Romans 11:5-36
at ... present <1722 3568> [at this present.]
chosen ... grace <5485 1589> [election of grace.]
The election which proceeds from the mercy and goodness of God.
works otherwise <1893 2041> [otherwise work.]
That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.
What then <5101 3767> [What then?]
Israel <2474> [Israel.]
but ... elect <1161 1589> [but the election.]
That is, the elect, the abstract being used for the concrete. So the Jews or the circumcised people, are called Israel, or the circumcision.
but ....... rest <1161 3062> [and the rest.]
were hardened <4456> [blinded. or, hardened.]
God <2316> [God.]
of stupor <2659> [slumber. or, remorse. eyes.]
to this very day <2193 4594 2250> [unto this day.]
David says <1138 3004> [David saith.]
their table ............. for them <846 5132> [their table.]
<1519> [a recompence.]
their eyes ............ their <846 3788> [their eyes.]
and ..... bend <2532 4781> [and bow.]
they did ... stumble <4417> [Have they stumbled.]
But ... their ........... Israel <235 846> [but rather.]
to <1519> [for.]
their ......... to make Israel jealous <3863 846 1519> [to provoke them to jealousy.]
Rather "to provoke (or excite) them to emulation," [parazeloo <\\See definition 3863\\>,] as it is rendered.
world <2889> [the world.]
defeat <2275> [diminishing. decay, or, loss. their.]
an apostle <652> [the apostle.]
I magnify mine office. Rather, "I honour my ministry," [diakonia <\\See definition 1248\\> mou <\\See definition 3450\\> doxazo <\\See definition 1392\\>.]
<1513> [by.]
I could provoke .... to jealousy <3863> [provoke.]
my <3450> [my.]
save <4982> [might.]
rejection <580> [the casting.]
reconciliation <2643> [the reconciling.]
<1508> [but.]
If ... first portion of the dough offered ........... if <1487 536> [if the first-fruit.]
If ........... then ....... and if ....... too <1487 2532> [and if.]
<1536> [some.]
<5607> [being.]
[among them. or, for them. and with.]
do not boast over ...... you boast ...... not <2620 3361 3756> [Boast not.]
you .... support <4771 941> [thou bearest.]
so that <2443> [that.]
Granted <2573> [Well.]
unbelief <570> [because.]
<1161> [and.]
<5309> [Be.]
but <235> [but.]
therefore <3767> [therefore.]
harshness .... harshness <663> [severity.]
The term severity [apotomia <\\See definition 663\\>,] from [apo <\\See definition 575\\>,] from, and [temno,] to cut off, properly denotes excision, cutting off, as the gardener cuts off, with a pruning knife, dead boughs, or luxuriant stems.
you continue ...... you <1437 4771 1961> [if thou.]
otherwise <1893> [otherwise.]
I do ... want <2309> [I would.]
this <5124> [this.]
<3363> [lest.]
hardening <4457> [blindness. or, hardness.]
until <891> [until.]
all <3956> [all.]
will come out <2240> [There.]
And ................... he will remove <2532 654> [and shall.]
this <3778> [this.]
when <3752> [when.]
enemies <2190> [are enemies.]
but <1161> [but.]
dearly loved <27> [are beloved.]
Just as you <5618 5210> [as ye.]
were ... disobedient <544> [believed. or, obeyed. obtained.]
their <5130> [through.]
have ... been disobedient <544> [believed. or, obeyed.]
God <2316> [God.]
has consigned all people ........... them all <3956 4788> [concluded them all. or, shut them all up together.]
depth <899> [the depth.]
riches <4149> [riches.]
<5613> [how.]
from him .... him .... him ..... To him <1537 846> [of him.]
him .... him .... him ..... To him <846> [to whom. Gr. to him.]