Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Hebrews 4:1-16 (NET)

God’s Promised Rest
4:1 Therefore we must be wary that, while the promise of entering his rest remains open, none of you may seem to have come short of it. 4:2 For we had good news proclaimed to us just as they did. But the message they heard did them no good , since they did not join in with those who heard it in faith . 4:3 For we who have believed enter that rest , as he has said , “As I swore in my anger , ‘They will never enter my rest !’” And yet God’s works were accomplished from the foundation of the world . 4:4 For he has spoken somewhere about the seventh day in this way : “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works ,” 4:5 but to repeat the text cited earlier: “They will never enter my rest !” 4:6 Therefore it remains for some to enter it, yet those to whom it was previously proclaimed did not enter because of disobedience . 4:7 So God again ordains a certain day , “Today ,” speaking through David after so long a time , as in the words quoted before , “O, that today you would listen as he speaks ! Do not harden your hearts .” 4:8 For if Joshua had given them rest , God would not have spoken afterward about another day . 4:9 Consequently a Sabbath rest remains for the people of God . 4:10 For the one who enters God’s rest has also rested from his works , just as God did from his own works . 4:11 Thus we must make every effort to enter that rest , so that no one may fall by following the same pattern of disobedience . 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword , piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit , and joints from marrow ; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart . 4:13 And no creature is hidden from God , but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account .
Jesus Our Compassionate High Priest
4:14 Therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens , Jesus the Son of God , let us hold fast to our confession . 4:15 For we do not have a high priest incapable of sympathizing with our weaknesses , but one who has been tempted in every way just as we are , yet without sin . 4:16 Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help .



Bible Dictionary




(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • 'Ku Disalibkan dengan Tuhanku [KJ.404] ( Dying with Jesus / Moment by Moment )
  • Alangkah Indahnya [KJ.448] ( Blest Be the Tie That Binds )
  • Anak Maria dalam Palungan [KJ.112]
  • Arah ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.221] ( The Lord Ascendeth Up on High )
  • Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
  • Dalam Kota Raja Daud [KJ.113]
  • Di Jalanku 'Ku Diiring [KJ.408]
  • Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan [KJ.191]
  • Indahnya Saat yang Teduh [KJ.454] ( Sweet Hour of Prayer )
  • Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
  • Mampirlah, Dengar Doaku [KJ.26] ( Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior )
  • Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
  • O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20] ( O Day of Rest and Gladness )
  • O Yesus Kristus, T'rang Baka [KJ.140]
  • Pada Kaki SalibMu [KJ.368]
  • Puji Yesus [KJ.293]
  • Tatkala Hari pun Senja [KJ.148]
  • Yesus Kawan yang Sejati [KJ.453] ( What a Friend We Have in Jesus )
  • [Heb 4:3] Jesus, Son Of Mary, Fount Of Life Alone
  • [Heb 4:3] My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
  • [Heb 4:7] Far From God, Away From Jesus
  • [Heb 4:7] Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home
  • [Heb 4:9] And Now The Wants Are Told
  • [Heb 4:9] Beautiful Vale Of Rest
  • [Heb 4:9] Blessed Homeland
  • [Heb 4:9] Come, Let Us Join With One Accord
  • [Heb 4:9] Friend After Friend Departs
  • [Heb 4:9] Gathering Home
  • [Heb 4:9] Homeward Bound
  • [Heb 4:9] How Sweet The Hour Of Closing Day
  • [Heb 4:9] If There Be That Skills To Reckon
  • [Heb 4:9] I’m But A Stranger Here
  • [Heb 4:9] Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting
  • [Heb 4:9] Lord, I Believe A Rest Remains
  • [Heb 4:9] Lord, On Thy Returning Day
  • [Heb 4:9] Maker Of Earth, To Thee Alone
  • [Heb 4:9] My Ain Countrie
  • [Heb 4:9] My Heart Is Yearning Ever
  • [Heb 4:9] Now The Busy Week Is Done
  • [Heb 4:9] O Sleepless Nights, O Cheerless Days
  • [Heb 4:9] Rest At Home
  • [Heb 4:9] Rest For The Weary
  • [Heb 4:9] Rest If You Will
  • [Heb 4:9] Rest Remaineth For The Weary, A
  • [Heb 4:9] Softly Fades The Twilight Ray
  • [Heb 4:9] There Is A Blessed Home
  • [Heb 4:9] There Is A Calm For Those Who Weep
  • [Heb 4:9] There Is A Paradise Of Rest
  • [Heb 4:9] There Is An Hour Of Peaceful Rest
  • [Heb 4:9] Thine Earthly Sabbaths, Lord, We Love
  • [Heb 4:9] To Realms Of Glory
  • [Heb 4:9] When Winds Are Raging
  • [Heb 4:11] O Where Shall Rest Be Found?
