Kidung Jemaat
Luke 19:10
Aku Rindu pada Yesus [KJ.371]
1. Aku rindu pada Yesus, Jurus'lamat dan Tuhanku;
pada Dia 'ku mengaku dosa dan kesalahanku.
Yesus, b'rikanlah berkatMu.
1 Yoh 1:9
2. Aku cinta pada Yesus yang mencariku selalu.
Pada Dia 'ku mengaduh; waktu tersesat jalanku,
Yesus pun memanggil aku.
Mzm 111:176Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. Aku ikut jalan Yesus; Dialah Terang bagiku.
Yesus, t'rimalah hidupku; Yesus, bimbinglah
Tanganku, jangan terlepas dariMu.Yoh 8:12
Play Dengan Lembut Tuhanku [KJ.354] ( In Tenderness He Sought Me )
1. Dengan lembut tuhanku di dalam kasihNya mencari akan
daku yang hilang, bercela. Bahana syukur terdengar,
seisi sorga mengg'legar.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 15:3-10
Luk 19:10
2. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
3. Dosaku t'lah dibasuh sehingga 'ku sembuh; bisikNya kepadaku,
"Engkaulah milikKu!" SuaraNya yang lembut merdu
telah menghibur hatiku.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
4. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
5. Padaku ditunjukkan semua lukaNya, mahkota duri tajam,
curahan darahNya. 'Ku takjub kar'na Tuhanku menjadi
kurban bagiku.
Yoh 15:13
6. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
7. Di haribaan Tuhan kulihat kasihNya dan dalam kekaguman
kuhitung berkatNya. Tak kunjung puas rasanya memuji-
muji namaNya.
8. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
9. Kunanti hari Tuhan yang indah dan cerah di kala Tuhan
datang memanggil umatNya berkumpul pada sisiNya
jadi pengantin suciNya.
Flp 3:20
Mat 25:34
Ef 5:25-27
10. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
Play Sang Rajalah Gembalaku [KJ.377]
1. Sang Rajalah gembalaku yang baik dan Penyayang.
Tak kurang aku apapun selama 'ku milikNya.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11, 14
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. Ke sumber air yang tenang, ke padang rumput subur
selalu 'ku dibimbingNya dan jiwaku terhibur.
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
3. Di kala aku tersesat, olehNya 'ku dicari;
di dalam kasih dan rahmat dibawa 'ku kembali.
Mzm 119:176
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Di bayang maut yang gelap tiada aku takut.
Engkau bersamaku tetap; salibMu yang memandu.
5. Engkau hidangkan bagiku karunia Roh berlimpah;
kudapat dalam kasihMu segala sukacita.
6. Sepanjang jalan hidupku kebaikanMu sertaku;
kekal 'ku mau memujiMu di rumahMu, Tuhanku.Play Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]
1. Segala benua dan langit penuh dengan bunyi Nama yang sangat
merdu, penghiburan orang berhati penat, pegharapan orang
yang sudah sesat. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?Kis 4:12
Mat 11:28
Luk 19:10
2. Sesungguhnya Yesus yang layak benar dib'ri Nama itu, kudus dan
besar, yang oleh sengsara kematianNya memb'ri keampunan
dan damai baka. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?
Rm 5:10-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
Ef 1:7
1 Yoh 2:2
3. Sekalian bangsa sekali hendak berlutut di hadapan Yesus kelak,
dan kita kiranya menyanyi serta malaikat di sorga pujian sembah:
"Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan Kudus, dipuji kekal namaMu, Penebus!"Flp 2:9-11
Play Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383] ( Yesterday, Today, Forever )
R:Ibr 13:8
1. Sungguh indah kabar mulia; hai percayalah! Yesus Kristus
tak berubah s'lama-lamanya! DarahNya tetap menghapus
dosa dan cela. Ia hibur yang berduka. Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
Yesus Kristus tak berubah, puji namaNya!
3. Ia cari yang berdosa, cari dikau pun. Datanglah, rendahkan hati,
s'rahkan dirimu! Dulukala Ia sambut orang bercela;
kini dikau pun disambut, diampuniNya.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
5. Badai dan gelora laut tunduk padaNya; kini juga badai hati
ditenangkanNya. Ia yang telah bergumul di Getsemani,
mendampingi kita dalam saat yang pedih.
Mrk 4:35-41
Mrk 14:32-42
6. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
7. Yesus yang telah ampuni Petrus yang sesat dan menghapus
kebimbangan Tomas yang bersyak dan selalu mengasihi
murid-muridNya Ia mau menyambut dikau dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 2:15-19
Yoh 20:24-29
8. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
9. Waktu murid ke Emaus Yesus beserta; kita pun di jalan
hidup disertaiNya. Yang terangkat dan kembali,Yesus inilah!
