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2 Chronicles 29:1--31:21


<03169> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Hezekiah.]

[Ezekias. Zechariah.]


[28:1 34:2 2Ki 18:3]

Of several of Hezekiah's predecessors it had been said that they did that which was right, but not like David, that is, not with David's integrity and zeal.


first ..... first <07223> [A.M. 3278. B.C. 726. He in the first.]

opened <06605> [opened.]


square .... east <07339 04217> [east street.]


consecrate ...... consecrate <06942> [sanctify now.]

consecrate ...... consecrate ... temple <06942 01004> [sanctify the house.]

Remove <03318> [carry forth.]


fathers <01> [For our fathers.]

abandoned .... turned away <05800 05437> [have forsaken him.]

turned away <05437> [turned away.]

rejected <06203 05414> [turned their backs. Heb. given the neck.]


Those, says Matthew Henry, who turn their backs upon God's ordinances, may truly be said to forsake God himself. The lamps were not lighted, and incense was not burnt: there are still such neglects as these, and they are no less culpable, if the Word be not duly read and opened, answering to the lighting of the lamps, and if prayers and praises be not duly offered up, which was signified by the burning of incense.


angry <07110> [Wherefore.]

made <05414> [he hath delivered.]

It is probable Hezekiah refers to that dreadful defeat by the Israelites, in which one hundred and twenty thousand were slain, and two hundred thousand taken prisoners: see ch. 28:6-8.

<02189> [trouble. Heb. commotion.]

horror <08047> [to astonishment.]


fathers <01> [our fathers.]


intend <03824> [Now it is.]

make ... covenant <03772 01285> [to make a covenant.]

To renew that covenant under which the whole people were constantly considered, and of which circumcision was the sign, and the spirit of which was, "I will be your God, ye shall be my people."

raging <02740> [that his fierce.]


negligent <07952> [negligent. or, deceived.]

<03068> [the Lord]

offer <06999> [burn incense. or, offer sacrifice.]


Kohathites <06956> [Kohathites.]

son ...... son ........ son ...... son ........ son ...... son <01121> [of the sons.]

son ...... son ........ son ...... son ........ son ...... son <01121> [of the sons.]

Gershonites <01649> [of the Gershonites.]


Elizaphan <0469> [Elizaphan.]


Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

Jeduthun <03038> [Jeduthun.]


consecrated ..... went <06942 0935> [sanctified themselves.]


Lord's ............. word .... Lord <01697 03068> [by the words of the Lord. or, in the business of the Lord.]

purify <02891> [to cleanse.]


priests <03548> [the priests.]

The priests and Levites cleansed first the courts both of the priests and of the people. On this labour they spent eight days. Then they cleansed the interior of the temple; but, as the Levites had no right to enter the temple, the priests carried all the dirt and rubbish to the porch, whence they were collected by the Levites, carried away, and cast into the brook Kidron: in this work, eight more days were occupied; and thus the temple was purified in sixteen days.

entered <06441> [the inner part.]

ceremonially unclean thing <02932> [all the uncleanness.]

Kidron <06939> [Kidron.]



porch <0197> [the porch.]

sixteenth <08337> [the sixteenth.]


altar <04196> [the altar.]

Bread of the Presence <04635> [the shewbread.]


items <03627> [all the vessels.]

<02186> [did cast away.]

Or, as the LXX., Vulgate, and Targum read, "did pollute," {hizneeach,} he rendered them so abominable that they were rejected with abhorrence.


Early <07925> [rose.]


brought <0935> [they brought.]

The law only required one bullock for the sins of the high priest, another for the sins of the people, and one he-goat for the sins of the prince: but Hezekiah offered many more, and the reason appears sufficiently evident: the law only speaks of the sins of ignorance, but here there were sins of every dye, idolatry, apostasy from the Divine worship, profanation of the temple, etc., etc. The sin offerings, we are informed, were offered, first, for the Kingdom, for the transgressions of the king and his family; secondly, for the sanctuary, which had been defiled and polluted; and for the priests, who had been profane, negligent, and unholy; and finally, for Judah, for the whole mass of the people, who had been led away into every kind of abomination by the above examples.

seven ... seven ... seven .... seven <07651> [seven.]

sin offering <02403> [a sin offering.]


splashed ............ splashed ............. splashed <02236> [sprinkled.]


Finally <05066> [forth. Heb. near. they laid.]


offered ...... sin <02398> [reconciliation.]

atonement <03722> [to make.]

sin offering <02403> [the sin offering.]


stationed <05975> [And he set.]

ordered ........ orders <04687> [according.]

Gad <01410> [Gad.]

Nathan <05416> [Nathan.]

ordered ........ orders <04687> [for so was.]

Lord's .................. prophet ..... Lord ....... through ... prophets <03068 03027 05030> [of the Lord by his prophets. Heb. by the hand of the Lord, by the hand of his prophets.]


instruments <03627> [the instruments.]

priests <03548> [the priests.]


