NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Psalms 63:1


wilderness <04057> [A.M. 2943. B.C. 1061. (Title.) when.]

God <0410> [thou.]

long <07836> [early.]

soul <05315> [soul.]

flesh <01320> [flesh.]

dry ... parched land ..... no water <05889 0776 01097 04325 06723> [dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Heb. weary land without water.]

Isaiah 35:1-2


desert <04057> [wilderness.]

happy <07797> [be.]

wilderness <06160> [desert.]


rejoice <01523> [and rejoice.]

grandeur .............. grandeur <03519> [the glory.]

splendor ............... splendor <01926> [the excellency.]

see <07200> [they shall.]

Isaiah 35:7


dry soil <08273> [the parched.]

<05116> [in the.]

grass reeds <07070 02682> [grass with reeds. or, a court for reeds, etc.]

Isaiah 41:17-19


oppressed <06041> [the poor.]

look for <01245> [seek.]

tongues <03956> [their tongue.]

Lord <03068> [I the Lord.]

God <0430> [I the God.]



make <05414> [plant.]

Isaiah 44:3


pour water ................. pour <04325 03332> [pour water.]

streams <05140> [floods.]

dry land <03004> [dry ground.]


pour .................. pour ... spirit <03332 07307> [pour my.]

Ezekiel 47:8-11


flow down <03381> [and go down.]

Arabah <06160> [desert. or, plain.]

Sea .... sea <03220> [the sea.]

This was the Dead sea, or sea of Sodom, east of Jerusalem, in which it is said no living creature is found; or, at least, from its extreme saltness, it does not abound with fish like other seas. The healing of these waters denotes the calling of the Gentiles.

waters .......................... waters <04325> [the waters.]


creature ........................... live <05315 02425> [every thing.]

river ......................... river <05158> [rivers. Heb. two rivers.]

live ................... live <02421 02425> [shall live.]

many <07227 03966> [a very great.]

[Greek. for they.]


Fishermen <01728> [fishers.]

Apostles and preachers of the gospel.

Engedi <05872> [En-gedi.]

fish .... fish <01710> [the fish.]

Great quantities of all kinds of fish usually caught in the Mediterranean, genuine converts of all nations, kindreds, and people.

Great Sea <03220 01419> [the great sea.]

<03966> [exceeding.]


swamps <01207> [the miry places.]

Those who reject, neglect, or pervert the gospel.

[shall not be healed, they shall be. or, and that which shall not be, shall be, etc.]

<05414> [given.]

Ephesians 2:2


formerly <4218> [in time.]

you ... lived according to ...... according to <4043 2596> [walked according.]

ruler <758> [the prince.]

air <109> [of the air.]

spirit <4151> [the spirit.]

sons <5207> [the children.]

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