Kita 'kan melihat Dia datang segera!
Luk 24:13-25
Kis 1:9-11
10. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!Play T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat [KJ.38]
1. T'lah kutemukan dasar kuat, tempat berpaut jangkarku.
Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat PutraMu dasar yang teguh:
Biarpun dunia lenyap, pegangan hidupku tetap!
Ibr 6:19
1 Kor 3:11
Ibr 1:11
2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, yang melampaui akalku:
Tuhan, Kaurangkul dalam kasih pedosa yang menjauhiMu!
HatiMu iba tergerak mencari aku yang sesat.
Ef 3:18-19
Luk 15:3-7
Luk 15:11-20
Luk 19:10
3. Tak Kaubiarkan ciptaanMu terkapar dalam dosanya;
telah Kauutus PuteraMu menyelamatkan dunia
da pintu hati Kauketuk, agar terbuka bagiMu.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 17:3
Why 3:20
4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus dosaku sudah terbenam :
'ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus batal hukuman yang seram.
Luka hatiku t'lah sembuh, ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmatMu!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12-14
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
5. Inilah dasar andalanku, biarpun apa kutempuh:
ya Tuhan, rahmatMu berlaku sepanjang jalan hidupku!
Sampai kekal kupujilah samud'ra rahmat yang baka!Play Tuhan, Kau Gembala Kami [KJ.407]
1. Tuhan, Kau Gembala kami, tuntun kami dombaMu;
b'rilah kami menikmati hikmat pengorbananMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu,
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu.
Mzm 23:1
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Kau Pengawal yang setia, Kawan hidup terdekat.
Jauhkan kami dari dosa, panggil pulang yang sesat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon b'ri berkat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon, b'ri berkat.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. JanjiMu, Kaut'rima kami, walau hina bercela;
yang berdosa Kausucikan, Kaubebaskan yang lemah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
4. KehendakMu kami cari, ingin turut maksudMu.
Tuhan, isi hati kami dengan kasihMu penuh.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.Ef 5:17
Kol 1:9
James 1:17
Atas Makananku Ini [KJ.471]
1. Atas makananku ini yang telah Tuhan beri, terima kasih.
Bahkan karena darahMu yang menghapus dosaku, terima kasih.
Tuhan, Kaulah Roti Hidup, Engkaulah yang memberikan kehidupan;
Kaulah Roti yang benar membuat jiwaku segar, Haleluya!Mzm 104:27-23Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Yak 1:17
Yoh 6:32-58
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
Play Manusia yang Meluku [KJ.335]
R:Yak 1:17
1. Manusia yang meluku, menaburkan benih, tetapi kesuburan
Tuhanlah yang memb'ri. Air hujan dikirimNya dan
panas yang segar. Akhirnya padi tumbuh, menghijau dan mekar.
2 Kor 9:10
1 Kor 3:7
Kej 8:22
Im 26:4-5
Ul 11:14-15
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 147:7-9
2. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
3. Semua diciptaNya, yang jauh, yang dekat: samudera yang luas dan
rimba yang lebat. Tak satu dilupakan, semua dibela, dan kita dib'ri
makan tak kunjung bersela.
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
4. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
5. Ya Bapa, t'rima kasih; yang sudi kau memb'ri kepada ciptaanMu:
berkat dan rezeki. Tiada teruraikan kasihMu yang besar; terpujilah Kau,
Bapa, rahmani dan jabar.
6. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra. Play Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303a]
1. Pujilah Khalik semesta, Sumber segala kurnia;
Sorga dan bumi, puji t'rus Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!Mat 7:11
Ef 3:20-21
Yak 1:17
1 Ptr 5:10
1 Yoh 5:7
Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303b]
1. Pujilah Khalik semesta, Sumber segala kurnia;
Sorga dan bumi, puji t'rus Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!Tenteramlah, Hai Jiwaku [KJ.442]
Ya Allah Yang Mahatinggi [KJ.246]
1. Ya Allah yang Mahatinggi, Kau Pencipta dunia ini;
kami juga Tuhan ciptakan, agar Dikau tetap dipuji.
Engkau Bapa yang memberkati tiap orang yang endah hati.
Tolonglah kami sekarang ini dan selamanya.
Why 4:11
1 Kor 8:6
2 Kor 1:3
Yak 1:17
Mat 5:3
2. Ya Allah yang Mahakasih, Engkau lahir di dunia ini;
Engkau mati di kayu salib; Engkau rela mengganti kami.
Dari kubur telah Kau bangkit; kuasa maut tiada lagi.
Pimpinlah kami sebab Engkaulah Jalan yang benar.
