NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 103:20


Praise <01288> [Bless.]

powerful warriors <01368 03581> [that excel in strength. Heb. mighty in strength.]

carry out ... decrees ..... orders <06213 01697> [do his.]

Genesis 1:26-27


make <06213> [Let us.]

humankind <0120> [man.]

In Hebrew, Adam; probably so called either from the red earth of which he was formed, or from the blush or flesh-tint of the human countenance: the name is intended to designate the species.

image <06754> [in our.]

rule <07287> [have dominion.]


image .... image <06754> [in the image.]


male <02145> [male.]

Genesis 2:7


formed ... man ................... man <03335 0120> [formed man.]

[of the dust. Heb. the dust of, etc. dust.]

breathed <05301> [and breathed.]

nostrils <0639> [nostrils.]

life ....... living <02416> [a living.]

Genesis 2:2


seventh ................. seventh <07637> [And on.]

seventh day God ............. on ... seventh day <03117 0430 07637> [seventh day God.]

The LXX., Syriac, and the Samaritan Text read the sixth day, which is probably the true reading; as [vav <\\See definition 02053\\>,] which stands for six, might easily be changed into [zayin,] which denotes seven.

ceased <07673> [rested.]

Or, rather, ceased, as the Hebrew word is not opposed to weariness, but to action; as the Divine Being can neither know fatigue, nor stand in need of rest.

Genesis 14:1


[A.M. 2091. B.C. 1913.]

Shinar <08152> [Shinar.]

Ellasar <0495> [Ellasar.]

Elam <05867> [Elam.]

Job 4:18-20


trust <0539> [he put.]

attributes folly .... angels <04397 07760 08417> [and his angels he charged with folly. or, nor in his angels in whom he put light.]


live <07931> [dwell.]

crushed <01792> [crushed.]


destroyed <03807> [destroyed. Heb. beaten in pieces.]

2Ch 15:6 *marg

morning <01242> [from morning.]

perish <06> [they perish.]

regarding <07760> [without.]

Philippians 2:7-8


emptied <2758 1096> [made.]

form <3444> [the form.]

by looking like <1722 3667> [in the.]

looking like <3667> [likeness. or, habit.]


<4976> [in.]

He humbled <5013> [he.]

by becoming <1096> [and became.]

of death ... death <2288> [the death.]

Hebrews 2:7


You made ... lower <1642> [madest.]


You made ... lower than ..... a little while <1024 1642 3844> [a little lower than. or, a little while inferior to.]

Hebrews 2:9


Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]

[for the. or, by the. crowned.]

grace <5485> [by.]

he would experience <1089> [taste.]

on behalf of everyone <1223 5228 3956> [for every.]

Hebrews 2:16


surely <1222> [verily.]

[took not, etc. Gr. taketh not hold of angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold. the seed.]

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