  • [Heb 4:11] Resting By And By
  • [Heb 4:12] O That I Could Repent
  • [Heb 4:12] Word Of God, The
  • [Heb 4:14] Atoning Work Is Done, The
  • [Heb 4:14] Great High Priest, We See Thee Stooping
  • [Heb 4:14] With Joy We Meditate The Grace
  • [Heb 4:15] There Is No Sorrow, Lord, Too Light
  • [Heb 4:15] Wonders Of Redeeming Love, The
  • [Heb 4:16] Behold The Throne Of Grace
  • [Heb 4:16] Behold We Come, Dear Lord, To Thee
  • [Heb 4:16] Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace
  • [Heb 4:16] I Need Thee Every Hour
  • [Heb 4:16] They Who Seek The Throne Of Grace


Sermon Illustrations

The Lord’s Day; The Pull of Sin; Mary Had The Little Lamb; Mary Had The Little Lamb; Thank God for What We Cannot Lose; Revelation 2-3; We Have Access!; Romans 5:1-2; Ephesians 2:18; An Exercise of Worship; R. A. Torry; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:15; Matthew 4:1-11; Logos; Rest in Six Aspects; Symbols in Scripture; All Scripture Is Inspired; General; Who Is Jesus Christ?; Definitions of Faith; Prayer: Not a Dreamy Reverie


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • "2:1-3 echoes 1:1 by introducing the same phrases but in reverse order: he created,' God,' heavens and earth' reappear as heavens and earth' (2:1) God' (2:2), created' (2:3). This chiastic pattern brings the section to a neat...
  • In this final part of the Book of the Covenant, which concludes with 23:33, God gave the Israelites promises and precepts relating to their conquest of the Promised Land. Suzerainty treaties normally concluded with an explana...
  • The tabernacle walls consisted of rigid supports with curtains hung over the boards. These draperies also evidently formed its ceiling. Most commentators believe that the tabernacle was a single structure, but a few believe i...
  • Aaron had been functioning as a priest (Heb. cohen; 4:16). Now Moses officially appointed him and his sons to this office. God apparently specified Aaron because he was the brother of Moses whom God had already designated as ...
  • Having received their sentence from the Lord, the people then presumptuously proceeded to go up on their own to take the land (vv. 40-42)."They are like children who had broken a valuable vase and decided to make it better' b...
  • The Book of Numbers is a lesson in the importance of trust and obedience. The Israelites frequently failed to trust and obey God in the hours of their trials, and consequently God postponed His blessing. Most of them never en...
  • This is the most positively stated of the Ten Commandments. Only one other commandment appears in the affirmative, namely, the fifth. The fourth commandment is a charge to refresh oneself physically and spiritually. The Hebre...
  • Having received his marching orders from Yahweh, Joshua prepared to mobilize the nation.1:10-11 Joshua expected to be able to cross the Jordan within three days."The Jordan River wanders about two hundred miles to cover the s...
