Kidung Jemaat
Romans 7:24
Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31a]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31b]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Rm 7:24-25
Mrk 15:15
Flp 2:6-8
2. Para malak sekalipun tiada dapat mengerti
apa sebabnya Yang Kudus menanggung siksa yang keji.
KasihNyalah alasannya menanggung dosa dunia.
1 Ptr 1:12
1 Yoh 4:9-10
3. DitinggalkanNya takhtaNya dan masuk kedunia yang cemar;
ditinggalkanNya kuasaNya, terdorong kasih yang besar
dan aku pun tertolonglah terpilih jadi milikNya.
Ef 2:4-5
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
4. Jiwaku lama menjerit, dipasung dosa yang seram.
SuryaMu bagiku terbit; penjaraku pun benderang.
Terbukalah pasunganku ; 'ku bangkit dan mengikutMu.
Rm 6:12-23
Rm 7:13-26
Yes 42:7
5. Di dalam Yesus Penebus hukuman dosa hilanglah.
Kudapat hidup yang kudus, jubahku kebenaranNya;
'ku mendekat ke takhtaMu hendak terima tajukku.Yes 53:5
Why 7:14
1 Ptr 5:4
Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
1. Pengikut Kristus, nyanyilah, berdendang dan menari,
terhibur oleh kurnia bersatu dalam kasih: Terang Ilahi
berseri, yang dari sorga diberi; harganya paling mahal.
2. Si jahat dan kuasa maut membuatku binasa. 'Ku lahir
dalam kemelut, tersiksa oleh dosa. Semakin aku terjerat:
celaka aku yang sesat, dirasuk kejahatan.
Mzm 51:6-7
2 Tim 2:26
3. Percuma perbuatanku, niatku sudah salah; durhaka keinginanku,
melawan hukum Allah. Berputus asa dan cemas di pintu maut
terhempas, 'ku harus ke neraka!
Rm 7:13-26
Gal 3:1-14
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
4. Allahku pun terharulah melihatku melarat; Ia mengingat rahmatNya
dan ingin 'ku selamat; berpaling Ia padaku dengan anugerah penuh,
berkurban yang termahal.
Mzm 98:3
2 Tim 1:9
Rm 8:32
1 Kor 6:20
5. SabdaNya pada putraNya: "T'lah tiba zaman rahmat; pergilah Kau
ke dunia, s'lamatkan yang melarat. Supaya dosa tak tetap, kuasa maut
pun lenyap, berilah hidup baru!"
Yes 60:1-2
Yoh 3:16
Gal 4:4-5
2 Tim 1:10
6. Sang Putra patuh segera dan datang kepadaku sebagai Anak Maria
menjadi sesamaku, mengambil rupa terendah dan oleh cara itulah
si Iblis Ia tangkap.
Mzm 40:8-9
Flp 2:5-8
Luk 10:18
Why 12:9
7. SabdaNya: "Dengan kasihKu hatimu kini tabah: diriKu ganti dirimu,
bagimu 'Ku berlaga; engkau dan Aku satulah di dunia dan selamanya;
tiada yang pisahkan."
1 Ptr 2:24
Rm 8:37-39
8. "Telah tercurah darahKu dan rela Aku mati demi keselamatanmu:
percaya dalam hati! Dengan perangai suciKu Kuhapus dosa-dosamu
dan kau beroleh rahmat."
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
9. "Kepada Bapa 'Ku pergi sesudah 'Ku berkurban dan kepadamu Kuberi
Roh Kudus penghiburan yang mengajarkan padamu segala makna sabdaKu
Di dalam kebenaran."
Yoh 14:28
Yoh 14:25-26
Yoh 16:13-14
10. "KaryaKu dan ajaranKu mestilah kauterapkan, sehingga dunia penuh
semarak Kerajaan; hartamu pertahankanlah terhadap dalih dunia.
Hayatilah sabdaKu."Kis 1:1
Mat 28:19-20
Why 3:11
Philippians 3:13-14
Kudaki Jalan Mulia [KJ.400] ( Higher Ground / I'm Pressing on the Upward Way )
1. Kudaki jalan mulia; tetap doaku inilah:
"Ke tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan, mantapkan langkahku!"
Flp 3:14
2. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
3. Ku tidak mau menetap di dalam bimbang dan gelap;
rinduanku, tujuanku: tempat yang tinggi dan teguh.
4. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
5. 'Ku ingin hidup yang benar, jauh dari tindak yang cemar;
umatku kudus memanggilku ke tempat tinggi dan teguh.
Ibr 12:1
6. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
7. Ingin kucapai puncak t'rang yang paling agung cemerlang.
Ya Tuhan, bimbing diriku makin dekat kepadaMu.
8. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!Play
Psalms 119:5
[Psa 119:5] O That The Lord Would Guide My Ways
O that the Lord would guide my ways
To keep His statutes still!
