John 13:6-38
Peter <4074 1565> [Peter. Gr. he. Lord.]
what <3739> [What.]
You will ... wash ....... I do ... wash <3538> [Thou shalt.]
<3362> [If.]
not <3361> [not.]
has bathed <3068> [He.]
needs <5532> [needeth.]
but .......... but <235> [but.]
you <5210> [ye.]
Do you understand <1097> [Know.]
call <5455> [call.]
and ... and <2532> [and.]
and ....... you too <5210 2532> [ye also.]
I have given <1325> [given.]
solemn truth <281> [Verily.]
slave <1401> [The servant.]
blessed <3107> [happy.]
But <235> [but.]
<575> [Now. or, From henceforth. I tell.]
so that ........ that I <2443 3754 1473> [that I.]
accepts ...... accepts ..... accepts ... accepts <2983> [He.]
was greatly distressed <5015> [he was.]
one <1520> [one.]
began to look at <991> [looked.]
at the table <345> [leaning.]
<3739> [whom.]
gestured <3506> [beckoned.]
who <5101> [who.]
piece of bread .............. piece of bread <5596> [sop. or, morsel. Judas Iscariot.]
Satan <4567> [Satan.]
<3739> [That.]
that .............. whatever ........ to <3754 3739 2443> [that.]
went out <1831> [went.]
<2258> [it.]
Now <3568> [Now.]
and God <2532 2316> [and God.]
will ... glorify ...... he will glorify <1392> [shall.]
also ...... and <2532> [and.]
Children ....... for a little while <5040 3397> [Little.]
still <2089> [yet.]
You will look for ................. you <2212 5210> [Ye.]
a new <2537> [A new.]
to love ...... I have loved ... you ... are to love <2443 25 5210> [That ye love.]
where ....... Where <4226 3699> [whither.]
Jesus ....... you cannot follow ..... you will follow <2424 1410 190> [thou.]
<1302> [why.]
Will you lay down <5087> [Wilt.]
rooster <220> [The cock.]