Gal 4:4
Ibr 12:2
Flp 2:6-8
1 Kor 15:54-56
Yoh 14:6
3. Ya Allah yang Mahasuci, Engkau turun ke dunia ini;
Kau menyala bagaikan api; memurnikan nurani kami,
Mengobarkan semangat kami agar kami menjadi b'rani.
Utuslah kami ke dunia ini dengan kuasaMu.Kis 2:1-4
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 2:17-18
1 Ptr 1:2
Ef 6:19
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 1:8
Play Ya Tuhan, T'rima kasih [KJ.469]
1. Ya Tuhan, t'rima kasih atas yang Engkau beri:
Makanan dan minuman dan segala rezeki.
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya! Amin.Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Yak 1:17
The Song of Songs 1:4
[Sos 1:4] And Now, O Father, Mindful Of The Love
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
That bought us, once for all, on Calvary’s tree,
And having with us Him that pleads above,
We here present, we here spread forth to Thee,
That only offering perfect in Thine eyes,
The one true, pure, immortal sacrifice.Look, Father, look on His anointed face,
And only look on us as found in Him;
Look not on our misusings of Thy grace,
Our prayer so languid, and our faith so dim;
For lo! between our sins and their reward,
We set the passion of Thy Son our Lord.And then for those, our dearest and our best,
By this prevailing presence we appeal;
O fold them closer to Thy mercy’s breast!
O do Thine utmost for their souls’ true weal!
From tainting mischief keep them white and clear,
And crown Thy gifts with strength to persevere.And so we come; O draw us to Thy feet,
Most patient Savior, who canst love us still!
And by this food, so awful and so sweet,
Deliver us from every touch of ill:
In Thine own service make us glad and free,
And grant us nevermore to part with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 1:4] In Memory Of The Savior’s Love
In memory of the Savior’s love
We keep the sacred feast,
When every humble, contrite heart
Is made a welcome guest.Symbolic of His broken flesh,
We take the broken bread,
The cup in token of His blood
That was for sinners shed.Under His banner now we sing
The wonders of His love
And so anticipate by faith
The heav’nly feast above.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Jeremiah 31:18
[Jer 31:18] Return, O Wanderer, Return
Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek an injured Father’s face;
Those warm desires that in thee burn
Were kindled by reclaiming grace.Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek a Father’s melting heart,
Whose pitying eyes thy grief discern,
Whose hand can heal thine inward smart.Return, O wanderer, return,
He heard thy deep repentant sigh,
He saw thy softened spirit mourn
When no intruding ear was nigh.Return, O wanderer, return,
Thy Savior bids thy spirit live;
Go to His bleeding feet, and learn
How freely Jesus can forgive.Return, O wanderer, return,
And wipe away the falling tear;
’Tis God who says, “No longer mourn,”
’Tis mercy’s voice invites thee near.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 19:10
[Luk 19:10] Blessèd News
Blessèd news from Heav’n above,
Send it forth on wings of love,
O’er the mighty ocean wave,
Jesus died, the lost to save.Refrain
Whosoever will believe,
Shall eternal life receive;
Sound the Gospel call,
There is room for all.
Whosoever will believe,
Shall eternal life receive;
Sound the Gospel call:
There is room for all.Blessèd news, O let it roll,
Quickly on to ev’ry soul,
Over land and over sea,
To the world redemption free.Refrain
Blessèd news for those that stray,
On the mountain far away,
Lo, the tender Shepherd’s voice,
Bids them now in Him rejoice.Refrain
Blessèd news for souls oppressed,
Come to Jesus, come and rest;
Turn to Him and He’ll forgive,
To the Cross, O look and live.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:10] O Jesus, Savior Of The Lost
O Jesus, Savior of the lost,
My Rock and Hiding-place,
By storms of sin and sorrow tossed,
I seek Thy sheltering grace.Guilty, forgive me, Lord, I cry;
Pursued by foes, I come;
A sinner, save me, or I die,
An outcast, take me home.Once safe in Thine almighty arms,
Let storms come on amain;
There danger never, never harms;
There death itself is gain.And when I stand before Thy throne,
And all Thy glories see,
Still be my righteousness alone
To hide myself in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:10] Seeking The Lost
Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreating
Wanderers on the mountain astray;
“Come unto Me,” His message repeating,
Words of the Master speaking today.Refrain
Going afar (going afar)
Upon the mountain (upon the mountain)
Bringing the wanderer back again, back again,
Into the fold (into the fold)
Of my Redeemer (of my Redeemer)
Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain, for sinners slain.Seeking the lost and pointing to Jesus
Souls that are weak and hearts that are sore,
Leading them forth in ways of salvation,
Showing the path to life evermore.Refrain
Thus would I go on missions of mercy,
Following Christ from day unto day,
Cheering the faint and raising the fallen,
Pointing the lost to Jesus, the Way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:10] Seeking To Save
Tenderly the Shepherd,
O’er the mountains cold,
Goes to bring the lost one
Back to the fold.Refrain
Seeking to save, seeking to save,
Lost one, ’tis Jesus, seeking to save.