<06256> [when. Heb. in the time. the song.]

instruments <03627> [the instruments. Heb. hands of instruments.]


assembly <06951> [And all the congregation.]

singers sang <07891 07892> [the singers sang. Heb. song.]


were <04672> [present. Heb. found. bowed themselves.]


psalms <01697> [with the words.]

praise ................. praise <01984> [they sang.]


consecrated ..... Lord ........... Lord's <04390 03068> [consecrated yourselves. or, filled your hand.]

sacrifices ............. sacrifices <02077> [sacrifices.]

thank offerings ............ thank offerings <08426> [thank.]

<05081> [and as many, etc.]

As the burnt offerings were wholly consumed on the altar, the offering of them evinced greater zeal and liberality than the oblation of peace offerings, the greater part of which was eaten by the officer and his friends.


total <04557> [the number.]

Comparing the sacrifices offered on this occasion with those of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, we may form some idea of the decrease of the prosperity and riches of Judah, or of the decline of the general spirit of piety.


<06944> [the consecrated.]

It is probable that the consecrated things denote the peace offerings and thank offerings.


priests ..................... priests ................ priests <03548> [the priests.]

Peace offerings, and such like, the Levites might flay and dress; but the whole burnt offerings could only be touched by the priests, except in a case of necessity, such as the present.

brothers <0251> [their brethren.]

helped ..... work <02388 04399> [did help them. Heb. strengthened them. for the Levites.]

conscientious <03477> [upright.]


burnt sacrifices ................ burnt sacrifices <05930> [the burnt.]

fat <02459> [the fat.]

drink offerings <05262> [the drink.]

service <05656> [so the.]


happy <08055 03169> [Hezekiah rejoiced.]

Both Hezekiah and the people rejoiced, that God had prepared the hearts of the people to bring about so great and glorious a reformation in so short a time. This good king's example and influence were here, as in many other cases, under God, the grand spring of all those mighty movements.

God <0430> [God.]

<01697> [the thing.]


Israel ................................ Israel <03478> [Israel.]

Ephraim <0669> [Ephraim.]

temple <01004> [to the house.]

observe <06213> [to keep.]


king <04428> [the king.]

second month <08145 02320> [in the second month.]

In Ijar, as they could not celebrate in Nisan, the 14th of which month was the proper time. But Hezekiah and his counsellors justly concluded, that the regulation of the 14th day of the second month, which had been made for individuals who were hindered from eating the passover at the appointed season, might in their present circumstances be extended to the people at large.


time <06256> [at that time.]

priests <03548> [because.]


proposal ...... king <03474 04428> [pleased the king. Heb. was right in the eyes of the king.]


sent <05975> [established.]

edict <05674> [to make proclamation.]

Beer Sheba <0884> [from Beer-sheba.]

observe ................ observed <06213> [for they.]


Messengers <03212 07323> [the posts went.]

{Ratzim,} "runners," or couriers, of the same kind as the running footmen, who were formerly, before the establishment of posts, and still are in some places, trained, and kept on purpose to convey dispatches speedily by running.

king .......... royal ............................ kings <04428> [the king. Heb. the hand of the king. turn again.]

return .............. return <07725> [and he will.]

who have been spared <06413> [escaped.]


fathers ... brothers ........... ancestors <01 0251> [like.]

see <07200> [as.]


stubborn <07185> [be ye not stiffnecked. Heb. harden not your necks.]

Submit <03027 05414> [yield yourselves. Heb. give the hand.]

come .... sanctuary <0935 04720> [enter into.]

consecrated <06942> [which he hath.]

Serve <05647> [serve.]

raging <02740> [the fierceness.]


return ................. return .................... return <07725> [if ye turn.]

return ................. return .................... return <07725> [so that they shall.]

Lord ................... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

reject <05493> [will not.]

reject <05493> [turn away.]


messengers journeyed <07323> [the posts.]

<07832> [they laughed.]


men ... Asher <0836 0582> [divers of Asher.]

It has been said, that Hezekiah had no right to invite Hoshea's subjects to repair to Jerusalem to his passover; but it may be presumed, that he was encouraged to do this by Hoshea himself, who was one of their best kings; besides which, both the golden calves having been taken away by the Assyrians, the apostate Israelites, being thus deprived of idols, had begun to return to the Lord, and to go up to Jerusalem to worship, some time before Hezekiah gave them this invitation.

humbled .... came <03665 0935> [humbled themselves.]


God <03027 0430> [the hand of God.]

edict <04687> [the commandment.]

command <01697> [by the word.]


assembled <0622> [there assembled.]

second month <02320 08145> [the second month.]



altars ......... incense <04196 06999> [altars.]

Valley <05158> [the brook.]



ashamed <03637> [were ashamed.]

consecrated <06942> [and sanctified.]


stood <05975> [they stood.]

posts <05977> [place. Heb. standing. after their manner.]

Moses <04872> [Moses.]

priests <03548> [the priests.]


Levites <03881> [the Levites.]

slaughtered <07821> [the killing.]


many .... Ephraim <0669 07227> [many of Ephraim.]

ceremonially <03808 02891> [had not cleansed.]