  • The Book of Ruth is one of the most fascinating and important short stories that anyone has ever written. As a piece of literature it is almost perfect. The German poet Goethe called it "the loveliest complete work on a small...
  • Why did the writer give us so much information about this woman's concern for Saul? For one thing, it is another instance of the reversal of fortune motif that is so common in 1 and 2 Samuel. Saul should have executing the wo...
  • Messiah would meet certain qualifications (vv. 2-3a) and would rule with absolute justice (vv. 3b-5) with the result that people would live in peace (vv. 6-9)11:1 The prophet had just described Assyria cut down like a forest ...
  • There are two more "woes"that deal with Jerusalem in this chapter (vv. 1-14, 15-24) in addition to the one in chapter 28. The first of these is similar to the previous "woe"(cf. vv. 1-8 with 28:1-6, and vv. 9-14 with 28:7-13)...
  • "The first [biographical Servant] Song was a word from the Lord to the world about his Servant: Your plight is known, my Servant will deal with it' [42:1-4]; but the second [autobiographical] Song is the Servant's testimony h...
  • 44:1-2 Ezekiel's guide next took him back to the east outer gate (cf. 40:6-16). The gate itself, on the east side of the gate complex, was shut and was to remain shut. The Lord told the prophet that this gate was shut because...
  • Micah had prayed, he received the Lord's answer, and this answer moved him to worship (cf. Exod. 34:6-7).447:18 The prophet praised Yahweh as a God who is unique in that He pardons the rebellious sins of the surviving remnant...
  • 3:6-7 Then the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua. He promised, in the name of sovereign Yahweh, that if Joshua obeyed the Lord and served Him, Joshua would govern the temple, have charge of the temple courts, and enjoy free...
  • Matthew began his Gospel with a record of Jesus' genealogy because the Christians claimed that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. To qualify as such He had to be a Jew from the royal line of David (Isa. 9:6-...
  • This invitation is a sign of Israel's rejection of her King since with it Jesus invited those who had believed in Him to separate themselves from unbelieving Israel and to follow Him. In verses 20-24 Jesus addressed the conde...
  • 27:51a The inner veil of the temple is undoubtedly in view here, the one separating the holy place from the holy of holies (cf. Heb. 4:16; 6:19-20; 9:11-28; 10:19-22). The tearing happened at 3:00 p.m., the time of the evenin...
  • In this parable the rich man and his brothers who did not listen to Moses and the prophets (vv. 29-31) represent the Pharisees (vv. 16-17). The Pharisees believed in a future life and a coming judgment, but they, as the rich ...
  • In this part of his speech Peter cited three proofs that Jesus was the Messiah: His miracles (v. 22), His resurrection (vv. 23-32), and His ascension (vv. 33-35). Verse 36 is a summary conclusion.2:22 Peter argued that God ha...
  • The apostle developed the fact that God will not lose one whom He has foreknown in this climactic section, and he gloried in this great truth."Nowhere in the annals of sacred literature do we find anything to match the power ...
  • Paul began to pray for his readers again (cf. vv. 1, 14), but he interrupted himself to tell them more about the church. What he said in this section gives background information concerning the church as a mystery.3:1 "For th...
  • The apostle proceeded to express his sincere gratitude to God for his friends in Philippi. He did this to assure them of God's continuing working for them and his satisfaction with their partnership in the work of the gospel....
  • We could summarize the message of this epistle in the following words. We will only realize our full eternal reward as believers if we appreciate the greatness of Jesus Christ and continue to trust God rather than turning awa...
  • I. The culminating revelation of God 1:1-2:18A. The agent of God's final revelation 1:1-4B. The superiority of the Son 1:5-14C. The danger of negligence (the first warning) 2:1-4D. The humiliation and glory of God's Son 2:5-9...
