NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 119:34


understanding <0995> [Give me.]

observe ..... keep <05341 08104> [I shall.]

keep <08104> [observe.]

Psalms 119:125


servant <05650> [I am thy.]

insight <0995> [give.]

understand <03045> [that I.]

Psalms 119:144


just <06664> [righteousness.]

insight <0995> [give me.]

insight <0995> [understanding.]

Psalms 119:169


cry <07440> [Let my cry.]

insight <0995> [give me.]

Psalms 119:1


[A.M. 3560. B.C. 444. (Title.)]

This Psalm, which was probably composed by Ezra, is another of the alphabetical Psalms: it consists of twenty-two parts, answering to the number of the Hebrew letters; every part being divided into eight verses, and each verse beginning with that letter which forms the title of the part; that is, the first part of eight verses with [Aleph,] the second with [Bˆyth,] etc. It is an elegant, important, and useful composition; the chief subjects of which are the excellence of God's laws, and the happiness of those who observe them. ALEPH

blessed <0835> [Blessed.]

blameless <08549> [undefiled. or, perfect, or sincere.]

obey <01980> [walk.]

Psalms 22:12


Many <07227> [Many.]

bulls <047> [strong.]

Psalms 22:2


cry out <07121> [I cry.]

answer <06030> [but.]

night <03915> [in the night.]

prayers <01747> [am not silent. Heb. there is no silence to me.]

Psalms 2:12


homage <05401> [Kiss.]

<01248> [Son.]


die <06> [and, etc.]

Or, "and ye lose the way," or, "and ye perish in the way." The LXX., and Vulgate have, "and ye perish from the righteous way:" and the Syriac, "and ye perish from his way."

die <06> [ye perish.]

anger <0639> [when.]

blessed <0835> [Blessed.]

Job 32:8


breath <05397> [the inspiration.]

Job 32:2


angry .... angry <02734> [kindled.]

Buzite <0940> [Buzite.]

justifying <06663> [because.]

himself <05315> [himself. Heb. his soul.]

Job 2:7


out <03318> [So went.]

malignant ulcer <07822 07451> [sore boils.]

{Shechin rÆ’,} supposed to be the {Judham,} or black leprosy, of the Arabs, termed Elephantiasis by the Greeks, from its rendering the skin, like that of the elephant, scabrous, dark coloured, and furrowed all over with tubercles. This loathsome and most afflictive disease is accompanied with most intolerable itching.

sole <03709> [from the sole.]

Job 2:1


day <03117> [Again.]

Job 5:20


famine <07458> [famine.]

redeem <06299> [redeem.]

war <04421> [in war.]

power <03027> [the power. Heb. hands.]

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