Passover <06453> [the passover.]

prayed <06419> [prayed.]

good <02896> [The good.]


determined <03559> [prepareth.]

ceremonially clean according to the standards <02893> [though he be not.]


forgave <07495> [healed.]


observed <04672> [present. Heb. found. the feast.]

great joy <08057 01419> [great gladness.]

priests <03548> [the priests.]

might <03627 05797> [loud instruments. Heb. instruments of strength.]


appreciation ..... Levites <03820 03881> [comfortably unto all. Heb. to the heart of all.]

demonstrated <07919> [taught.]

great <02896> [the good.]

giving thanks <03034> [and making.]


decided <03289> [took counsel.]


celebrate ...... so .... celebrated <06213> [to keep.]

They did not observe other seven days of unleavened bread, but offered sacrifices with praise and thanksgiving, and feasting, other seven days; and, as the people in general, and especially those who came out of the kingdom of Israel, would be unprepared for this additional expense, both Hezekiah and his princes liberally supplied them with cattle for sacrifices.


supplied ............. supplied <07311> [did give. Heb. lifted up, or offered.]

Many <07230> [a great.]


resident foreigners <01616> [the strangers.]

celebration <08055> [rejoiced.]


time <03117> [since the time.]


priests <03548> [the priests.]

prayers <08605> [their prayer.]

holy dwelling place <04583 06944> [his holy dwelling place. Heb. the habitation of his holiness.]


When <03615> [Now when.]

Israelites ...................................... Israelites <03478> [all Israel.]

were <04672> [present. Heb. found.]

smashed <07665> [brake.]

sacred pillars <04676> [images. Heb. statues.]

Ephraim <0669> [in Ephraim.]

When <03615> [until, etc. Heb. until to make an end.]


divisions <04256> [the courses.]

give thanks <03034> [to give thanks.]

gates ..... sanctuary <08179 04264 03068> [in the gates of the tents of the Lord.]

{Besh„ƒrey machanoth Yehowah,} "within the gates of the camps of Jehovah;" which comprehended the whole of the buildings that surrounded the temple, in which the priests and Levites were stationed, and which resembled military encampments.


king <04428> [the king's.]

morning <01242> [for the morning.]

burnt sacrifices ....... burnt sacrifices .... burnt sacrifices <05930> [the burnt.]

new moon <02320> [for the new moons.]

festivals <04150> [the set feasts.]


portion prescribed <04521> [the portion.]

be obedient <02388> [that they might.]

law <08451> [the law.]


edict <01697> [as soon.]

issued <06555> [came abroad. Heb. brake forth. the first fruits.]

honey <01706> [honey. or, dates.]

The word {devash} generally denotes the honey produced by bees; but as we have already observed (on Ge 43:11,) the Jewish doctors are of opinion that it here signifies dates, of the fruit of the palm tree; which the Arabians call {daboos,} and the honey produced from them, {dibs.} "This liquor," says Dr. Shaw, "which has a more luscious sweetness than honey, is of the consistence of a thin syrup, but quickly grows tart and ropy, acquiring an intoxicating quality, and giving by distillation an agreeable spirit, or arÆ’ky, according to the general name of these people for all hot liquors, extracted by the alembic." Though Jehovah forbad any {devash,} or honey, to offered to him upon the altar, yet it appears it might be presented as first-fruits, or in the way of tithes, which were designed for the sustenance of the priests.


Israelites <01121> [the children.]

tenth ........... tenth <04643> [the tithe.]

many heaps <06194> [by heaps. Heb. heaps, heaps.]



praised <01288> [blessed.]

people <05971> [and his people.]


Azariah <05838> [Azariah.]

began <02490> [Since.]

plenty <07646> [we have had.]

Lord's .................. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


storerooms <03957> [chambers. or, store-houses.]


consecrated items <06944> [the dedicated.]

Konaniah <03562> [over which.]


worked under <03027> [under. Heb. at. at the commandment.]

Azariah <05838> [Azariah.]


guard <07778> [the porter.]

voluntary offerings <05071> [the free-will.]

disbursed <05414> [to distribute.]

items <06944> [the most.]


Eden <05731> [next him. Heb. at his hand.]

13 *marg:

Miniamin <04509> [Miniamin.]

Instead of {Miniamin,} Benjamin is the reading of three MSS., and of the Syriac, Arabic, LXX., and Vulgate.

cities <05892> [the cities.]

faithfully <0530> [set office. or, trust.]

1Ch 9:22 *marg:

regardless ... age <01419> [as well.]


daily <03117> [his daily.]


<03187> [genealogy.]

twenty <06242> [twenty.]

divisions <04256> [by their courses.]


faithfully <0530> [set office. or, trust.]

15 1Ch 9:22 *margins [All]

consecrated <06942> [they sanctified.]


outskirts <07704> [the fields.]

<0582> [the men.]


what ... did ..... did <06213> [wrought.]


law <08451> [in the law.]

wholeheartedly ... successfully <06213 03824> [he did it.]

successfully reinstituted <06743> [prospered.]

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