  • Hebrews is a sermon reduced to writing (cf. 13:22; James). Indications of this fact are the writer's references to speaking and hearing (cf. 2:5; 5:11; 8:1; 9:5; 11:32). His epistle is more typical of speech than of writing.V...
  • The writer began his epistle with an affirmation of Jesus Christ's greatness to introduce his readers to his subject. This section is one sentence in the Greek text. It contrasts God's old revelation with the new, specificall...
  • The writer proceeded to explain the exaltation of Jesus Christ to help his readers appreciate the fact that He fulfilled Old Testament prophecy concerning the Son of David. He did this so they would appreciate Him properly an...
  • Having just encouraged his readers with a reminder of God's help for the faithful (1:14) the writer next urged his readers to be faithful. He did so to warn them of the possibility of retrogressing spiritually and consequentl...
  • The writer next emphasized the future glory that the Son will experience to heighten his readers' appreciation for Him and for their own future with Him. He did this by reflecting on Psalm 8. He wanted his readers to apprecia...
  • The writer proceeded to take up the terms "merciful"and "faithful"from 2:17 and to expound them in reverse order. He spoke of the faithfulness of Jesus (3:1-6, exposition) and the need for his hearers to remain faithful as we...
  • "The author steadily develops his argument that Jesus is supremely great. He is greater than the angels, the author of a great salvation, and great enough to become man to accomplish it. Now the author turns his attention to ...
  • The writer returned again from exhortation to exposition. He now posed the alternatives of rest and peril that confronted the new people of God, Christians.127The writer warned his readers so they would not fail to enter into...
  • Having explored the concept of Jesus as a faithfulhigh priest (3:1-4:14), the writer proceeded next to develop the idea that Jesus is a mercifulhigh priest in the service of God (cf. 2:17). A high priest must be faithful to G...
  • The transition from exposition (4:15-5:10) to exhortation (5:11-6:20) marks the beginning of a new division in this sermon. The structure of this division is as follows.158aPreliminary exhortation (5:11-6:20)AThe priest like ...
  • "Dull of hearing"(5:11) and "sluggish"(6:12, Gr. nothroiin both cases) form an inclusiothat frames this pericope and sets it off as a distinct textual segment.159The first two warnings in Hebrews were against drifting (2:1-4)...
  • 5:11 "Him"refers to Melchizedek (v. 10; cf. 6:20-10:18). Evidently the original readers had begun to let their minds wander as they heard the same things repeatedly. Rather than listening carefully, hearing completely, and co...
  • The writer pointed out the consequences of not pressing on to maturity to motivate his readers to pursue spiritual growth diligently.Christians have interpreted this passage in many different ways. Some believe that those who...
  • Even though the danger his readers faced was great, the writer believed they could avoid it. Consequently he concluded this warning as he did the ones in 2:1-4 and 3:1-4:16 with a word of hope to encourage his audience.6:9 Th...
  • 7:23-24 The Levitical priests had to succeed one another because they kept dying, but Christ needs no successor because He will not die.7:25 The fact that Christ will not die and need replacement by another priest means that ...
  • The writer now focused on the issue of sacrifice."The argument moves a stage further as the author turns specifically to what Christ has done. The sacrifices of the old covenant were ineffectual. But in strong contrast Christ...
  • The writer began with a three-fold admonition, which is all one sentence in the Greek text. The long sentence intensifies the writer's appeal.306"In view of all that has been accomplished for us by Christ, he says, let us con...
  • The writer concluded his warning by reminding his readers of their former faithfulness when tempted to encourage them to endure their present and future testings (cf. 4:12-16; 6:9-20)."The juxtaposition of 10:26-31 and 32-35 ...
  • The writer next urged his readers to take specific action that would enhance their continuance in the faith.This word of exhortation, as well as the others, reveals that the original readers were spiritually weak. Consequentl...
  • These verses summarize what the writer said previously about irrevocable loss through disobedience, unbelief, apostasy, and contempt for New Covenant privileges. The fearful warning about Esau brings these earlier warnings to...
