NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 10:27


men <01121> [children.]

bring .... gift <0935 04503> [brought him.]

nothing <02790> [he held his peace. or, he was as though he had been deaf.]

1 Samuel 11:6-7


Spirit ... God <0430 07307> [Spirit of God.]

angry <0639> [his anger.]


took <03947> [he took.]

The sending the pieces of the oxen was an act similar to that of the Levite, Jud 19:29, where see the Note. An eminent Scotch writer describes the rites, incantations, and imprecations used prior to the fiery cross being circulated, to summon the rough warriors of ancient times to the service of their chief; and he alludes to this ancient custom, which in comparatively modern times, has been practised in Scotland; and proves that a similar punishment of death, or destruction of their houses, for disobeying the summons, was inflicted by the ancient Scandinavians, as recorded by Olaus Magnus, in his History of the Goths. This bears a striking similarity to the ancient custom of the Israelites. With the Highlanders, a goat was slain; with the Israelites, an ox. The exhibition of a cross, stained with the blood of the sacrificed animal, was the summons of the former, while part of the animal, was the mandate of the latter. Disobedience in one nation was punished with the death of themselves or oxen, and burning of their dwellings in the other.

cut <05408> [hewed.]

out ............................. out <03318> [Whosoever.]

terror <06343> [the fear.]

one <0259 0376> [with one consent. Heb. as one man.]

1 Samuel 11:12


<0559> [Who is he.]

Psalms 118:22-23


stone <068> [The stone.]

<07218> [the head.]


Lord's ...... amazing <03068 06381> [the Lord's doing. Heb. from the Lord.]

amazing <06381> [it is.]

Acts 7:35-39


Moses <3475> [Moses.]

This <5126> [the same.]

a ruler ........ ruler <758> [a ruler.]

in <1722> [by.]


led ... out <1806> [brought.]

performing <4160> [after.]

in ...... at ... Red .... in <1722 2063> [in the Red.]

and .... in ...... at ..... and in ... wilderness <2532 1722 2048> [and in the wilderness.]


Moses <3475> [that.]

a prophet <4396> [A prophet.]

like me <5613 1691> [like unto me. or, as myself. him.]


in ... congregation in ........... at <1722 1577> [in the church.]

with ... angel <3326 32> [with the.]

<3739> [who.]

living <2198> [lively.]


<3739> [whom.]

but <235> [but.]

and ....... their <2532 846> [and in.]

Acts 7:1


Are <1487> [Are.]

Colossians 1:27-29


<3739> [whom.]

riches <4149> [the riches.]

Christ <5547> [Christ.]

among ....... in you <1722 5213> [in you. or, among you. the hope.]


<3739> [Whom.]

instructing <3560> [warning.]

teaching <1321> [teaching.]

all ... with all ........ every .... in <1722 3956> [in all.]

we may present <3936> [we may.]

mature <5046> [perfect.]


I ... labor <2872> [labour.]

struggling <75> [striving.]

<846> [his.]

in <1722> [mightily.]

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