Seeking to save, seeking to save,
Lost one, ’tis Jesus, seeking to save.Refrain
Patiently the owner,
Seeks with earnest care,
In the dust and darkness
Her treasure rare.Refrain
Lovingly the Father
Sends the news around,
“He once dead now liveth—
Once lost is found.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:10] Son Of Man Goes Forth Today, The
The Son of Man goes forth today
With slow and toilsome pace,
By hedge and curb, in mine and wood,
The shepherdless to trace;
Through gleaming square and alley dim,
High hall and basement low,
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.The Son of Man goes forth today,
His eyes suffused with pain,
Where children’s toil and virtue’s worth
Are marketed for gain.
On them, in wrath ’gainst ruthless greed
He lays the millstone’s woe:
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.The Son of Man goes forth today,
Up Calvary’s rocky slope;
His ancient wounds gush forth afresh,
Mankind’s eternal hope.
O Church of God, behold the Man!
Your Lord and Pattern know!
Where goes the Son of Man today
Let those who serve Him go.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:10] Sweet Story Of Jesus
Oh, beautiful story of Jesus our Lord,
That brightens and hallows each page of His Word,
It tells us how humble and lowly His birth,
How many His trials and sorrows on earth.Refrain
Sweet story of Jesus, the tender and meek,
Who came in His mercy lost sinners to seek,
Sweet story of Jesus! though oft it is told,
We love it, we love it—it never grows old.How full of compassion was Jesus our Lord,
The sick and afflicted to health He restored,
The poor He remembered, the hungry He fed,
And gave to the weeping their friends from the dead.Refrain
But when in that story we read how He prayed
Alone in the garden, beneath its dark shade,
How, scorned and insulted, He died for our sake,
Our hearts at his anguish are ready to break.Refrain
But now He has triumphed o’er death and the grave,
He lives our Redeemer, and mighty to save;
To Him Who exalted forever shall live,
All honor, dominion, and glory we give.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
James 1:17
[Jam 1:17] Dear Father-mother
Dear Father-Mother, Thou dost grant
All good and perfect gifts to me;
’Tis mine to raise this beacon here,
Obedience unto Thee.He knows not death who Life obeys,
Nor errs at all when Truth he heeds;
While merged in Love, what hold has hate
Upon his thoughts or deeds?Eternal Life and Truth and Love,
They who obey Thine every call,
Thy freemen are, and freely have
Dominion over all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Mysterious Presence, Source Of All
Mysterious Presence, Source of all—
The world without, the soul within,
Fountain of life, O hear our call,
And pour Thy living waters in!Thou breathest in the rushing wind;
Thy Spirit stirs in leaf and flower;
Nor wilt Thou from the willing mind
Withhold Thy light and love and power.Thy hand unseen to accents clear
Awoke the psalmist’s trembling lyre,
And touched the lip of holy seer
With flame from Thine own altar fire.That touch divine, still, Lord, impart;
Still give the prophet’s burning word;
And, vocal in each waiting heart,
Let living psalms of praise be heard.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Praise The Giver Of All
Let us mingle our voices in chorus today;
The earth is rejoicing, all nature is gay,
And the stream in the valley goes laughing along;
How happy its beautiful song.Refrain
Praise the Lord, the Giver of all,
Praise the Lord, the Giver of all;
Let His children with rapture His mercy recall,
The bountiful Giver of all.There is joy in the sunbeam that sparkles so bright
And calls the young blossoms to welcome the light;
And the bird in the greenwood is singing with glee,
As cheerful and happy as we.Refrain
Let us join the glad music and joyfully raise,
In purest devotion, our jubilant praise;
We are grateful to God for this beautiful day:
We’ll sing the bright moments away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Thine Are All The Gifts, O God
Thine are all the gifts, O God,
Thine the broken bread;
Let the naked feet be shod
And the starving fed.Let Thy children, by Thy grace,
Give as they abound,
Till the poor have breathing-space,
And the lost are found.Wiser than the miser’s hoards
Is the giver’s choice;
Sweeter than the song of birds
Is the thankful voice;Welcome smiles on faces sad
As the flowers of spring:
Let the tender hearts be glad
With the joy they bring.Happier for their pity’s sake
Make their sports and plays,
And from the lips of childhood take
Thy perfected praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal