that meteth out and treadeth down. Heb. of line, line, and treading under foot.]

This is an allusion to the frequent necessity of having recourse to mensuration in Egypt, in order to determine their boundaries, after the inundation of the Nile had smoothed their land and effaced their landmarks; and to their method of throwing seed upon the mud, when the waters had subsided, and treading it in by turning their cattle into the fields.

divide <0958> [have spoiled. or, despise.]


live <03427> [All ye.]

see ..... raised <07200 05375> [see ye.]


like <08252 05027> [I will.]

place <04349 05027> [consider in my dwelling place. or, regard my set dwelling.]

scorching <06703> [like a clear.]

<0216> [upon herbs. or, after rain.]




tribute <07862> [shall the.]

tall ... smooth-skinned <04900 04178> [scattered and peeled. or, outspread and polished.]


place <04725> [to the.]


Egypt ............ Egypt ..... Egypt ...... Egyptians <04714> [Egypt.]

rides <07392> [rideth.]

idols <0457> [the idols.]

courage <03824> [the heart.]


provoke <05526> [I will.]

provoke <05526> [set. Heb. mingle.]

Isaiah 28:19-21


Whenever <01767> [the time.]

announcement <02113> [and it.]

understood ....... terror <08052 0995> [to understand the report. or, when he shall make you to understand doctrine.]


bed <04702> [the bed.]


Mount Perazim <06559 02022> [in mount Perazim.]

Valley <06010> [the valley.]


peculiar ........ strange <02114 05237> [his strange.]

Isaiah 32:1-2


king <04428> [king.]

officials <08269> [princes.]


Each <0376> [a man.]

shelter <04224> [an hiding.]

streams <06388> [rivers.]

large <03515> [great. Heb. heavy. rock.]

Isaiah 33:11


conceive <02029> [conceive.]

breath <07307> [your.]

Isaiah 36:6-20



trusting <0982> [We trust.]

high places <01116> [is it not.]


deal <06148> [pledges. or, hostages.]

give <05414> [and I.]


minor <06996> [the least.]

trust <0982> [and put.]



Aramaic <0762> [in the Syrian.]


eat <0398> [that they may.]


called out <07121> [cried.]

Listen <08085> [Hear.]




Send .... token of your submission <06213 01293> [Make an agreement with me by a present. or, Seek my favour by a present. Heb. Make with me a blessing.]

surrender <03318> [come out.]

each ..... eat .... own ........... own <0398 0376> [eat ye.]


come <0935> [I come.]

land ....... land ... grain ...... land <0776 01715> [a land of corn.]

The other copy in 2 Ki 18:32, adds here, "a land of oil olive, and of honey; that ye may live, and not die: and hearken not unto Hezekiah when he seduceth you."


Hezekiah <02396> [lest.]

<0376> [Hath.]


Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

Arpad <0774> [Arphad.]

The variation of Arphad and Arpad exists only in the translation; the original being uniformly ['ArpÆ’d <\\See definition 0774\\>.]


Sepharvaim <05617> [Sepharvaim.]

Calmet is of opinion that Sepharvaim was the capital of the Saspires, who, according to Herodotus, were the only people that inhabited between the Colchians and Medes; and probably the Sarapases, whom Strabo places in Armenia. Hiller considers the name as denoting Sephar of the Parvaim, i.e., Mount Sephar adjacent to the regions of Arabia called Parvaim. But it is more probable, as Wells and others suppose, that Sepharvaim is the [Sipphara,] Sipphara, of Ptolemy, the [Sipparenon polis,] the city of the Sippareni, mentioned by Abydenus, and probably the Hipparenum of Pliny, a city of Mesopotamia, situated upon the Euphrates, near where it is divided into two arms, by one of which, it is probable, it was divided into two parts.

rescue <05337> [and have.]


Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]

Nehemiah 9:32


God <0430> [our God.]

keeps <08104> [keepest.]

hardship <08513> [trouble. Heb. weariness. little before thee.]

befallen .... kings ................... kings <04672 04428> [come upon us. Heb. found us. on our kings.]

days .......... day <03117> [since the time.]

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