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Leviticus 14:14


Leviticus 14:17


Leviticus 14:28

Exodus 29:20


put ..... tip .......... tip <08571 05414> [put it upon the tip.]

All this doubtless was intended to signify, that the priest should dedicate all his faculties and powers to the service of God; his ear to the hearing and study of the law; his hands to diligence in the sacred ministry, and to all acts of obedience; and his feet to walking in the way of God's precepts; for the ear is the symbol of obedience, the hand of action, and the foot of the path or conduct in life. And the sprinkling might further teach him, that he could neither hear, work, nor walk profitably, uprightly, and well pleasingly in the sight of God, without the application of the blood of the sacrifice.

splash <02236> [sprinkle.]

Romans 6:13


and ... not <3366> [Neither.]

instruments .......................... instruments <3696> [instruments. Gr. arms, or weapons.]

unrighteousness <93> [unrighteousness.]

present ............. but present <235 3936> [but yield.]

who are alive <2198> [alive.]

your ......................... and your <5216 2532> [and your.]

Romans 6:19


I am speaking <3004> [I speak.]

because of <1223> [because.]

For just <1063 5618> [for as ye.]

lawlessness leading to ... lawlessness ........... leading to <1519 458> [unto iniquity.]

you ... presented ............... now present <3568 3936> [now yield.]

leading to ............. leading to sanctification <1519 38> [unto holiness.]

Romans 12:1


I exhort <3870> [beseech.]

by ... mercies <1223 3628> [by the.]

to present <3936> [that ye.]

alive <2198> [a living.]

pleasing <2101> [acceptable.]

Romans 12:1


I exhort <3870> [beseech.]

by ... mercies <1223 3628> [by the.]

to present <3936> [that ye.]

alive <2198> [a living.]

pleasing <2101> [acceptable.]

Colossians 1:2


saints <40> [the saints.]

faithful <4103> [faithful.]

Grace <5485> [Grace.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 1:20


by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]

to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]

all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 1:22


body <4983> [the body.]

to present <3936> [to.]

his ............... him <846> [in his.]

Philippians 1:20


confident <603> [earnest.]

in no way ...... with ............ in <1722 3762> [in nothing.]

in ........ with ............ in <1722> [with.]

Christ <5547> [Christ.]

whether .... or <1535> [whether.]

Philippians 2:17


<1499> [and if.]

I am being poured out like a drink offering <4689> [offered. Gr. poured forth. the sacrifice.]

I am glad <5463> [I joy.]

Hebrews 2:10


it was fitting <4241> [it.]

For ....... for .... through .................... through <1063 1223> [for.]

many <4183> [many.]

glory <1391> [glory.]

pioneer <747> [the captain.]

to make ....... perfect <5048> [perfect.]

Hebrews 5:8


<5607> [he were.]

he learned <3129> [yet.]

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