Matthew 28:19
Therefore go <3767 4198> [ye therefore.]
make disciples of all nations <3956 1484 3100> [teach all nations. or, make disciples, or Christians, of all nations. baptizing.]
name <3686> [the name.]
Acts 2:38
Repent <3340> [Repent.]
be baptized <907> [be.]
<1909> [in.]
and .................... and you will receive <2532 2983> [and ye.]
Acts 2:41
<780> [gladly.]
were baptized <907> [were baptized.]
were added <4369> [added.]
Acts 8:36-39
Look <2400> [See.]
<1487> [If.]
<611> [he answered.]
<4100> [I believe.]
So ........ and .... and ......... and ... baptized <2532 907> [and he baptized.]
they came up <305> [were.]
Spirit <4151> [the Spirit.]
Now ........................... but went on <1161 1063 4198> [and he.]
Acts 22:16
what <5101> [why.]
Get up <450> [arise.]
calling on <1941> [calling.]
Romans 10:9-14
because if ....... that .......... that <3754 1437> [That if.]
and believe <2532 4100> [and shalt.]
For .... heart <1063 2588> [For with.]
has righteousness <1519 1343> [unto righteousness.]
and .... mouth <1161 4750> [and with.]
Everyone <3956> [Whosoever.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
same ............ call on him <846 1941> [call upon him.]
who <3739> [whosoever.]
are they to call on ... they have ... believed in .... are they to believe in ... they have ... heard of .... are they to hear <1941 4100 191> [shall they.]
How ............. And how ............. And how <4459 1161> [and how shall.]
Romans 10:1
my heart's <1699 2588> [my heart's.]
Romans 3:21
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
which is attested <3140> [being.]
and ... prophets <2532 4396> [and the.]