O that my God would grant me grace
To know and do His will!O send Thy Spirit down to write
Thy law upon my heart!
Nor let my tongue indulge deceit,
Nor act the liar’s part.From vanity turn off my eyes;
Let no corrupt design,
Nor covetous desires, arise
Within this soul of mine.Order my footsteps by Thy Word,
And make my heart sincere;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear.My soul hath gone too far astray,
My feet too often slip;
Yet since I’ve not forgot Thy way,
Restore Thy wand’ring sheep.Make me to walk in Thy commands,
’Tis a delightful road;
Nor let my head, or heart, or hands,
Offend against my God.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 26:41
[Mat 26:41] Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose
Christian! seek not yet repose,
Hear thy guardian angel say;
Thou art in the midst of foes;
“Watch and pray.”Principalities and powers,
Mustering their unseen array,
Wait for thy unguarded hours;
“Watch and pray.”Gird thy heavenly armor on,
Wear it ever night and day;
Ambushed lies the evil one;
“Watch and pray.”Hear the victors who o’ercame;
Still they mark each warrior’s way;
All with one clear voice exclaim,
“Watch and pray.”Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
Him thou lovest to obey;
Hide within thy heart His Word,
“Watch and pray.”Watch, as if on that alone
Hung the issue of the day;
Pray that help may be sent down;
“Watch and pray.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:41] Rise, My Soul, To Watch And Pray
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray, from thy sleep awaken;
Be not by the evil day unawares be taken.
For the foe, well we know, oft his harvest reapeth,
While the Christian sleepeth.Watch against the devil’s snares lest asleep he find thee;
For indeed no pains he spares to deceive and blind thee.
Satan’s prey oft are they who secure are sleeping
And no watch are keeping.Watch! Let not the wicked world with its power defeat thee.
Watch lest with her pomp unfurled she betray and cheat thee.
Watch and see lest there be faithless friends to charm thee,
Who but seek to harm thee.Watch against thyself, my soul, lest with grace thou trifle;
Let not self thy thoughts control nor God’s mercy stifle.
Pride and sin lurk within all thy hopes to scatter;
Heed not when they flatter.But while watching, also pray to the Lord unceasing,
He will free thee, be thy Stay, strength and faith increasing.
O Lord, bless in distress and let nothing swerve me
From the will to serve Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:41] Yield Not To Temptation
Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin;
Each victory will help you some other to win;
Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue,
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.Shun evil companions, bad language disdain,
God’s Name hold in reverence, nor take it in vain;
Be thoughtful and earnest, kindhearted and true,
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
To him that o’ercometh, God giveth a crown;
Through faith we shall conquer, though often cast down;
He Who is our Savior our strength will renew;
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Galatians 5:17
[Gal 5:17] My God, Permit Me Not To Be
My God, permit me not to be
A stranger to myself and Thee;
Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my highest love.Why should my passions mix with earth,
And thus debase my heav’nly birth?
Why should I cleave to things below,
And let my God, my Savior, go?Call me away from flesh and sense,
One sov’reign word can draw me thence;
I would obey the voice divine,
And all inferior joys resign.Be earth with all her scenes withdrawn,
Let noise and vanity begone;
In secret silence of the mind
My heav’n, and there my God, I find.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 3:13-14
[Phi 3:13] I Have Settled The Question
I remember when the Lord spoke to my soul,
I could feel the heavy burden from me roll
When He spoke the gracious words, “Wilt thou be whole?”
Then I settled the question forever.Refrain
I have settled the question, hallelujah!
I will never turn back from the narrow way.
I am going through with Jesus, hallelujah!
Till I reach the gates of glory some sweet day.I no longer walk the ways of sinfulness,
But I daily tread the paths of righteousness
Since the day the Lord has come my life to bless
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
I will choose the holy joys that always last,
And reject sin’s pleasures that will soon be past,
To the treasures of true worth I’m holding fast,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Others may deny the Lord and live in sin,
But the race that I have entered I must win,
Through the pearly gates I mean to enter in,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:14] With Gladsome Feet We Press
With gladsome feet we press to Sion’s holy mount,
Where gushes from its deep recess the cooling fount;
Oh! happy, happy hill, the joy of every saint!
With sweet Siloam’s crystal rill, that cheers the faint.Great city, blest of God! Jerusalem the free!
With ceaseless step the path be trod that leads to thee!
The martyr’s bleeding feet, the saints with woundless breast,
Alike have sought thy golden seat to win their rest.There, calming all alarms, thy cross of love is traced,
Outstretching salutary arms, to bless the waste;
The sinner there can plead in ever listening ears;
On hope and thee, can sweetly feed, and dry his tears.So this our festal day celestial joy shall raise,
While lips and hearts, conjoined, essay to hymn thy praise!
The very stones shall ring, resound each holy wall,
With Thee, Thyself the Rock, our Heaven, our All!Play source: Cyberhymnal