  • The writer proceeded to explain the superiority of the New Covenant by comparing it with the Old Covenant using the figure of two mountains: Sinai and Zion.12:18-21 These verses describe the giving of the Old Covenant at Mt. ...
  • "Within the structure of 13:7-19, vv 7-9 and vv 17-19 constitute the literary frame for the central unit of explanatory parenesis in vv 10-16."43713:7 The example of our spiritual leaders is one we should follow (cf. 12:1; 13...
  • The closing verses of Hebrews are an addendum to the body of the homily. The writer added them because he felt concern for his addressees and wanted to add a few personal remarks.13:22 The writer urged his readers again to ac...
  • Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)."Biblical Viewpoint24:1 (April 1990):31-38.Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publishing Co., 1999.Barclay, William. The Lett...
  • Peter explained what Christian conduct should be negatively (v. 11) and positively (v. 12). Then he expounded more specifically what it should be positively in 2:13-4:11.2:11 "Beloved, I [or we] urge you"frequently marks off ...
  • To prepare his readers to meet the Lord soon Peter urged them to make the best use of their time now that they understood what he had written about suffering.4:7 Like the other apostles Peter believed the return of Jesus Chri...
  • 3:1 Peter's first letter was most likely 1 Peter. He implied that he wrote this letter soon after the earlier one. This second epistle, he said, went to the same audience in northern Asia Minor (cf. 1 Pet. 1:1), primarily Gen...
  • "The present vv, 3:4-9, form six strophes, each of which divides . . . roughly into half. The two halves of the strophes balance one another; for the second part of the v provides a development of the first part (vv 4, 5, 7),...
  • John turned to see the person who had given him his commission. These verses describe what he saw.1:12 When John turned to see the person who spoke to him he saw a majestic figure clothed in a long robe standing among seven l...
  • On the one hand, the return of Jesus Christ to the earth is the climax of all that has preceded. On the other, it is the first of seven final things that John saw and recorded. These things were Christ's return, Satan's captu...
  • 20:11 This "And I saw"introduces something else John saw in this vision (cf. 19:11, 17, 19; 20:1, 4, 12; 21:1, 2). The continuation of chronological progression seems clear from the continued use of "And"to introduce new info...
  • John now saw a new scene that elaborated on the passing away of the present earth and heaven to which he had just referred briefly (20:11). The new earth and heaven will come into existence after the Millennium and the great ...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Hast,' a past tense. It is as good as done. The believing use of God's greatpast, and initial mercy, to make us sure of His future. (a) In that He will certainly accomplish it.(b) In that even now there is a foretaste--rest i...
  • These people who sang thus perished in the wilderness I They let go hold of God's hand, so they sank like lead.' So He will fulfil begun work (Philippians 1:6). Let us cleave to Him. In Hebrews 3. and Hebrews 4. lessons are d...
  • The gravity of the revolt here is partly in its universality, which is emphasised in the narrative at every turn: all the congregation' (Num. 14:1), all the children of Israel,' the whole congregation' (Num. 14:2), all the as...
  • We which have believed do enter into rest'--Heb. 4:3.Do enter'--but on a hundred gravestones you will read He entered into rest' on such and such a day, as a synonym for He died.' It is strange that an expression which the wr...
  • There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10. For He that is entered into His rest, He also hath ceased from Him own works, as God did from His.'--Heb. 4:9-10.WE lose much of the meaning of this passage by our su...
  • Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest. lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.'--Heb. 4:11.WITH this simple, practical exhortation, the writer closes one of the most profound and intricate portions of ...
  • Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.'--Heb. 4:16.IN the context are three great exhortations which bear a very remarkable and distinct relati...
  • The priest's office of old culminated in his entrance into the Holy of Holies, to present the blood of sacrifice. Christ's priesthood is completed by His ascension and heavenly intercession. We necessarily attach local ideas ...
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